Call for Papers - 2025 October

Dear Colleagues,

Journal of Research in Economics (ISSN/E-ISSN: 2636-8307), with the former name Marmara Journal of Economics invites you to submit your manuscripts for publication in the next issue. The deadline for submissions is August 15, 2025.

JORE is international academic journal specialized on applied econometrics and economic modeling with double blind review process and is semi-annually published by Marmara University Press. All issues can be accessed online, free of charge via our website. JORE is indexed by ECONLIT and EBSCO Business Source Complete. JORE is in the monitoring process of several indexes.

As of March 2022 issue, only English manuscripts are accepted. Please submit your manuscript by clicking here.

JORE demands no submission or publication fee.

Publication Process
The authors are regularly informed about the process on their manuscript. Submitted manuscripts are sent to two referees specialized in the relevant field. The feedbacks from referees are received at least 4 weeks of submission with an average of 8 weeks. Accepted manuscripts are published in the following issue. Manuscripts that cannot be processed in time for the current issue will be considered for the subsequent issue. Instruction for authors and other details are available here.

Invitation for Reviewers
We are kindly inviting you to take part as members of our review team. If you are interested in being a referee, please send us your resume including your field of interests in economics to:

Journal of Research in Economics (JORE)
Marmara University
Faculty of Economics
Marmara University Maltepe Campus, Istanbul, TURKEY
Tel: (+90) 216 777 3000

Last Update Time: 2/26/25, 6:33:38 PM