The integration of individuals with disabilities into the society, their participation in professional life is important in increasing their quality of life and leading a more prosperous life. However, as in educational environments, the biggestobstacle in front of individuals with disabilities in professional life is the negative attitudes they face in social life. Inshaping these attitudes, teachers form the most important occupational group. The factthat teachers developpositive attitudes towards the education and social life of individuals with disabilities during the irundergraduate educationperiod willenablethem to be effective actors in shaping positive attitudes towards the participation of individuals with disabilities in professional life. When the literature is examined, it is observed that the studies examining the attitudes towards the participation of individuals with disabilities in professional life arelimited. Therefore, in thisstudy, it is aimedtodeterminetheattitudes of teacher candidates towards the participation of individuals with disabilities in professional life. "OpinionsScale on Participation of Individuals with Disabilities in Professional Life" was used to collectresearch data. The researchconsists of 146 undergraduate students studying at different departments of Faculty of Education at Necmettin Erbakan University. Research data were analyzed with SPSS package program. Inthestudy, it wasconcludedthatteachercandidatesstudying in the English Language Teaching, Mathematics Teaching and Classroom Teaching departments of the Faculty of Education have positive attitudes regarding the participation of the individuals with disabilities in the working life, the attitudes do not varyaccording to the genderfactor and the departments where the teacher candidates continue the irundergraduate education.