JOINMET accepts publications in Turkish or English. You can access the Turkish and English templates and title pages of the JOINMET. In all submitted articles, a double-blind peer-review system is used. It is advised that the report showing the similarity rate is uploaded together with the article by the author(s) of the article.
Articles should be submitted electronically as MS Word files. In the template, the page layout, font and point size to be used in the article are defined in detail and applied. Figures, graphics, pictures, formulas and tables should be original, produced in a clearly, ready for printing from the computer and should be refered in the text. The Journal Editor and Editorial Board are not responsible for transferring them to electronic media.
You can access the final checklist for manuscript before submission.
SUBU E-Journals are the Open Access Journals. Abstracts and full texts of all articles published by SUBU are freely accessible to everyone immediately after publication. For detailed information, click on Ethical Principles and Publication Policy.
Your work should include the following sections:
(If your article is written in English, do not write a Turkish summary. Use Turkish Template.)
1. Introduction
2. Conceptual Framework (This section can be merged with the introduction or removed if necessary.)
3. Methodology
4. Results and Discussion
5. Conclusions
6. Declaration
7. Studies on Human and Animal (if any)