Systematic Reviews and Meta Analysis
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Cerrahi Hemşireliğinde Teknoloji Kullanımı; Sistematik Derleme

Year 2025, Volume: 28 Issue: 1, 64 - 75


Amaç: Bu derleme, 2012-2022 yılları arasında “Teknoloji ve Cerrahi Hemşireliği” konusuna ilişkin yayınlanmış çalışmaların sistematik olarak değerlendirilmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır.

Yöntemler: Konuya ilişkin “Cerrahi hemşireliği”, “Teknoloji”, “Teknoloji ve hemşirelik bakımı”, “İnovasyon” anahtar kelimeleri kullanılarak 9 veri tabanı Türkçe ve İngilizce taranmıştır. Konuyla ilgili 2012 Ocak–2022 Eylül tarihleri arasında yayınlanmış 14.672 çalışma incelenmiş ve 21 yayın çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir.

Bulgular: Araştırma kapsamına alınan çalışmalar incelendiğinde, cerrahi hemşireliği alanında teknolojiyi kullanmanın perioperatif hemşirelik alanında başarıyı arttırdığı, elektronik hasta değerlendirme programlarını kullanırken hastalarla daha çok zaman geçirildiği, elektronik hasta devirlerinin hasta ve veri transfer sürecini kolaylaştırdığı, hasta bakım kalitesini arttırdığı, ortak bakım alanı oluşturduğu, hasta güvenliğine katkı sağladığı ve hemşirelik uygulamalarını geliştirdiği sonucuna varılmaktadır.

Sonuç: Cerrahi hemşireliğinde teknoloji kullanımına yönelik daha fazla kanıt temelli araştırma yapılmasının önemli olacağı düşünülmektedir.


  • 1. Erdağı Oral S. Surgical Nursing. In: Çelik S, editör. Current Practices in Surgical Nursing. Ankara: Çukurova Nobel Tıp Kitabevi;2021:1-16.
  • 2. Carvalho DS, Silva AGID, Ferreira SRM, et al. Elaboration of an educational technology for ostomized patients: peristomal skin care. Rev Bras Enferm. 2019;72(2):427-434.
  • 3. Korhonen ES, Nordman T, Eriksson K. Technology and its ethics in nursing and caring journals: An integrative literature review. Nurs Ethics. 2015;22(5):561-576.
  • 4. Lusmilasari L, Aungsuroch Y, Widyawati,et al. Nursing research prıorıtıes ın ındonesıa as perceıved by nurses. BNJ. 2020;6(2):41-46.
  • 5. Krick T, Huter K, Domhoff D, et al. Digital technology and nursing care: a scoping review on acceptance, effectiveness and efficiency studies of informal and formal care technologies. BMC Health Serv Res. 2019;19(1):400.
  • 6. Arcega J. Autman I, De Guzman B, The human touch: ıs modern technology decreasing the value of humanity in patient care?. Crit Care Nurs Q. 2020;43(3):294-302.
  • 7. Aytur T, Kantek F. Review of studies regarding nursing and technology in Turkey. Usaysad Derg. 2020;6(3):395-410.
  • 8. Sun YK, Shih WC, Cheng KH. An electronic handover system to ımprove ınformation transfer for surgical patients. CIN: Comput Inform Nurs. 2018;36(12):610-614.
  • 9. Yontz LS, Zinn JL, Schumacher EJ. Perioperative nurses' attitudes toward the electronic health record. J Perianesth Nurs. 2015;30(1):23-32.
  • 10. Moore A, Fisher K. Healthcare information technology and medical-surgical nurses: the emergence of a new care partnership. Comput Inform Nurs. 2012;30(3):157-163.
  • 11. Kaya M, Karaman Özlü Z. The effect of virtual reality on pain, anxiety, and fear during burn dressing in children: A randomized controlled study. Burns. 2022;9:S0305-4179(22)00143-7.
  • 12. Unger M, Black D, Fischer NM, et al. Design and evaluation of an eye tracking support system for the scrub nurse. Int J Med Robot. 2019;15(1):1954.
  • 13. Breteler MJM, KleinJan E, Numan L, et al. Are current wireless monitoring systems capable of detecting adverse events in high-risk surgical patients? A descriptive study. Injury. 2020;51(2):97-105.
  • 14. Downey C, Randell R, Brown J, et al. Continuous versus ıntermittent vital signs monitoring using a wearable, wireless patch in patients admitted to surgical wards: pilot cluster randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res. 2018;20(12).
  • 15. McGillion MH, Parlow J, Borges FK, et al. A PVC-RAM-1 Investigators. Post-discharge after surgery Virtual Care with Remote Automated Monitoring-1 (PVC-RAM-1) technology versus standard care: randomised controlled trial. BMJ. 2021;30(374).
  • 16. Downey C, Ng S, Jayne D, et al. Reliability of a wearable wireless patch for continuous remote monitoring of vital signs in patients recovering from major surgery: a clinical validation study from the TRaCINg trial. BMJ Open. 2019;9(8).
  • 17. Wang Y, Zhang D, Wei S. Effect of nursing ıntervention in the operating room based on simple virtual reality augmented technology on preventing gastrointestinal surgical ıncision ınfection. J Healthc Eng. 2021;3;2021.
  • 18. Glanville D, Kiddell J, Lau R, et al. Evaluation of the effectiveness of an eLearning program in the nursing observation and assessment of acute surgical patients: A naturalistic observational study. Nurse Educ Pract. 2021;55,103152.
  • 19. Martorella G, Gélinas C, Purden M. Acceptability of a web-based and tailored intervention for the self-management of pain after cardiac surgery: the perception of women and men. JMIR Res Protoc. 2014;3(4):63.
  • 20. Martorella G, Côté J, Choinière M. SOULAGE-TAVIE: development and validation of a virtual nursing intervention to promote self-management of postoperative pain after cardiac surgery. Comput Inform Nurs. 2013;31(4):189-197.
  • 21. Ingadottir B, Blondal K, Jaarsma T, et al. Perceptions about traditional and novel methods to learn about postoperative pain management: a qualitative study. J Adv Nurs. 2016;72(11):2672-2683.
  • 22. Sergeeva A, Aij K, van den Hooff B, et al. Mobile devices in the operating room: Intended and unintended consequences for nurses' work. Health Informatics J. 2016; 22(4):1101-1110.
  • 23. Teodoro CR, Breault K, Garvey C, et al. STEP-UP: Study of the effectiveness of a patient ambulation protocol. Medsurg Nurs. 2016;25(2):111-116.
  • 24. Hansen MM. A feasibility pilot study on the use of complementary therapies delivered via mobile technologies on Icelandic surgical patients' reports of anxiety, pain, and self-efficacy in healing. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2015;15(92).
  • 25. Rantala A, Jansson MM, Helve O, et al. Parental Experiences of the Pediatric Day Surgery Pathway and the Needs for a Digital Gaming Solution: Qualitative Study. JMIR Med Inform. 2020;8(11):23626.
  • 26. Cook DJ, Moradkhani A, Douglas KS, et al. Patient education self-management during surgical recovery: combining mobile (iPad) and a content management system. Telemed J E Health. 2014;20(4):312-317.
  • 27. Kang MJ, De Gagne JC, Kang HS. Perioperative nurses' work experience with robotic surgery: a focus group study. Comput Inform Nurs. 2016;34(4):152-158.
  • 28. Okgün Alcan A, Soyer Ö, Yavuz Van Giersbergen M, et al. Nurses’ opinions on robotic surgery. KOU Sag Bil Derg. 2019;5(1):5-9.
  • 29. Lei L. 2022. Observation on the effect of ıntelligent machine-assisted surgery and perioperative nursing. Journal of Healthcare Engineering. 2022;3(21):1–12.
  • 30. Austin RE. “Commentary on: patient satisfaction with an early smartphone-based cosmetic surgery postoperative follow-up. Aesthet Surg J. 2018;38(1):110–113.
  • 31. Çakırlar A. Mendi B. Evaluation of nurses’ knowledge and attitudes within the scope of electronic health record and informatics applications. FNG & Bilim Tıp Dergisi. 2016;2(1):32-39.
  • 32. Keskin E, Buldur E, Bal Yılmaz H. Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Applications in Pain Management in Pediatric Patients: A Systematic Review. Jour Nurs Res. 2021;1(3):96- 106.
  • 33. Ryhänen AM, Rankinen S, Siekkinen M, et al. The impact of an empowering internet-based breast cancer patient pathway program on breast cancer patients’ clinical outcomes: a randomised controlled trial. J Clin Nurs. 2013;22(7-8):1016-1025.
  • 34. Peng X, Su Y, Hu Z, et al. Home-based telehealth exercise training program in chinese patients with heart failure: a randomized controlled trial. Medicine (Baltimore). 2018;97(35):12069.
  • 35. Akhu-Zaheya LM, Shiyab WY. The effect of short message system (SMS) reminder on adherence to a healthy diet, medication, and cessation of smoking among adult patients with cardiovascular diseases. Int J Med Inform. 2017;98:6575.

Technology Use in Surgical Nursing; Systematic Review

Year 2025, Volume: 28 Issue: 1, 64 - 75


Objective: This review, regarding "Technology and Surgical Nursing" between 2012-2022 the aim of this study was to systematically evaluate published studies.

Methods: Nine databases were searched in Turkish and English using the keywords "surgical nursing", "technology", "technology and nursing care", "innovation". A total of 14,672 studies published on the subject between January 2012 and September 2022 were examined and 21 publications were included in the study.

Results: When the studies included in the research are examined, it is seen that using technology in the field of surgical nursing increases the success in the field of perioperative nursing, more time is spent with the patients while using electronic patient assessment programs, electronic patient transfers facilitate the patient and data transfer process, increase the quality of patient care, create a common care area, contributes to patient safety and improves nursing practices.

Conclusion: It is thought that it will be important to conduct more evidence-based research on the use of technology in surgical nursing.


  • 1. Erdağı Oral S. Surgical Nursing. In: Çelik S, editör. Current Practices in Surgical Nursing. Ankara: Çukurova Nobel Tıp Kitabevi;2021:1-16.
  • 2. Carvalho DS, Silva AGID, Ferreira SRM, et al. Elaboration of an educational technology for ostomized patients: peristomal skin care. Rev Bras Enferm. 2019;72(2):427-434.
  • 3. Korhonen ES, Nordman T, Eriksson K. Technology and its ethics in nursing and caring journals: An integrative literature review. Nurs Ethics. 2015;22(5):561-576.
  • 4. Lusmilasari L, Aungsuroch Y, Widyawati,et al. Nursing research prıorıtıes ın ındonesıa as perceıved by nurses. BNJ. 2020;6(2):41-46.
  • 5. Krick T, Huter K, Domhoff D, et al. Digital technology and nursing care: a scoping review on acceptance, effectiveness and efficiency studies of informal and formal care technologies. BMC Health Serv Res. 2019;19(1):400.
  • 6. Arcega J. Autman I, De Guzman B, The human touch: ıs modern technology decreasing the value of humanity in patient care?. Crit Care Nurs Q. 2020;43(3):294-302.
  • 7. Aytur T, Kantek F. Review of studies regarding nursing and technology in Turkey. Usaysad Derg. 2020;6(3):395-410.
  • 8. Sun YK, Shih WC, Cheng KH. An electronic handover system to ımprove ınformation transfer for surgical patients. CIN: Comput Inform Nurs. 2018;36(12):610-614.
  • 9. Yontz LS, Zinn JL, Schumacher EJ. Perioperative nurses' attitudes toward the electronic health record. J Perianesth Nurs. 2015;30(1):23-32.
  • 10. Moore A, Fisher K. Healthcare information technology and medical-surgical nurses: the emergence of a new care partnership. Comput Inform Nurs. 2012;30(3):157-163.
  • 11. Kaya M, Karaman Özlü Z. The effect of virtual reality on pain, anxiety, and fear during burn dressing in children: A randomized controlled study. Burns. 2022;9:S0305-4179(22)00143-7.
  • 12. Unger M, Black D, Fischer NM, et al. Design and evaluation of an eye tracking support system for the scrub nurse. Int J Med Robot. 2019;15(1):1954.
  • 13. Breteler MJM, KleinJan E, Numan L, et al. Are current wireless monitoring systems capable of detecting adverse events in high-risk surgical patients? A descriptive study. Injury. 2020;51(2):97-105.
  • 14. Downey C, Randell R, Brown J, et al. Continuous versus ıntermittent vital signs monitoring using a wearable, wireless patch in patients admitted to surgical wards: pilot cluster randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res. 2018;20(12).
  • 15. McGillion MH, Parlow J, Borges FK, et al. A PVC-RAM-1 Investigators. Post-discharge after surgery Virtual Care with Remote Automated Monitoring-1 (PVC-RAM-1) technology versus standard care: randomised controlled trial. BMJ. 2021;30(374).
  • 16. Downey C, Ng S, Jayne D, et al. Reliability of a wearable wireless patch for continuous remote monitoring of vital signs in patients recovering from major surgery: a clinical validation study from the TRaCINg trial. BMJ Open. 2019;9(8).
  • 17. Wang Y, Zhang D, Wei S. Effect of nursing ıntervention in the operating room based on simple virtual reality augmented technology on preventing gastrointestinal surgical ıncision ınfection. J Healthc Eng. 2021;3;2021.
  • 18. Glanville D, Kiddell J, Lau R, et al. Evaluation of the effectiveness of an eLearning program in the nursing observation and assessment of acute surgical patients: A naturalistic observational study. Nurse Educ Pract. 2021;55,103152.
  • 19. Martorella G, Gélinas C, Purden M. Acceptability of a web-based and tailored intervention for the self-management of pain after cardiac surgery: the perception of women and men. JMIR Res Protoc. 2014;3(4):63.
  • 20. Martorella G, Côté J, Choinière M. SOULAGE-TAVIE: development and validation of a virtual nursing intervention to promote self-management of postoperative pain after cardiac surgery. Comput Inform Nurs. 2013;31(4):189-197.
  • 21. Ingadottir B, Blondal K, Jaarsma T, et al. Perceptions about traditional and novel methods to learn about postoperative pain management: a qualitative study. J Adv Nurs. 2016;72(11):2672-2683.
  • 22. Sergeeva A, Aij K, van den Hooff B, et al. Mobile devices in the operating room: Intended and unintended consequences for nurses' work. Health Informatics J. 2016; 22(4):1101-1110.
  • 23. Teodoro CR, Breault K, Garvey C, et al. STEP-UP: Study of the effectiveness of a patient ambulation protocol. Medsurg Nurs. 2016;25(2):111-116.
  • 24. Hansen MM. A feasibility pilot study on the use of complementary therapies delivered via mobile technologies on Icelandic surgical patients' reports of anxiety, pain, and self-efficacy in healing. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2015;15(92).
  • 25. Rantala A, Jansson MM, Helve O, et al. Parental Experiences of the Pediatric Day Surgery Pathway and the Needs for a Digital Gaming Solution: Qualitative Study. JMIR Med Inform. 2020;8(11):23626.
  • 26. Cook DJ, Moradkhani A, Douglas KS, et al. Patient education self-management during surgical recovery: combining mobile (iPad) and a content management system. Telemed J E Health. 2014;20(4):312-317.
  • 27. Kang MJ, De Gagne JC, Kang HS. Perioperative nurses' work experience with robotic surgery: a focus group study. Comput Inform Nurs. 2016;34(4):152-158.
  • 28. Okgün Alcan A, Soyer Ö, Yavuz Van Giersbergen M, et al. Nurses’ opinions on robotic surgery. KOU Sag Bil Derg. 2019;5(1):5-9.
  • 29. Lei L. 2022. Observation on the effect of ıntelligent machine-assisted surgery and perioperative nursing. Journal of Healthcare Engineering. 2022;3(21):1–12.
  • 30. Austin RE. “Commentary on: patient satisfaction with an early smartphone-based cosmetic surgery postoperative follow-up. Aesthet Surg J. 2018;38(1):110–113.
  • 31. Çakırlar A. Mendi B. Evaluation of nurses’ knowledge and attitudes within the scope of electronic health record and informatics applications. FNG & Bilim Tıp Dergisi. 2016;2(1):32-39.
  • 32. Keskin E, Buldur E, Bal Yılmaz H. Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Applications in Pain Management in Pediatric Patients: A Systematic Review. Jour Nurs Res. 2021;1(3):96- 106.
  • 33. Ryhänen AM, Rankinen S, Siekkinen M, et al. The impact of an empowering internet-based breast cancer patient pathway program on breast cancer patients’ clinical outcomes: a randomised controlled trial. J Clin Nurs. 2013;22(7-8):1016-1025.
  • 34. Peng X, Su Y, Hu Z, et al. Home-based telehealth exercise training program in chinese patients with heart failure: a randomized controlled trial. Medicine (Baltimore). 2018;97(35):12069.
  • 35. Akhu-Zaheya LM, Shiyab WY. The effect of short message system (SMS) reminder on adherence to a healthy diet, medication, and cessation of smoking among adult patients with cardiovascular diseases. Int J Med Inform. 2017;98:6575.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Surgical Diseases Nursing​​
Journal Section Systematic Review

Hatice Akaltun 0000-0002-4303-963X

Hatice Azizoğlu 0000-0002-7859-7236

İlkay Guner 0000-0003-2697-245X

Early Pub Date January 8, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date February 1, 2024
Acceptance Date November 12, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 28 Issue: 1


AMA Akaltun H, Azizoğlu H, Guner İ. Cerrahi Hemşireliğinde Teknoloji Kullanımı; Sistematik Derleme. Journal of Nursology. January 2025;28(1):64-75. doi:10.17049/jnursology.1429679