
Journal of Urban Academy is an international, mutually blind peer-reviewed journal with at least three referees, publishing bimonthly (six issues per year) in January, March, May, July, September, and November. The publication language is Turkish and English.  Our authors should use the first upload template from the Documents menu when uploading articles, and leave a line space between each reference when creating bibliography, and bibliographies, books, articles, theses, etc. We kindly ask you to sort them in a single block, in order of surname, without making any distinctions.

Our journal is published bimonthly.

Volume 18, Issue 1: will be published on 15/01/2024

Volume 18, Issue 2: Article quota has been reached.

Volume 18, Issue 3: Article submission continues.

The similarity rate should be less than 20 percent and the similarity of each reference should be no more than 1%.

English articles and works with Comparative Urban Analysis content about world cities are our preference.

Only research and review articles are accepted in our journal.

Our journal is for academicians all over the world, associate professorship, scientific appointment and promotion, postgraduate graduation, etc. processes are legally accredited.

Last Update Time: 1/13/25, 6:22:38 PM

International Refereed and Indexed Journal of Urban Culture and Management | Kent Kültürü ve Yönetimi Uluslararası Hakemli İndeksli Dergi
Information, Communication, Culture, Art and Media Services (ICAM Network) | www.icamnetwork.net
Address: Ahmet Emin Fidan Culture and Research Center, Evkaf Neigh. No: 34 Fatsa Ordu
Tel: +90452 310 20 30 Faks: +90452 310 20 30 | E-Mail: (int): info@icamnetwork.net | (TR) bilgi@icamnetwork.net