Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

1) Journal Publication Ethics
Karatekin Law Journal continues its publication life in accordance with national and international standards regarding ethical principles and values in its publication policy.
KLJ is based on the directives and guidelines prepared by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) and the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) in terms of ethical responsibilities, roles and duties of authors, journal editor, referees and publisher, and ethical principles and rules.

2) Obligations of the Editors and Editorial Board
a. carries out the evaluation process of the works regardless of the religion, gender, nationality and political opinion of the author.
b. undertakes to act in confidentiality within the scope of his/her duties.
c. ensures that the principle of blind refereeing is respected in the publication process. He/she takes into account the COPE guidelines ( ) in order to ensure that the refereeing process complies with ethical standards.
d. provides the necessary cooperation and coordination to complete the evaluation process of the works within the specified period.
e. observes the principles determined by COPE (   in sharing information about the publication process of the journal and article evaluation processes with other members of the Board.
f. complies with the principles determined by COPE and YÖK's Directive on Scientific Research and Publication Ethics of Higher Education Institutions in terms of ethical violations that may be encountered in works submitted to the journal or published in previous issues of the journal. Click here to access COPE's guidelines on these issues.
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3) Obligations of Authors
Authors who submit their works to the Journal are obliged to comply with the provisions of the Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works, the principles set out by YÖK in the Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive of Higher Education Institutions, the standards set forth by COPE and other principles and standards accepted by the Journal.
Authors are deemed to have undertaken that they have prepared their works submitted to the Journal for publication in accordance with the Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works, the Directive on Scientific Research and Publication Ethics of Higher Education Institutions, and the standards of research and publication ethics announced by COPE.

4) Obligations of Reviewers
The referees complete the review of the works sent to them by the Journal or the units authorized by the Journal within the time allotted to them, taking into account the principles announced by COPE ( ), in accordance with their fields of expertise, impartially and fairly.
Referees are obliged to inform the Editorial Board of the Journal immediately if they find any violation of academic principles and ethical values, national or international principles or standards during the review of the relevant work.

Publication Policy:

Publication Language
KLJ only reviews scientific studies written in Turkish and English.

Publication Frequency
KLJ which begins its publication life in 2023, is a national peer-reviewed journal that will be published electronically in two issues per year, in January and July.

Pricing Policy
KLJ does not charge authors/authors a fee at any stage of the publication process (submission, evaluation and publication of the relevant work).

Publication Process
1) Preliminary Evaluation Process
a. Manuscripts can only be submitted to the journal through the DergiPark system. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must not have been published or sent elsewhere for publication. The submission of the manuscript to our journal means the author's commitment to this principle. In this regard, the "Ethical Declaration Form" must be signed by the author and sent to our journal via the Dergipark system. In addition, the "Declaration of No Need for Ethics Committee Approval Form" should be uploaded to the system. In addition, for translated manuscripts, a written permission document indicating that permission for publication has been obtained from the author/authors of the work and/or the person or institution holding the right to publish should also be uploaded to the system.
b. Authors are deemed to have accepted that their work is ready for "publication" in terms of spelling as submitted to our journal.
c. By submitting their work to our journal, authors are deemed to have accepted our journal's ethical principles, publication policy and writing rules. The Editorial Board has the right to reject manuscripts that are contrary to ethical principles, editorial policy or scientific criteria, that do not comply with the spelling rules, or that contain more than usual spelling mistakes at any stage.
d. The manuscripts submitted to our journal are examined by the Turnitin plagiarism program. Manuscripts with a similarity rate of more than 15% (bibliography, footnotes and similarities of less than 3% are excluded from the Turnitin review) are rejected by the Editorial Board without being sent for peer review.
e. The preliminary evaluation process is completed within a maximum of 1 month.

2) Evaluation Process
The manuscripts submitted to our journal are subjected to peer review in accordance with the double-blind peer-review system after passing the preliminary evaluation process. If corrections are requested in the referee report, the author can only make changes within the framework of the specified mandatory corrections. After the corrections suggested by the referee are made by the author, the manuscript is sent to the referee again if specified in the report. If the reports of both referees are negative, the manuscript is not sent to a third referee and is removed from the publication process. If one of the referee reports is positive and the other is negative, a third referee evaluation is applied. If the third referee's evaluation is negative, the manuscript is returned to the author and removed from the publication process.
The referee has 7 days to respond to the invitation sent for the evaluation. The referee has 1 month to evaluate the article. If deemed necessary, referees may be given up to 15 days additional time by the editor.

3) Preparation for Publication
The preparation for publication process is the process in which peer-reviewed manuscripts are prepared for publication in the relevant issue. In this process, the status of the article appears as In Process of Publication.
The manuscript, whose layout is completed during the preparation for publication process, is sent to the author for a final review in terms of grammar, spelling rules and semantic integrity and to identify possible typographical errors. After the author completes the process, the Editorial Board presents the final version of the article to be published in the relevant issue to the users in the DergiPark system in early view. During this process, if the author detects minor errors in his/her work, he/she can notify the technical communication unit of our journal ( ) by e-mail. The Editorial Board receives the change request from the technical communication and makes the necessary correction.
NOTE: All stages related to the manuscript you send to our journal are completed through the DergiPark system and you should contact through the DergiPark system for any questions. You only need to notify the technical communication unit of our journal ( ) by e-mail at the EARLY VIEW stage for minor errors you detect about your work after the publication of the relevant issue of our journal in the DergiPark system.

Price Policy
No fee is charged from the author or institution under any name.
KLJ does not charge authors/authors a fee at any stage of the publication process (submission, evaluation and publication of the relevant work).

Last Update Time: 12/9/24, 4:08:32 PM

  Karatekin Hukuk Dergisi (KAHD), Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı (CC BY NC) ile lisanslanmıştır.