In line with the decisions taken by Ulakbim TR Index, Ethics Committee Permission is required for studies to be published after 2020. Studies that require Ethics Committee Permission are listed below. When uploading your study to our journal, you must upload your Ethics Committee document along with your article file and specify it in the text as in the example1. If your study is not included in the working group that requires ethics committee approval, you must sign the declaration form stating this situation and indicate the relevant situation in your article text as in the example2.
Studies That Requiring Ethics Committee Permission:
• Indication of compliance with copyright regulations for the intellectual and artistic works used,
• Obtaining and specifying permission from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires and photographs,
• In case reports, it should be stated that an “informed consent form” was received.
Note : For research datas that have been collected before 2020, produced from master/doctoral studies (must be specified in the article), for which a publication application has been made to the journal in the previous year, and which have been accepted but not yet published, the approval of the ethics committee is not required. Please indicate in the declaration form that your work has this status.
Please click here to access the declaration form stating that the study does not require Ethics Committee Permission.
Studies Requiring Ethics Committee Permission and Accepted for Publication
In studies that require ethics committee permission, information about the permission (name of the committee, date and file number) should be included in the method section and also on the first/last page of the article.
In case reports, it is necessary to include information that the informed consent form was signed in the article.
For detailed information, you can reach our journal via the information/contact menu.
1In a study with ethics committee approval;
Ethics committee permission document to be attached under the title of Data Collection OR Data Collection Tools should be cited as in the example below.Presented in Annex - 1 for the questionnaires applied, the necessary permission was obtained from the Ethics Committee of ……………………….. of the University of …………………………, with the decision dated ..../..../..... and … no.
2In studies that do not have the permission of the ethics committee;
In case the study data were collected before 2020; In the method section of the study, there should be a statement like the example below that the data were collected before.
The data of this research were obtained from ….. who worked in ….. in (year)…….. Therefore, an ethics committee report was not requested. Necessary permission was obtained from the institution where the data was collected.
Journal of Organizational Behavior Review © 2019 by Sema Polatcı is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International