Isıl enerji tahrikli soğutma sistemleri
Year 2017,
Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 41 - 52, 15.06.2017
Mükrimin Güney
Birkut Güler
sıkıştırmalı soğutma makineleri performans katsayıları yüksek olmalarına rağmen
hem elektrik enerjisine yoğun bağlı olmalarından, hem de kullanılan aracı
akışkan olan muhtelif Freon gazlarının çevreye olumsuz etkilerinden dolayı
alternatif soğutma sistemlerine ilgi artmaktadır. Bu manada absorpsiyonlu ve
adsorpsiyonlu soğutma sistemleri öne çıkmaktadır. Ayrıca bu sistemlerin ikili
ve üçlü kojenerasyon sistemlerinde soğutma enerjisi elde edilme yöntemi olarakta
kullanılması rahatlıkla mümkündür. Bu çalışmada ısıl enerji kaynaklı soğutma
sistemleri olan absorpsiyonlu ve adsorpsiyonlu soğutma sistemleri üzerinde
kapsamlı sınıflandırmayı içeren, yerine göre kıyaslamalı ve kullanım yerlerini
de belirten bilgiler verilmektedir.
- Abed, A. M., Alghoul, M. A., Sopian, K., Majdi, H. S., Al-Shamani, A. N., & Muftah,A. F. (2017).
- Anonymous 1, 1997. Protocol K. United Nations framework convention on climate change. Kyoto: Kyoto Protocol; 1997.
- Anonymous2,2017, 5/Datasheet-7 Absorption-Cooling.pdf.aspx
- Anonymous 3, 2016 absorption-chiller-work/ 08.02.2016
- Anyanwu EE, Ogueke NV. Thermodynamic design procedure for solid adsorption solar refrigerator. Renewable Energy 2005;30(1):81–96
- Bataineh, K., & Taamneh, Y. (2016). Review and recent improvements of solar sorption cooling systems. Energy and Buildings, 128, 22-37.
- Bataineh, K. M., & Alrifai, S. (2015). Recent trends in solar thermal sorption cooling system technology. Advances in Mechanical Engineering,7(5),1687814015586120.
- Enhancement aspects of single stage absorption cooling cycle: a detailed review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.
- Gomri, R. (2010). Investigation of the potential of application of single effect andmultiple effect absorption cooling systems. Energy Conversion and Management, 51(8), 1629-1636. Hassan, H. Z., & Mohamad, A. A. (2012).
- A review on solar-powered closed physisorption cooling systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(5), 2516-2538.
Liao X., 2004.
- The development of an air-cooled absorption chiller concept and its integration in CHP systemsc 2004. Ullah, K. R., Saidur, R., Ping, H. W., Akikur, R. K., & Shuvo, N. H. (2013).
- A review of solar thermal refrigeration and cooling methods. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 24, 499-513.
Year 2017,
Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 41 - 52, 15.06.2017
Mükrimin Güney
Birkut Güler
- Abed, A. M., Alghoul, M. A., Sopian, K., Majdi, H. S., Al-Shamani, A. N., & Muftah,A. F. (2017).
- Anonymous 1, 1997. Protocol K. United Nations framework convention on climate change. Kyoto: Kyoto Protocol; 1997.
- Anonymous2,2017, 5/Datasheet-7 Absorption-Cooling.pdf.aspx
- Anonymous 3, 2016 absorption-chiller-work/ 08.02.2016
- Anyanwu EE, Ogueke NV. Thermodynamic design procedure for solid adsorption solar refrigerator. Renewable Energy 2005;30(1):81–96
- Bataineh, K., & Taamneh, Y. (2016). Review and recent improvements of solar sorption cooling systems. Energy and Buildings, 128, 22-37.
- Bataineh, K. M., & Alrifai, S. (2015). Recent trends in solar thermal sorption cooling system technology. Advances in Mechanical Engineering,7(5),1687814015586120.
- Enhancement aspects of single stage absorption cooling cycle: a detailed review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.
- Gomri, R. (2010). Investigation of the potential of application of single effect andmultiple effect absorption cooling systems. Energy Conversion and Management, 51(8), 1629-1636. Hassan, H. Z., & Mohamad, A. A. (2012).
- A review on solar-powered closed physisorption cooling systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(5), 2516-2538.
Liao X., 2004.
- The development of an air-cooled absorption chiller concept and its integration in CHP systemsc 2004. Ullah, K. R., Saidur, R., Ping, H. W., Akikur, R. K., & Shuvo, N. H. (2013).
- A review of solar thermal refrigeration and cooling methods. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 24, 499-513.