Archiving Policy

The content published by the Journal of Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies is electronically preserved by using Internet Archive. ( ) and using LOCKSS.

Based on Stanford University Libraries, the LOCKSS Program provides award-winning, low-cost, open source digital protection tools to provide libraries and publishers with access to persistent and authoritative digital content. The LOCKSS Program ( is a library-led digital protection system built on the principle of "securing large numbers of copies". The LOCKSS Program develops and supports libraries using open source end-to-end digital protection software.

The LOCKSS system allows librarians at each institution to access and protect their subscribed e-content and restore the printed buying model that librarians are familiar with.
The Global LOCKSS Network protects today's e-journals and e-books for tomorrow's readers. The Global LOCKSS Network is a proven conservation approach that empowers both libraries and publishers in a unique way. The Global LOCKSS Network is managed by the Stanford University Libraries LOCKSS Program.
For additional information, you can consult the LOCKSS Program website,

Technical Infrastructure, security category for the use of LOCKSS technology. This page explains in more detail how it separates LOCKSS software and how protection works in LOCKSS networks. (

Last Update Time: 8/9/22, 1:56:38 PM


Journal of Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies is open access journal under the CC BY-NC license  (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License)

Based on a work at
