JOMELIPS Magazine, operating on behalf of Bartın University Graduate Education Institute, since 2016; He continues his publication life in various scientific fields such as Economics, Business Administration, Finance, Political Science, Public Administration, International Relations, Labor Economics, Industrial Relations, History, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, and Islamic Sciences.
• It is a peer-reviewed journal and is published twice a year in June and December.
• After a preliminary examination, the articles that come to our editorial board are evaluated by two and, if necessary, three referees who are experts in the subject within the Board of Referees.
• Only manuscripts that have not been published elsewhere or are not currently in the evaluation process for publication can be sent to the journal. If the article is accepted for publication at the end of the peer-review process, all publication rights of the article belong to JOMELIPS Journal.
• The title should be descriptive of the article and constitute the main topics of the article. Turkish and English titles should not exceed 13-15 words if possible. The title of the article should be written in capital letters, 14 points and bold; The concept of "self" should be used instead of summary. The abstract should contain a brief summary of each of the main sections of the article, with information that will enable the reader to decide to read the article in its entirety. All main headings, including the abstract and abstract, should be written in 12-point capital letters, and sub-headings should be written in lowercase, bold and 12-point.
• The articles to be sent to our journal can be in Turkish or in a foreign language (English, French or German). An abstract of 100-250 words, prepared in Turkish and English, should also be added (the English and Turkish title should also be included). In addition, under this summary, there should be “keywords” in Turkish and English that can define the field of the study.
• Manuscripts should be written on A4 size paper in the following format. Article bibliography included; The number of pages should not exceed 25 pages and the number of words should not exceed 8000 words. Top : 2.5 cm Left : 3 cm Bottom : 2.5 cm Right : 2.5 cm Character : Times New Roman 12 point Line Spacing : 1.5 (Paragraph indents before and after 0 pt and block writing style, indent for paragraph beginning no).
• The places where line spacing should be left in the article are as follows; Before and after headings (with 1.5 line spacing), between paragraphs (with 1.5 line spacing), between references (with 1 line spacing).
• Decimal system should be used to divide the article into sections. The dimensions of the journal and the overall design should be taken into account in the preparation of tables and figures. Figures and tables should be titled and numbered and should be centered on the page. Titles should be above the tables and below the figures. Equations should be given a sequence number. The sequence number should be in parentheses and on the far right of the page.
• All articles; “The Publication manual of the American Psychological Association” published by the American Psychological Association (APA)
(6th edition), 2001 “ should be written in accordance with the writing principles specified in the source. The 6th Edition of Apa should be the version for the authors to consider.
• Internet address of the mentioned resource; ,
• The article should be registered to the system from the upper right corner and sent over the system.
In-Text References/Posts
• In-text references and references should be given according to the parenthetical system. Footnotes should be used to give explanations or information other than the source information.
• In references to books, a comma should be placed after the year information and the page number should be given. However, if there is no reference to a specific page of the book and a general evaluation is made about the work, there is no need to give a page number.
• Quotations made from another text exactly and with less than 40 words should be given in quotation marks. Exact quotations of more than 40 words should be written in a new paragraph, in 10 font size, and one cm more indentation from the right and left sides of the normal text.
• If two or more works are referenced, the surnames of the authors of the cited works should be listed in alphabetical order and semicolons should be placed between the works.
• For authors with the same surname, even if the publication is older, the first letter of the name is indicated first in the bibliography that comes first in alphabetical order.
Aydin, A. (1999). Developmental and learning psychology. Ankara: Memoir.
Aydin, B. (2005). Child and adolescent development. Istanbul : Atlas.
• If more than one author with the same surname is referenced, the names of the authors should also be stated in the sentence, even if the publication years of the works are different: (Çetin Semerci, 2007; Nuriye Semerci, 2006).
• If two or more works by different authors are to be cited in the same parentheses, alphabetical order is made and semicolons are placed between the references: (Semerci, 2007; Ünal, 2012)
• If two or more works of the same author are to be cited in the same parenthesis, the surname of the author is written only once.
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