General Information
The Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine aims to publish issues related to translational medicine and all fields of medicine of the highest scientific and clinical value at an international level, and accepts articles on these topics. JHSM is indexed in TR Dizin ULAKBİM since 2020.
Target Population
The target audience of the journal included specialists and physicians working in translational medicine, all fields of medicine, and other health professionals interested in these fields.
Aims and Scope
The journal is an unbiased, independent scientific journal that evaluates articles with peer review and "double-blind" systems. This journal aims to support scientific development and provide information exchange among readers with clinical and surgical retrospectives, prospective or experimental research, compilation, case reports, editorial comments/discussions, editorial letters, scientific letters, surgical techniques, differential diagnosis, original view, and what is your diagnosis? book evaluations, questions/answers, and the current issues that determine the agenda of journals.
Journal Title
Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine
Publication Language
Journal Abbreviation
J Health Sci Med
Publication Period
Bimonthly (January, March, May, July, September, November)
The publication date of the journal issue is the first weeks of the publication period months. However, it is also possible that the issue of the journal will be published a week early by the decision of the editor-in-chief.
Publication Start Date
April 05, 2018
Publication Type
Journal E-mail Address
Journal Executive Owner
MediHealth Academy Publishing – Yayıncılık, Tıbbi Danışmanlık ve Organizasyon Ticaret Ltd. Şti - SBÜ Teknoloji Geliştirme Merkezi (TEKMER) Gülhane Yerleşkesi Emrah Mah. General Dr. Tevfik Sağlam Cad. No: 2/67 İç Kapı No: 105 Keçiören/ANKARA
Journal Address for Management
MediHealth Academy Publishing – Yayıncılık, Tıbbi Danışmanlık ve Organizasyon Ticaret Ltd. Şti - SBÜ Teknoloji Geliştirme Merkezi (TEKMER) Gülhane Yerleşkesi Emrah Mah. General Dr. Tevfik Sağlam Cad. No: 2/67 İç Kapı No: 105 Keçiören/ANKARA
Phone: +90 532 061 96 80
Systematic Reviews and Meta Analysis
34. Factors affecting health expenditures: the case of MINT countriesArticles in DergiPark: 577,237
Articles in JHSM: 820
Accepted: 565
Acceptance Ratio of JHSM: 69%
Title: Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine
E-ISSN: 2636-8579
NLM Title Abbreviation: J Health Sci Med
ISO Title Abbreviation: J Health Sci Med
Other Titles: JHSM
Category: Health Sciences
DOI: 10.32322/jhsm.
Peer Review: Double-blind
Review Speed: 2-4 months
Publication Format: Electronic
Publication Policy: Open Access; COPE Guide
Publication Type: Periodicals
Publication Language: English
45. Question: Which journals cannot be used in the Associate Professorship Application Requirements (Declaration)?
Answer: The decision numbered 2021.18.643 about Predatory (Looting/Shabby) journals taken at the session of the General Assembly of Higher Education dated December 30, 2021 and numbered 2021.18 is as follows.
* Journals that are not considered Predatory (Looting/Shabby):
o Journals classified as Q1, Q2, Q3 in WEB of Science (with or without charge for editorial and/or printing processes),
o Journals in the Q4 class on WEB of Science that do not charge for editorial processing charge and/or article processing charge,
o National/international journals that are included in the Q4 class on the WEB of Science and charge a fee for editorial and/or printing processes, but are the publication organ of a branch association, university, institute or scientific institution, where only members of the relevant science field can become members, and have been published/published since before 2010 and work as subscribers,
* Predatory (Looting/Shabby) journals: Q4 journals that do not meet the above criteria
According to the decision of the General Assembly of Higher Education dated December 30, 2021, above, articles published in Predatory (Looting/Shabby) journals, the characteristics of which are specified, are added to the list of resumes and works regardless of the date of publication, but cannot be used in the declaration.
Interuniversity Board (UAK) Equivalency: Article published in Ulakbim TR Index journal [10 POINTS], and Article published in other (excuding 1a, b, c) international indexed journal (1d) [5 POINTS].
The Directories (indexes) and Platforms we are included in are at the bottom of the page.
Note: Our journal is not WOS indexed and therefore is not classified as Q.
You can download Council of Higher Education (CoHG) [Yüksek Öğretim Kurumu (YÖK)] Criteria) decisions about predatory/questionable journals and the author's clarification text and journal charge policy from your browser.
The indexes of the journal are ULAKBİM TR Dizin, Index Copernicus, ICI World of Journals, DOAJ, Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI), General Impact Factor, ASOS Index, WorldCat (OCLC), MIAR, EuroPub, OpenAIRE, Türkiye Citation Index, Türk Medline Index, InfoBase Index, Scilit, etc.
The platforms of the journal are Google Scholar, CrossRef (DOI), ResearchBib, Open Access, COPE, ICMJE, NCBI, ORCID, Creative Commons, etc.
Our Journal using the DergiPark system indexed are;
Ulakbim TR Dizin, Index Copernicus, ICI World of Journals, Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI), General Impact Factor, ASOS Index, OpenAIRE, MIAR, EuroPub, WorldCat (OCLC), DOAJ, Türkiye Citation Index, Türk Medline Index, InfoBase Index
Our Journal using the DergiPark system platforms are;
Journal articles are evaluated as "Double-Blind Peer Review".
Our journal has adopted the Open Access Policy and articles in JHSM are Open Access and fully comply with Open Access instructions. All articles in the system can be accessed and read without a journal user. https//
Journal charge policy
Editor List for 2022
Assoc. Prof. Alpaslan TANOĞLU (MD)
Prof. Aydın ÇİFCİ (MD)
Prof. İbrahim Celalaettin HAZNEDAROĞLU (MD)
Prof. Murat KEKİLLİ (MD)
Prof. Yavuz BEYAZIT (MD)
Prof. Ekrem ÜNAL (MD)
Prof. Ahmet EKEN (MD)
Assoc. Prof. Ercan YUVANÇ (MD)
Assoc. Prof. Bekir UÇAN (MD)
Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Sinan DAL (MD)
Our journal has been indexed in DOAJ as of May 18, 2020.
Our journal has been indexed in TR-Dizin as of March 12, 2021.
Articles published in the Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine have open access and are licensed under the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International License.