1. The original articles sent to JOHMAL for publication should not contain the name of the authors or any other information on the text of the word (.doc, .docx) to be uploaded, and the authors should specify this information on the system.
2. The title of the article should include Turkish (Abstract), English (Abstract) consisting of at least 150, maximum 200 words and 3-5 words Turkish (Keywords), English (Key Words), Turkish and English titles. Full texts should not exceed 8000 words.
3. APA system should be used for citations in articles.
4. At the end of the article, a list of the sources used in the study is given under the title REFERENCES. This bibliography, which lists the references used in the study, is prepared alphabetically according to the author surname order. When uploading your work to the Dergipark system, always leave a space after each source in the reference entry screen.
5. Articles are not given headers, footers and page numbers. The page layout of the articles to be added to the system must be made by the author and in accordance with the following values: Paper Size: A4 Vertical (Horizontal pages should not be included in the article), it should be set as Top Margin: 3cm; Bottom Margin: 3cm; Left Margin: 3cm; Right Margin: 3cm. Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12 in title, 11 in article, 10 in abstracts; Paragraph Spacing: First 6nk - then 0nk; Paragraph Indent: Paragraph indent will not be used in the article; Line Spacing: Must be set to 1.15 in the article. Click for sample article template. 6. Authors whose articles are accepted should upload the article by adding a footnote in the form of the final version of the article, name, surname, institution, e-mail address, orcid number, article title note (if any). For this reason, the authors should obtain their individual ORCID numbers free of charge at and register the ORCID number received via the dergipark through the user's "profile editing" and register it in the dergipark system (for once). Example ORCID number:
7. The copyright transfer of the articles is taken by filling in and signing the form presented on the journal website. JOHMAL copyright transfer (doc) (in Turkish) should be downloaded and uploaded to the system as a PDF after it is signed. 8. ETHICS COMMITTEE APPROVAL must be obtained for studies on clinical and experimental human and animals requiring ethical committee decision, this approval must be stated in the article and must be submitted as an appendix at the end of the article.
9. While writing the articles, citations from the articles published in our journal should also be included.
10. While writing the articles, citations from the articles in the SCOPUS index database should also be included.