Writing Rules

Submissions should be uploaded with one page Microsoft Word type of files on system.

  • All submissions to the Journal must follow the manuscript template provided. Authors must adhere to the main and subheadings in the template without adding or removing any headings. Submissions that do not comply with the template are returned to the author(s).
  • Author information should not be included in the manuscripts submitted to the journal. Author details must be uploaded separately in accordance with the "Title Page" template.
  • The title must be written in Book Antiqua, 14 pt, Bold, Justified, First Letters Capitalized, with 2.0 line spacing.
  • The abstract must be written in Book Antiqua, 10 pt, Bold, Justified, Capitalized, with 1.15 line spacing.
  • All main headings (Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Findings, Conclusion and Discussion, References) must be in Book Antiqua, 12 pt, Bold, Justified, First Letters Capitalized, with 1.15 line spacing.
  • Subheadings must be in Book Antiqua, 11 pt, Bold, Italic, Justified, First Letters Capitalized, with 1.15 line spacing.
  • The main text must be written in Book Antiqua, 10 pt, Justified, with 1.15 line spacing.


The summary of the research should not exceed 250 words. It should include the aim, methodology, and key findings of the study. 


There should be at least 3 and at most 5 keywords used. 


In this section, information about the research topic should be provided briefly. The main aim of the study and its sub-aims should be explained. The importance of the research should be explained in detail. In the final part, the originality of the study and the gap it will fill in the relevant literature should be explained. 

Literature Review 
In this section, detailed information about the conceptual framework related to the research topic should be provided. Studies conducted in previous years and their results should be explained, and the hypotheses tested in the study should be presented based on the literature. Subheadings may be used in this section if desired.

Table titles should be placed above the table, while figure titles should be placed below the figure. No coloring or shading should be applied to the cells in tables and figures. 'Table X.' and 'Figure X.' parts should be written in bold, while the table and figure titles themselves should not be bold.

In this section, the population, sample, research model, scales used in the study, and data collection method should be explained. These should be presented in separate paragraphs without using subheadings. The research model should be presented in this section. When describing the population and sample, the type of sample and the sample calculation should be specified. For studies requiring ethical committee approval, the obtained approval should be mentioned in this section (e.g., Before starting the study, Ethical Committee Approval was obtained from the xxx University Ethics Committee at the meeting dated 27.05.2021 with the decision number 2021.05).

Table titles should be placed above the table, while figure titles should be placed below the figure. No coloring or shading should be applied to the cells in tables and figures. 'Table X.' and 'Figure X.' parts should be written in bold, while the table and figure titles themselves should not be bold.

In this section, validity and reliability analyses of the scales should be provided first, followed by normality tests conducted before starting the analysis process. Subsequently, demographic findings related to the participants, findings from other analyses used in the study, and analyses related to hypothesis testing should be included.
Table titles should be placed above the table, while figure titles should be placed below the figure. No coloring or shading should be applied to the cells in tables and figures. 'Table X.' and 'Figure X.' parts should be written in bold, while the table and figure titles themselves should not be bold.

Conclusion and Discussion 
In this section, a brief introduction to the aim and process of the study should be provided first. Subsequently, each finding should be discussed by comparing it with the results of previous studies. Additionally, the limitations of the study should be addressed, and suggestions for future research should be provided.

APA 7 style should be used for referencing. For detailed information on APA 7 citation style referencing, please click on 

Title Page

Manuscript Template

Last Update Time: 12/28/24, 6:23:59 PM