e-ISSN: 2636-7823
Founded: 2018
Publisher: Sakarya University
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Welcome to the Journal of Political Administrative and Local Studies (JPAL). JPAL is a publication of Sakarya University, Department of Political Science and Public Administration.

JPAL is a peer-reviewed international academic journal publishing academic studies on various subjects of social science such as Political Science, Management Science, Local Governments, Urban and Environmental Studies, Comparative Politics, Political History. The full text of the article and the entire journal are open to online access, consistent with open access policies.

Our journal uses the double-blind peer-review. In our journal, no fee is requested during the application and referee evaluation processes, and no royalty fee is paid to the referees and authors. In the review of the referee, the author of the articles that take the appropriate decision for the publication are checked for plagiarism. Articles with a similarity ratio above 15%, excluding references, cannot be included even if the referee evaluation is positive.

The types of articles accepted to our journal are as follows;

  • Research Article
  • Literature Article
  • Conference Review
  • Discussion
  • Translation
  • Book Review

JPAL is a journal with full open access via DergiPark. It is published electronically twice a year, June and December. The authors are expected to submit their articles via the user account they will open via DergiPark. The estimated review time is about 40-60 days.


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