The authors submitting manuscripts to the Journal of Management Theory and Practices Research are expected to comply with the scientific and formal standards. This includes adhering to formatting requirements, citation rules, and manuscript structuring. [CLICK HERE FOR THE TEMPLATE]
1. General Guidelines
• Font: Times New Roman
• Font Size: 11 pt
• Paragraph Spacing: Before 0 pt, after 6 pt
• Line Spacing: 1.15 (Multiple)
• Text Alignment: Justified
• In-text Citation Format: APA 7
2. Article Title and Author Information
• Title:
o Must be fully capitalized, bold, 12 pt, and centered.
• Author Information:
o Should not be included until the article is accepted.
o First name’s initial letter is capitalized, surname is fully capitalized (e.g., Ahmet YILMAZ).
o Must be 11 pt and centered.
3. Abstract and Keywords
• Abstract:
o Should be between 100-300 words.
o Written as a single paragraph, justified.
o Font size: 9 pt, single line spacing.
• Keywords:
o Must include 3-5 keywords.
o Font size: 9 pt, justified, single line spacing.
• JEL Codes should be selected from:
4. Manuscript Sections and Formatting
The manuscript should follow the IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion) structure.
4.1. Introduction
• Heading format:
o First-level headings: All uppercase, bold, 11 pt, justified.
• Content:
o The research problem must be clearly defined.
o Relevant literature should be reviewed.
o The research methodology and key findings should be outlined.
4.2. Theoretical Framework
• The theoretical foundations of the study must be explained.
• In-text citations must comply with APA 7 format.
4.3. Research
4.3.1. Research Aim and Importance
• The research aim must answer the questions: "What?", "How?", and "Why?"
4.3.2. Research Population and Sample
• The sampling method used must be explicitly stated.
• The selected sampling technique should be explained.
4.3.3. Research Methodology
• The research design, data collection, and analysis methods should be detailed.
4.3.4. Findings and Discussion
• Findings must be systematically presented using tables, figures, and statistics.
• Table and figure formatting rules:
o Tables must be created in Word.
o Table titles should be bold, 11 pt, and positioned above the table.
o Tables and figures must comply with APA 7 formatting.
o A comma should be used as the decimal separator.
4.4. Conclusion and Discussion
• Numerical findings should not be repeated.
• The study’s similarities and differences with previous studies must be highlighted.
5. References and Citation Rules (APA 7 Format)
5.1. In-Text Citations (APA 7 Format)
• Single author:
...... (Wilson, 2021).
...... Wilson (2021) stated that...
• Two authors:
...... (Watson & Hassett, 2023).
• Three or more authors:
...... (Wollmann et al., 2019).
• Different works by the same author in different years:
...... (Dollery, 2008, 2012).
• Same author’s works published in the same year:
...... (Davis, 2020a, 2020b).
• Multiple sources in one citation:
...... (Watson & Hassett, 2003; Wollmann et al., 2019).
5.2. Reference List Examples (APA 7 Format)
The reference list must be justified, 10 pt, 1.15 line spacing.
• Journal article:
Baker, J. S., & Jones, M. A. (1996). The poison grapevine: How destructive are gossip and rumor in the workplace? Human Resource Development Quarterly, 7(1), 75-88.
• Book:
Dunbar, R. (1997). Grooming, gossip, and the evolution of language. Harvard University Press.
• Online source:
Dingfelder, S. F. (2006). Learned it through the grapevine. APA Monitor on Psychology.
• Thesis:
Danış, M. S. (2015). The sociology of gossip [Master’s thesis, Selçuk University]. Higher Education Council National Thesis Center.
• Report:
World Health Organization. (2020). Mental health and psychosocial considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak (WHO/2019-nCoV/MentalHealth/2020.1).
• Book Chapter:
Erol, Y., & Akyüz, M. (2015). Organizational gossip functions and perceptions. In K. Yılmaz & S. Doğan (Eds.), Sociology and organizational studies (pp. 149-168). Nobel Publishing.