Journal Boards


Prof. Dr. Todd KETTLER Baylor University United States

Todd Kettler, Ph.D., is associate professor of educational psychology in the School of Education at Baylor University. He teaches courses in gifted education, and creativity. Dr. Kettler previously worked as an English teacher, a gifted education specialist, and a director of advanced academics. He has published research in journals such as Gifted Child Quarterly, Journal for the Education of the Gifted, Journal of Advanced Academics, and Thinking Skills and Creativity, and Journal of Creative Behavior. He co-authored A Teacher’s Guide to Using the Common Core State Standards with Gifted and Advanced Learners in English/Language Arts (2014). His book on gifted and talented learning designs, Modern Curriculum for Gifted and Advanced Academic Students, won the 2016 Legacy Award for the best scholarly book in gifted education. His most recent book on integrated creative pedagogy, Creativity in the Classroom: Learning and Innovation for 21st Century Schools was published in 2018. Dr. Kettler coordinates the gifted and talented education programs for the School of Education at Baylor University which includes preparation of pre-service teachers, as well as advanced graduate degrees focusing on gifted education. He currently serves as the Chair of the Commissioner’s Advisory Council for Gifted Education in Texas, and he is co-editor of the Journal of Advanced Academics. Dr. Kettler actively participates as a member of the National Association for Gifted Children and the American Educational Research Association.

Education, Special Talented Education

Assoc. Editors

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Keri GUILBAULT Johns Hopkins University United States Web

Keri M. Guilbault, Ed.D., is an associate professor in the doctor of education (Ed.D.) program and graduate prorgam in gifted education at Johns Hopkins University (JHU).  She serves as program lead of the JHU master's degree and graduate certificate programs in gifted education and twice exceptionalities. Dr. Guilbault is the recipient of the 2020 American MENSA National Chair's Service Award and the 2019 National Association for Gifted Children Early Leader Award. She has worked as a district supervisor of gifted and talented programs, as an instructional coach, and as a teacher of the gifted. Her leadership experience includes three terms on the Board of Directors of the National Association for Gifted Children and a past trustee on the Board of Trustees of the Mensa Education and Research Foundation. Dr. Guilbault was appointed as the Director of Science and Education of American Mensa in 2019 and currently serves as chair of the Mensa International Gifted Youth Committee. She received her master’s degree in Gifted Education from the University of South Florida and obtained her doctoral degree in Educational Leadership with a specialization in gifted education program administration from the University of Central Florida. Her research interests include academic acceleration, parenting the highly to profoundly gifted, and educational leadership of advanced learning programs.

Education, Leadership in Education, Special Talented Education

Prof.Dr. Michael F. Shaughnessy is currently Professor of Educational Studies at Eastern New Mexico University in Portales, New Mexico USA. He has served as Editor in Chief of Gifted Education International and can be reached electronically at His orcid i.d. is 0000 0002 1877 1319. His current research interests include talent development and intellectual assessment as well as the role of personality in giftedness, talent and creativity.

Curriculum Evaluation in Education, Lifelong learning, Adult Education

Advisory Board Members

Dr. Hanna DAVİD Tel Aviv University (Emirata) Israel Web
Hanna David received her PhD, "magna cum laude", from Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München, and was a college lecturer in Psychology and literature. Dr. David's undergraduate studies started at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where she majored in physics, mathematics, and Hebrew Literature. David received her Master's degree from the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York at age 22. Since her retirement from Tel Aviv University, she has been working as a counselor for gifted students and their families. Dr. David is a well-known lecturer at national and international conferences in the fields of psychology, education, giftedness, and an expert evaluator of research proposals for the European Commission. She has published widely in English, Hebrew, French, and German, edited dozens of books, and authored 19, in addition to 300+ papers. Dr. David is a licensed Pilates instructor and practices yoga.
Child Development Education, Special Talented Education, Educational Psychology

Editorial Board Members [

Dr. Marisa SOTO-HARRİSON It is not affiliated with an institution United States

Marisa Soto-Harrison, Ed.D. graduated with an Education Doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction with a specialization in Gifted and Talented Education from the Department of Teaching and Learning Sciences, Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver. She also holds a M. Ed from the University of Nevada, Reno in Special Education. Currently, Dr. Soto-Harrison serves as a teacher, consultant, and advocate, providing educational assessments and support to families in California, Florida and Nevada. Dr. Soto-Harrison is the co-founder of Sierra Gifted Educational Services in Northern California. Her research interest include highly and profoundly gifted children and adults and twice-exceptional learners.

Education, Curriculum and Instration , Special Talented Education
Prof. Dr. Connie PHELPS Emporia State University United States
Education, Special Talented Education
Prof. Dr. Antti JUVONEN University of Eastern Finland Finland

I have written nine scientific books, mostly about music and music education. I have published more than 200 articles including arts education in visual arts, music, craft etc. I have supervised more than 650 pro gradu thesis (Master´s thesis) and more than 10 doctoral thesises.

Education, Special Talented Education, Crafts, Visual Cultures
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Angela NOVAK East Carolina University United States Web

Angela Novak, Ph.D., Assistant Professor and AIG Coordinator at East Carolina University, teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in education, focusing on assessment practices and gifted education. Dr. Novak has served both NAGC and CEC-TAG in a variety of network, committee and board roles, and is on the Advisory Council of Pure Play Every Day. She recently co-edited, with Dr. Christine Weber, a three-book series of NAGC service publications related to professional learning and has authored book chapters, peer-reviewed articles in gifted education, administration, and professional learning, as well as practitioner-focused and parent-centered articles in gifted education. She has worked in public education in the gifted field as a classroom teacher, resource teacher, and central office support, as well as in the private not-for-profit sector of gifted education. Dr. Novak researches professional learning, creativity, gifted collegians, and play, all within the context of gifted education and equity. She is the co-creator, with Dr. Katie D. Lewis, of the Four-Zone Professional Learning Model and the Seven Guiding Principles for Developing Equity-Driven Professional Learning for Educators of Gifted Children. She is an equity and anti-racism advocate, and is a member of the Diversity Scholars Network, from the National Center for Institutional Diversity (NCID) and is currently the Co-Chair of the Diversity and Equity Committee for NAGC. You can read her blog or more about her work at

Special Talented Education
Dr. Michelle RONKSLEY-PAVİA Griffith University Australia Web

Dr Michelle Ronksley-Pavia is a Senior Lecturer in Special Education and Inclusive Education and the Program Director for the Graduate Certificate in Special Education in the School of Education and Professional Studies, and a researcher with the Griffith Institute for Educational Research (GIER). Dr Ronksley-Pavia is an internationally recognised award-winning researcher working in the areas of gifted education, twice-exceptionality (gifted students with disability), GenAI and education, inclusive education, special education, neurodiversity, and initial teacher education. Her work centres on applications of AI in education contexts, disability and inclusive educational practices and gifted and talented educational practices and provisions. She has been awarded Teaching Excellence Awards for her work in undergraduate and postgraduate primary and secondary preservice teacher education programs. Dr Ronksley-Pavia is also disabled and a disability advocate.

Dr Ronksley-Pavia has secured Queensland Department of Education Horizon grant funding to explore the use of GenAI by teachers in supporting the diverse learning needs of neurodiverse students. In her most recent grant success, as recipient of the prestigious American Psychological Foundation Esther Katz Rosen Fund Grant Dr Ronksley-Pavia became the first Australian and first Griffith University Researcher to receive this exceptional grant, her project aims to explore the roles GenAI may play in gifted education programming for gifted adolescents.

Dr Ronksley-Pavia has received numerous prestigious awards for her work, inlcuding the 2020-2024 Nurturing Talents Recognition Award from the Asia-Pacific Federation on Giftedness (APFG). She has also been awarded the ‘Best Research Paper’ international award from the K-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education (Republic of China) in recognition of her research. She is an Australian Delegate to the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children (WCGTC), and a representative on the WCGTC’s Teacher-Education-Committee, co-authoring the Council’s Position Statement on Teacher Education and the WCGTC’s inaugural Global Principles for Professional Learning in Gifted Education. She is also the National Correspondent for Australia on the European Council for High Ability (ECHA). Dr Ronksley-Pavia's expertise as a leader in the field of twice-exceptional research has been recognised by the Bridges 2e Center for Research and Professional Development in the USA. Dr Ronksley-Pavia is an editorial board member of the Journal of Gifted Education and Creativity. As an international leading expert on disability, giftedness and twice-exceptionality, Dr Ronksley-Pavia has published widely on a range of important topics including differentiation and giftedness, stigma and disability, bullying and disability, intersectionality of trauma and disability, prevalence of twice-exceptionality, special education, and contemporary issues in initial teacher education.

Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Artificial Intelligence (Other), Education, Curriculum Development in Education, Instructional Technologies, Out-of-School Learning, Psychological Foundations of Education, Classroom Education, Multi Disabled Education, Education for Autistic Children, Special Talented Education, Mental Disability Education, Autism and Spectrum Disorder Education, Special Education and Disability (Other), Higher Education Financing, Philosophy of Education, Memory and Attention, People With Disability

Associate Professor PhD, Mojca Kukanja Gabrijelčič, Director of Center of Giftedness and Creativity, University of Primorska, Faculty of Education. In the field of research, she is mainly concerned with the development of didactics; studies the design of curricula and teaching materials for the social sciences and alternative didactic strategies for teaching in higher education. In addition to didactics, her longterm research is directed towards gifted and talented students, finding (identifying) gifted students in primary school, in history classes and discovering gifted children in preschool, developing didactic strategies for working with the gifted and talent children. Her important contribution in the field of gifted education is mainly in the measurement tool, as she was the first in Slovenia to create an assessment scale for discovering gifted students in history and also for gifted preschoolers. ORCID: 0000-0003-0682-613X

Curriculum Development in Education, Teacher Education and Professional Development of Educators, Early Childhood Education, Classroom Education, Inclusive Education
Assoc. Prof. Alberta NOVELLO University of Padua Italy

Alberta Novello has a PhD in Linguistics from Ca’ Foscari University in Venice and is an associate professor of Educational Linguistics in the Department of Linguistics and Literary Studies at the University of Padova in Padua, Italy. She is a member on various scientific boards that specifically examine language education in Italy. She is co-director of CESLE (Centro Studi sulla Linguistica Educativa) and part of the editorial boards of various language journals and a book series. Her main research interests include giftedness, language assessment, and early bilingualism.

Language Acquisition, Special Talented Education

Editorial Assistants

Mary PEİ Johns Hopkins University United States

Mary Pei is a Ph.D. candidate in the Johns Hopkins University. Her research examines the identification, measurement, and development of talent and creativity in the United States and East Asia. She also studies Asian-American experiences in education.

Education, Special Talented Education
Last Update Time: 1/10/25, 12:28:12 AM

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