e-ISSN: 2564-7377
Founded: 2010
Publisher: Giresun University
Cover Image

Giresun University

The Black Sea Journal of Sciences

(Karadeniz Fen Bilimleri Dergisi)

The Black Sea Journal of Sciences is an international peer reviewed journal published four times a year and indexed by national and international databases.

The Black Sea Journal of Sciences started its publication life in 2010. Our journal accepts works from science, engineering and technology. Articles submitted for publications in our journal are evaluated by the editor, editorial board and referees (Blind peer review)Our journal accepts research articles written in Turkish or English. The similarity rate of the studies submitted to our journal should not exceed 25%.

There are no evaluation fees or application fees for articles sent to our journal.

Starting in 2017, The Black Sea Journal of Sciences will be published electronically only.

2025 - Volume: 15 Issue: 1