ISSN: 2146-8117
e-ISSN: 2148-6220
Founded: 2016
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Katre International Human Studies Journal is a multi-disciplinary, double-blind peer reviewed international journal in Turkish and English, published with the ISSN number 2146-8117 and e-ISSN number 2148-6220 biannually in June and December by the Istanbul Foundation for Science and Culture, Istanbul, Türkiye, since 2016.

Katre International Human Studies Journal publishes original research articles in the areas of Islamic thought and civilization, religious studies, social and human sciences as well as experimental, descriptive and theoretical studies. The scope of the journal covers both Western scientific approaches and Islamic perspectives in studying human sciences, in the disciplines of History, Culture, Education, Art and Literature, Anthropology and Sociology, Economic and Administrative sciences, Philosophy and Religious studies.

Katre International Human Studies Journal is particularly interested in original studies that offer new and insightful Islamic responses to the intellectual and cultural challenges of the modern world. The journal also welcomes book reviews and reports that cover significant national and international academic and cultural events. The target audience of the journal consists of academicians, researchers, graduate students and related academic institutions and organizations.

The articles submitted to the journal should not have been published anywhere before and should not have been decided for publication. It publishes articles in English or Turkish (as of the June 2022 issue, Turkish and English abstracts around 750 words are requested from the authors).

Manuscripts sent to the journal for publication are reviewed by the editorial board in terms of purpose, scope, content, method, and compliance with spelling rules. They are also checked for plagiarism. Manuscripts found suitable for the journal are sent to two reviewers to be evaluated in terms of scientific proficiency. If the reviewers’ reports are positive, then the article is published after the editorial review. If one of the reviewers gives a negative report, the editor can decide to publish the article or send to the third reviewer. The work that has been decided for publication is placed into the publication queue. Reviewer reports are confidential. The author(s) are informed of the development related to their manuscripts periodically.

Publication Review Process: Approximately 90 Days
Editor Review
Ethics Committee Review
Editorial Board Review
Bilateral Blind Review Process
Language review
Spell Check and Proof reading

Authors must consider the reports of editors and reviewers when revise their manuscripts after the review process. Scientific and legal responsibility of the published articles belong to the author. Editors decide to publish or not to publish the submitted article. Submitted articles are not returned whether they are published or not. No royalties are paid to authors.

All rights of the published articles belong to Katre International Human Studies Journal. The published articles cannot be quoted without reference to the source.

No Copyright Payment will be made to the authors, but a copy of the journal will be sent to the authors for free.

2024 - Volume: 9 Issue: 18

Katre International Human Studies Journal is open access journal under the CC BY-NC license (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License)

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