Prof. Dr. Ghadir Golkarian was born in 1964 and he graduated from Iran in 1964. His higher education was completed both in Turkey and in other countries. In 1990, he worked on Classical Texts of the Turkish Language and Literature. He has pursued his doctorate degree on Persian Literature via his study focused on “Bâstâ-i neveştar” (Ancient Writing) from Ankara University; followed by his graduation from the the Iran Azad Islamic University in 1997.
Tebriz Azad worked as a lecturer in organizations providing higher education services such as Islamic University, Education Supervisor (Teacher’s College), Azerbaijan Khazar University, Ardahan University, Moheg Turcology and Turkish Education Institute.In 2007, he got his PPL (Private Pilot Level) license and became a pilot. Prof. Dr. Ghadir Golkarian is currently a lecturer related to Political Science, International Relations. He pursued his higher education degree in the field of international relations.
He has been awarded the International Gold Book Award (1994); International TÜRKSAV Award (2001), Turkey Aegean Writers’ Association Award (2005), Cultural Academy Award (2007), Azerbaijan Writers’ Association Award (2016), Shahriar Literary Service Award (2017). Additionally, he has also been nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2008.
Prof. Dr. Ghadir Golkarian’s publications and articles are found in well-known internationally indexed and peer-reviewed journals.
He has published, in both Turkey and in Azerbaijan, the following: Turkish-English- Persian Dictionary; Azerbaijani General Turkish; Persian Dictionary; Persian- English Dictionary; Turkish-Persian two-way Dictionary; Persian artefacts in Iran. Furthermore, he has published many publications such as Literary Movements in Literature (2 volumes), Translation of the Divine Divinity, Persian-Turkish Literature in the 16th and 17th centuries.
His work on “Terror and Terrorism, Iran Nuclear Crises, Middle East is Blind Node” are highly acknowledged.
Classical Turkish Literature of Ottoman Field, Turkish Language and Literature Education, Political Science, International Politics