Writing Rules

1. The studies submitted to the journal must be prepared in accordance with the specified format and in this format should be maximum 40 pages.

2. The study has to be in the Word format and it has to be uploaded in the same format.

3. Article has to be prepared with Times New Roman typeface. Abstracts, text and references have to be 12 type size. Row pitch has to be 1,2, before 6nk and after 6nk. The indent has to be 1,5 cm.

4. The page top must be 3 cm, bottom 2 cm, left-right margins 2.5 cm. Abstract and main text must be written justified.

5. Main title has to be written 14 type size, thick and centred. Main title's and Subtitles’ first letters have to be capital.

6. The abstract has to be prepared in 150-350 words in Turkish and it has to be translated in English and it has to be put in the first page of the study. The keywords have to be written under the abstract and it has to be maximum 5 words. An extended abstract should be prepared with a minimum of 1 page and a maximum of 1.5 pages. "Extended Abstract Guidelines" must be read in this regard.

7. Quotations which are in the studies do not have to exceed 15 % of the study. Quotations which are less than 3 lines have to be written in the text and with inverted comma, quotations which are more than 3 lines have to be written italics and 1,2 row pitch, 1 cm from the right of the line and 1,5 cm from the left of the line, in block and with inverted comma. Expressions in quotation marks should be italicised.

8. Page numbers have to be at the end of the page and centred.

9. Footnotes have to be in the text. Footnotes which are given for the purpose of exposition have to be 10 type size and 1 row pitch.

10. Every study has to have bibliography. Bibliography has to start in a separate page.

11. Appendixes have to be given after bibliography and have to be started in a separate page.

12. The elements like table, picture and graphic names which will be used in the text have to be 10 type size and the source has to be shown necessarily.

13. The information which is related to the writer hasn't to be in the text while it is being uploaded to the system. Study has to be written with the rules which are stated in the template, firstly Name and Surname, Institution Information, (Tr and Eng) e-mail and Orcid ID.

14. It should be stated that the articles comply with Research and Publication Ethics. (On the first page)

15. Articles which are sent to the journal will be taken under review after scanning similarity aspect. Similarity rate can be %20 (iThenticate or Turnitin)(excluding references).

16. Abstracts and References should be prepared using the Latin alphabet.

The Rules of Footnote and Bibliography

1. The books of single writer

  • Intertextual Usage: (Barry, 1997, p. 58)

  • Bibliography: Barry, Patrick (1997), Saint Benedict and Christianity in England, Ampleforth Abbey Press, Southern Avenue.

2. The books of two writers

  • Intertextual Usage: (Yücel and Sevim,1991, p. 15)

  • Bibliography: Yücel, Yaşar and Sevim, Ali (1991), Türkiye Tarihi(1018-1839) Volume 1, Türk Tarih Kurumu Press, İstanbul.

3. The books of more than two writers

  • Intertextual Usage: (Sayılı, Karal et al., 1978, p. 18)

  • Bibliography: Sayılı, Aydın; Karal, Enver Ziya et al.(1978), Bilim, Kültür ve Öğretim Dili Olarak Türkçe, Türk Tarih Kurumu Press, Ankara.

4. Chapter in a book

  • Intertextual Usage: (Dokuyan, 2013, p. 273)
  • Bibliography: Surname, Name (Year), Title of the Book Chapter, N., Surname (Ed.), In Book Name (V., pp.), Publisher, City.
  • Example: Dokuyan, Sabit (2019), Hatay Meselesi, E. Müezzinoğlu(Ed.), In Atatürk Dönemi Türk Dış Politikası(V. 1, 273-292),  İdeal Kültür, Istanbul.

5. The articles of single writer

  • Intertextual Usage: (Dokuyan, 2014, p. 65)

  • Bibliography: Dokuyan, Sabit(2014), “Anıtkabir Nasıl İnşa Edildi? Süreç ve Tartışmalar”, History Studies, Volume 6/5, September. (131-156)

6. The articles of two writers

  • Intertextual Usage: (Dokuyan and Tekin, 2017, p. 55)

  • Bibliography: Dokuyan, Sabit and Tekin, Ahmet Coşkun(2017), “1950 Yılında Çıkarılan Genel Af ve Yansımaları”,  Turan-Sam, Volume 36, September.(691-701)

7. The articles of more than two writers

  • Intertextual Usage: (Baker, Ball et al., 1979, p. 13)

  • Bibliography: Dokuyan, Sabit; Fidan, Aysun et al.(2018), “Tarih ve Gerçeklik”, Journal of Historical Transformation, Volume 2, October.(272-279)

8. Symposium Statements

  • Intertextual Usage: (Bektaş, 2006, p. 65)

  • Bibliography: Bektaş, İzzettin (2006), “Sözlü Tarihin Tanıklığında Cumhuriyet Döneminde Buldan’da Verem Gerçeği ve Veremle Mücadele”. Buldan Symposium, Denizli.

9. Dissertations

  • Intertextual Usage: (Dokuyan, 2013, p. 111)

  • Bibliography: Dokuyan, Sabit(2013), 1945-1950 Yılları Arasında Türkiye, Erciyes University, Kayseri. (Unpublished PhD Thesis)

10. Encyclopedia Article

  • Intertextual Usage: (Dokuyan, 2013, p. 33)

  • Bibliography: Dokuyan, Sabit(2013), “Ahmet Hilmi Kalaç”, Kayseri Encyclopedia, Volume 3, İstanbul.

11. Archive Documents

  • Intertextual Usage: (BCA, A25/
  • Bibliography: BCA, A25/

12. Newspapers

  • Intertextual Usage: (Times, 10.07.1944 p. 15)

  • Bibliography: Times, 10th July 1944.

13. Assembly Reports

  • Intertextual Usage: (TBMMTD, 15.12.1950, p. 15)

  • Bibliography: TBMMTD, 15th December 1950.

14. Internet Addresses

  • Intertextual Usage: (www.dergipark.org.tr)

  • Bibliography:  www.dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/juhis. (Access Date: 01.01.2020)

15. In Articles Written on Ancient History, Archaeology, etc.the abbreviations in the Oxford Classical Dictionary [OCD] abbreviation list are followed in the text and in the bibliography. When citing Ancient, Late Antiquity and Byzantine authors and works, the classical citation order is followed. This abbreviation includes {Author}, (Work), [Chapter], [Paragraph and line].

Note: For authors, works, etc. that are not included in the Oxford Classical Dictionary abbreviation list, their full form should be indicated in the first footnote cited, and the preferred abbreviation should be indicated in parentheses in subsequent uses.

In-text Usage: Tac. ann. XV. 17.3.

Bibliography: Tac. ann. (= Text Used: Koestermann, Erich, (1968), Cornelius Tacitus, Annalen, erläutert und mit einer Einleitung versehen, Band IV: Buch 14-16, Carl Winter Verlag, Heidelberg.)

16. Translated Book:

Intertextual Usage: (Barry, 1997, p. 58)

Bibliography: Barry, Patrick (1997), Saint Benedict and Christianity in England, (Trans. S. Dumlukara) Ampleforth Abbey Press, Southern Avenue.


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