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Harita Tarihi Teorisi: Başlangıç ve Dönüşüm Bakımından Clima, Oikoumene ve Orbis Terrarum

Year 2024, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 151 - 172, 31.10.2024


Haritacılığın basit çizim ve tasvirlerle başladığı bilinmektedir. Haritacılık tarihini harita tarihi teorisi bağlamında açıklamak gerekirse belli başlı iki başlık ile karşılaşılmıştır. Bunlardan biri, kronolojik sırlama ile olayların ele alındığı, diğeri postmodern anlayışla temaların işlendiği teoridir. Bu çalışmada postmodern teori kapsamında, Antik Yunan geleneği ile ortaya konulan clima ve (Oikoumene) ökümen ile Roma coğrafyacılığında temsil bulan orbis terrarum kavramlarının ortaya çıkış, gelişim, kesişim ve değişimi incelenmiştir. Konu kültürler arası aktarım ve mekânın kartografik gösterimlerinin, başka olaylarla etkileşimi bağlamında tarihsel bir araştırma yapılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Dünya imajının gösteriminde kavramlar aynı kalmasına ve kültürler arasında aktarılmasına rağmen, ilkin yaşanılan yer ve yakın çevre gösterimini işaret ederken daha sonra değişime uğramıştır. Çalışmada, kavram değişiminin nasıl gerçekleştiği aktarımların, eklenen veya çıkarılan özelliklerin neler olduğu döneme ait örneklerle açıklanmıştır. Bu tarihsel okuma, haritanın ortaya çıkış, gelişim ve değişiminde etkili unsurların post modern harita teorisindeki yerinin örneklendirilmesi bakımından önemlidir.


  • Aujac, G. (1987). The growth of on empirical cartography in Hellenistic Greece. J. B. Harley & D. Woodward (Eds.). The history of chartography, V. I, (pp. 177-200). The University of Chicago Press.
  • Athanasopoulos, C. (July 2014). The shield of Achilles: A use for philosophical practice. Philosophical Practice, 9(2), 1381-1387.
  • Barker, E., Bouzarovski, S., Pelling, C. & Isaksen, L. (2010). Mapping an ancient histo-rian in a digital age: the Herodotus encoded space-text-image archive (HESTIA). Leeds International Classical Studies, 9(1), 1-37.
  • Bilgin, T. (1996). Genel kartografya II. Filiz Kitapevi.
  • Bondarenko, I. (2016). Architecture of Christian church in the context of archaic ideas of the universe. Procedia Engineering, 165, 1880-1887.
  • Braemer, F. & Echallier, J.C. (1995). Nature et fonctions des "desert kites" : Données et hypothèses nouvelles. Paléorient, 21(1), 35-63.
  • De Witt, N.W. (1942). Orbis terrarum. The Classical Journal, 6(37), 362-363.
  • Dilke, O. A.W. (1987). The culmination of Greek cartography in Ptolemy. J. B. Harley & D. Woodward (Ed)., The history of chartography, V. I, (pp.177-200). The University of Chicago Press.
  • Edney, M. H. (1996). Theory and the history of cartography. Imago Mundi, 48, 185-191.
  • Fernández, P. I. A. & Buchroithner, M. F. (2014). Paradigms in cartography. Springer.
  • Gürsoy, C. R. (1961). Kartografya:Projeksiyonlar bilgisi (Birinci Cilt). Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Yayını.
  • Harley, J. B. & Woodward, D. (1987). The foundations of theoretical cartography in archaic and classical Greece. J. B. Harley & D. Woodward (Eds.), The History of chartography, V. I, (pp. 130-148). The University of Chicago Press.
  • Inmaculada, M. P. & Andreotti, G. C. (2020). Geography. S. Lazaris (Ed.), A companion to Byzantine science (pp. 231-261). Brill.
  • Kaçar, M. (2019). Piri Reis öncesi İslam haritaları. Boyut Yayınları.
  • Kimble, G. H. T. (1935). The Laurentian world map with special reference to its portrayal of Africa. Imago Mundi, 1(1), 29-33.
  • Klinghoffer, A. J. (2006). The power of projections: How maps reflect global politics and history. Praeger Pres.
  • Landais, B. (2012). Villages, actors of local cartography? The cadastral maps of the Banat (1772–1779). E. Liebenberg, P. Collier & Z. G.Török (Eds.), In history of cartography ınternational symposium of the ICA (pp. 129-148). Springer.
  • Mangani, G. (1998). Abraham Ortelius and the hermetic meaning of the cordiform projection. Imago Mundi, 50(1), 59-83.
  • Moore, R. (2019). Empire without end at the ends of the Earth: Ireland and Thule in Roman imperial ideology. Classics Ireland, 26, 58-85.
  • My Old Maps. (t.y.). World according to Herodotus.
  • Ormeling, F. J. (2012). Name location on old maps. E. Liebenberg, P. Collier & Z. G. Török (Eds.), In history of cartography international symposium of the ICA (pp. 325-336). Springer.
  • Pogorzelski, R. J. (2011). Orbis Romanus: Lucan and the limits of the Roman World. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1974-2014), 141(1), 143-170.
  • Shield of Achilles. (2023, 10 Haziran). In Wikipedia.
  • Traina, G. (2013). Mapping the world under Theodosius II. C. Kelly (Ed.), Theodosius II rethinking the Roman Empire in late Antiquity (pp. 155-171). Cambridge University Press.
  • Meisterdrucke. (2023, 10 Haziran). Thera freski.
  • Thrower, N. J. W. (2008). Maps&civilization chartography in culture. (Third pres.). The University of Chicago Press.
  • World History. (2023, 10 Haziran). Babylonian map of the World.
  • Word Sense Dictionary. (2023, 7 Haziran). Klima.

Theory of Map History: Clima, Oikoumene and Orbis Terrarum in terms of Inception and Transformation

Year 2024, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 151 - 172, 31.10.2024


Generally, it is known that cartography started with simple drawings and descriptions. To explain the history of cartography in the context of map history theory, two main theories have been encountered: One theory is chronological; the other is post-modern theory. In this study, within the scope of postmodern theory, the concepts of clima, oikoumene, and orbis terrarum were examined. This is historical research. The representation of the world is transferred between cultures. While it first indicated the representation of the place of residence and the immediate environment, it was later turned into a religious and political structure. In the study, how the concept change took place, the transfers, and the added or removed features were explained with examples from the period. This historical reading is important in terms of exemplifying the place of the elements effective in the emergence, development, and change of the map in post-modern map theory.


  • Aujac, G. (1987). The growth of on empirical cartography in Hellenistic Greece. J. B. Harley & D. Woodward (Eds.). The history of chartography, V. I, (pp. 177-200). The University of Chicago Press.
  • Athanasopoulos, C. (July 2014). The shield of Achilles: A use for philosophical practice. Philosophical Practice, 9(2), 1381-1387.
  • Barker, E., Bouzarovski, S., Pelling, C. & Isaksen, L. (2010). Mapping an ancient histo-rian in a digital age: the Herodotus encoded space-text-image archive (HESTIA). Leeds International Classical Studies, 9(1), 1-37.
  • Bilgin, T. (1996). Genel kartografya II. Filiz Kitapevi.
  • Bondarenko, I. (2016). Architecture of Christian church in the context of archaic ideas of the universe. Procedia Engineering, 165, 1880-1887.
  • Braemer, F. & Echallier, J.C. (1995). Nature et fonctions des "desert kites" : Données et hypothèses nouvelles. Paléorient, 21(1), 35-63.
  • De Witt, N.W. (1942). Orbis terrarum. The Classical Journal, 6(37), 362-363.
  • Dilke, O. A.W. (1987). The culmination of Greek cartography in Ptolemy. J. B. Harley & D. Woodward (Ed)., The history of chartography, V. I, (pp.177-200). The University of Chicago Press.
  • Edney, M. H. (1996). Theory and the history of cartography. Imago Mundi, 48, 185-191.
  • Fernández, P. I. A. & Buchroithner, M. F. (2014). Paradigms in cartography. Springer.
  • Gürsoy, C. R. (1961). Kartografya:Projeksiyonlar bilgisi (Birinci Cilt). Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Yayını.
  • Harley, J. B. & Woodward, D. (1987). The foundations of theoretical cartography in archaic and classical Greece. J. B. Harley & D. Woodward (Eds.), The History of chartography, V. I, (pp. 130-148). The University of Chicago Press.
  • Inmaculada, M. P. & Andreotti, G. C. (2020). Geography. S. Lazaris (Ed.), A companion to Byzantine science (pp. 231-261). Brill.
  • Kaçar, M. (2019). Piri Reis öncesi İslam haritaları. Boyut Yayınları.
  • Kimble, G. H. T. (1935). The Laurentian world map with special reference to its portrayal of Africa. Imago Mundi, 1(1), 29-33.
  • Klinghoffer, A. J. (2006). The power of projections: How maps reflect global politics and history. Praeger Pres.
  • Landais, B. (2012). Villages, actors of local cartography? The cadastral maps of the Banat (1772–1779). E. Liebenberg, P. Collier & Z. G.Török (Eds.), In history of cartography ınternational symposium of the ICA (pp. 129-148). Springer.
  • Mangani, G. (1998). Abraham Ortelius and the hermetic meaning of the cordiform projection. Imago Mundi, 50(1), 59-83.
  • Moore, R. (2019). Empire without end at the ends of the Earth: Ireland and Thule in Roman imperial ideology. Classics Ireland, 26, 58-85.
  • My Old Maps. (t.y.). World according to Herodotus.
  • Ormeling, F. J. (2012). Name location on old maps. E. Liebenberg, P. Collier & Z. G. Török (Eds.), In history of cartography international symposium of the ICA (pp. 325-336). Springer.
  • Pogorzelski, R. J. (2011). Orbis Romanus: Lucan and the limits of the Roman World. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1974-2014), 141(1), 143-170.
  • Shield of Achilles. (2023, 10 Haziran). In Wikipedia.
  • Traina, G. (2013). Mapping the world under Theodosius II. C. Kelly (Ed.), Theodosius II rethinking the Roman Empire in late Antiquity (pp. 155-171). Cambridge University Press.
  • Meisterdrucke. (2023, 10 Haziran). Thera freski.
  • Thrower, N. J. W. (2008). Maps&civilization chartography in culture. (Third pres.). The University of Chicago Press.
  • World History. (2023, 10 Haziran). Babylonian map of the World.
  • Word Sense Dictionary. (2023, 7 Haziran). Klima.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Environmental Geography
Journal Section Articles

Nazan Karakaş Özür 0000-0002-6626-3845

Publication Date October 31, 2024
Submission Date March 20, 2024
Acceptance Date May 8, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 12 Issue: 2


APA Karakaş Özür, N. (2024). Harita Tarihi Teorisi: Başlangıç ve Dönüşüm Bakımından Clima, Oikoumene ve Orbis Terrarum. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi Karatekin Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(2), 151-172.