Research Article
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Investigation of Water-Soluble Vitamins in Sumac (Rhus Coriaria L.) Grown in Different Regions and Subjected to Different Preservation Methods

Year 2024, Volume: 14 Issue: 4, 1736 - 1747, 15.12.2024


The amounts of water-soluble vitamins in unoiled and oiled sumac samples grown in different regions were determined by HPLC. For this purpose, the ground samples were divided into two parts, one part was oiled, while the other part was kept as is for six months and then analyzed. It was found that the amounts of ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotine amide, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid and cyanocobalamin in sumac samples kept for six months unoiled varied between 22.2 ± 1.1 - 48.8 ± 1.9, 38.9 ± 1.7 - 123.1±4.1, 123.8 ± 7.3 - 404.7 ±14.6, 5.8±4.5 - 203.8±8.5, 527.9±10.9 - 993.8±20.4, 216.7±7.7 - 575.4±13.7, 72.2±3.8 - 244.2±9.2, 359.2±14.1 - 612.8± 19.5, 43.0±2.2 - 108.8±4.8 µg /g dw, respectively. The difference between the amounts of water-soluble vitamins in oiled and unoiled sumac samples for all regions is statistically significant (P<0.05). It was also found that the vitamin loss in oiled samples were less than unoiled samples.

Ethical Statement

An ethics committee report is not required in this study.

Supporting Institution


Project Number





  • Abu-Reidah, I. M., Ali-Shtayeh, M. S., Jamous, R. M., Arráez-Román, D., and Segura-Carretero, A. (2015). HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS screening of bioactive components from Rhus coriaria L. (Sumac) fruits. Food Chemistry, 166, 179–191.
  • Ali, H. M., Karataş, F., Özer, D., and Saydam, S. (2024). Element and water‑soluble vitamins profile of Rhus coriaria L. (sumac) grown in different regions. Biological Trace Element Research, 202, 3293-3302.
  • Asensi-Fabado, M. A. and Munné-Bosch, S. (2010). Vitamins in plants: Occurrence, biosynthesis and antioxidant function. Trends in Plant Science, 15(10), 582–592.
  • Ayoade, W. G., Gbadamosi, L., Ajayi, M. G., and Badmus, M. O. (2023). Assessment of minerals and vitamin constituents of some commonly consumed spices. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 10(1), 53–61.
  • Bakar, B., Çakmak, M., Ibrahim, M. S., Özer, D., Saydam, S., and Karatas, F. (2020). Investigation of amounts of vitamins. lycopene. and elements in the fruits of opuntia ficus-indica subjected to different pretreatments. Biological Trace Element Research, 198(1), 315-323.
  • Batiha, G. E. S., Ogunyemi, O. M., Shaheen, H.M., Kutu, F. R., Olaiya, C. O., Sabatier, J. M., and Waard, D. M. (2022). Rhus coriaria L. (sumac), a versatile and resourceful food spice with cornucopia of polyphenols. Molecules, 27, 1-21, 5179.
  • Çakmak, M., Bakar, B., Özer, D., Geckil, H., Karatas, F., and Saydam, S. (2021). Investigation of some biochemical parameters of wild and cultured Myrtus communis L. fruits subjected to different conservation methods. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 15, 983-993.
  • Çöteli, E., and Karataş, F. (2014). Maydanozdaki (Petroselinum sativum) askorbik asit oksidasyonunun zamana bağlı olarak araştırılması. Fırat Üniv. Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 26, 2, 133-137.
  • Engin, B., Erkan, E., Çelik, U., Kutlubay, Z., and Serdaroğlu, S. (2016). Dermatolojide gıda takviyesinin önemi. Dermatoz, 1-14, doi: 10.15624.dermatoz16072d1
  • Halczuk, K., Ka´zmierczak-Bara´nska, J., Karwowski, B. T., Karma´nska, A., and Cie´slak, M. (2023). Vitamin B12—multifaceted in vivo functions and in vitro applications. Nutrients, 15(12), 1-15, 2734.
  • He, J., Milad Hadidi, M., Yang, S., Khan, M. R., Zhang, W., and Cong, X. (2023). Natural food preservation with ginger essential oil: Biological properties and delivery systems. Food Research International, 173, 1-13, 113221.
  • Karatas, F., Baysar, A., and Alpaslan, M. (2017). A comparison of vitamin and folic acid levels of sun and microwave dried Capsicum annuum L. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 41(6), e13275.
  • Kennedy, D. O. (2016). B vitamins and the brain: Mechanisms, dose and efficacy—A review. Nutrients, 8(2), 68. doi: 10.3390/nu8020068.
  • Khalil, M., Hayek, S., Khalil, N., Serale, N., Vergani, L., Calasso, M., Angelis, M. D., and Portincasa, P. (2021). Role of sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) in the management of metabolic syndrome and related disorders: Focus on NAFLD-atherosclerosis interplay. Journal of Functional Foods, 87, 1-17, 104811.
  • Kossah R., Nsabimana, C., Zhao, J., Chen, H., Tian, F., Zhang, H., and Chen, W. (2009). Comparative study on the chemical composition of Syrian sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) and Chinese sumac (Rhus typhina L.) fruits. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 8(10), 1570–1574.
  • Manas, D. (2014). The determination of vitamin C, total phenol and antioxidant activity of some commonly cooking spices crops used in West Bengal. International Journal of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 6(6), 66–70.
  • Maqbool, M. A, Aslam, M., Akbar, W., and Iqbal, Z. (2017). Biological importance of vitamins for human health: A review. Journal of Agriculture and Basic Science, 02(03), 50-58.
  • Masaki H. (2010). Role of antioxidants in the skin: anti-aging effects. Journal of Dermatological Science, 58, 85-90.
  • Morshedloo, M. R., Maggi, F., Neko, H. T., and Aghdam, M. S. (2018). Sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) fruit: Essential oil variability in Iranian populations. Industrial Crops & Products, 111, 1-7.
  • Oh, D. Y., and Kim, H. S. (2019). Physicochemical properties of the turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) in Jindo Korea. Journal of Environmental Science International, 28(4), 403–412.
  • Parvathi, D., Bhavana, S., and Prashanthi, B. (2021). Assessment of biochemical parameters in Chilli under storage conditions. The Pharma Innovation Journal; 10(12), 1122-1126.
  • Parra, M., Stahl, S., and Hellmann, H. (2018). Vitamin B6 and its role in cell metabolism and physiology, Cells, 7(7), 84.
  • Rad, A. H., and Khaleghi, M. (2020). Sumac in food industry: A changing outlook for consumer and producer. Journal of Food Technology & Nutrition sciences, 2(1), 1–3.
  • Redfearn, H. N., Warren, M. K., and Goddard, J. M. (2023). Reactive extrusion of nonmigratory active and intelligent packaging. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15(24), 29511-29524.
  • Santhi, V. P., Poomaruthai, M., Sarasu, V. P., Gurusamy, K., Parthiban, S., Geetha, K., Indumathi, K., Laveena, K.S and Umayal, A. (2020). Fruits: A potential source of vitamin C as essential human nutrition and immunity development: A review. The Pharma Innovation Journal, 9(9), 132-144.
  • Schellack, N. (2015). B-complex vitamin deficiency and supplementation. South African Pharmaceutical Journal, 82(4), 28–33.
  • Schlueter, A. K., and Johnston, C. S. (2011). Vitamin C: Overview and update. Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine, 16(1), 49–57.
  • Seal, T., and Chaudhuri, K. (2017). High performance liquid chromatography method for the estimation of water soluble vitamin in five wild edible fruits consumed by the tribal people of north-eastern region in India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 6, 2900–2913.
  • Shabbir, A. (2012). Rhus coriaria Linn, a plant of medicinal, nutritional and industrial importance: A review. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 22(2), 505–512.
  • Shin, Y., and Choung, M. G. (2023). Determination of the pantothenic acid and pyridoxine contents in seasoning products. Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition, 52(7), 708–715.
  • Smith, A. G., Croft, M. T., Moulin, M., and Webb, M. E. (2007). Plants need their vitamins too. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 10(3), 266–275.
  • Yamada, K., Shimodaira, M., Chida, S., Yamada, N., Matsushima, N., Morimichi Fukuda, M., and Yamada, S. (2008). Degradation of vitamin B12 in dietary supplements. International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research, 78 (4-5), 195–203.

Farklı Bölgelerde Yetişen ve Farklı Muhafaza Yöntemlerine Tabi Tutulan Sumak (Rhus Coriaria L.)' daki Suda Çözünen Vitaminlerin Araştırılması

Year 2024, Volume: 14 Issue: 4, 1736 - 1747, 15.12.2024


Farklı bölgelerde yetişmiş, sumak örneklerinden yağlanıp ve yağlanmadan bekletilen numunelerdeki, suda çözünen vitaminler HPLC ile tayin edildi. Bu amaçla, öğütülen sumak örnekleri iki kısma ayrıldı, bir kısmı yağlanırken diğer ikinci kısım ise yağlanmadı ve her iki grup altı ay bekletildikten sonra analiz edildi. Yağlanmamış sumak örneklerindeki askorbik asit, tiamin, riboflavin, nikotin amid, nikotinik asit, pantotenik asit, pridoksin, folik asit ve siyanokobalamin miktarları sırasıyla 22.2 ± 1.1 - 48.8 ± 1.9, 38.9 ± 1.7 - 123.1±4.1, 123.8 ±7.3 - 404.7 ±14.6, 5.8±4.5 - 203.8±8.5, 527.9±10.9 - 993.8±20.4, 216.7±7.7 - 575.4±13.7, 72.2±3.8 - 244.2±9.2, 359.2±14.1 - 612.8± 19.5, 43.0±2.2 - 108.8±4.8 µg /g dw, arasında değiştiği bulunmuştur. Bütün bölgelerdeki yağlanmış ve yağlanmamış sumak örneklerindeki vitamin miktarları arasındaki farkın istatiksel olarak anlamlı (P<0.05) olduğu bulunmuştur. Ayrıca yağlanmış örneklerdeki vitamin kayıplarının yağlanmamış örneklere göre daha az olduğu belirlenmiştir.

Ethical Statement

An ethics committee report is not required in this study.

Supporting Institution


Project Number





  • Abu-Reidah, I. M., Ali-Shtayeh, M. S., Jamous, R. M., Arráez-Román, D., and Segura-Carretero, A. (2015). HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS screening of bioactive components from Rhus coriaria L. (Sumac) fruits. Food Chemistry, 166, 179–191.
  • Ali, H. M., Karataş, F., Özer, D., and Saydam, S. (2024). Element and water‑soluble vitamins profile of Rhus coriaria L. (sumac) grown in different regions. Biological Trace Element Research, 202, 3293-3302.
  • Asensi-Fabado, M. A. and Munné-Bosch, S. (2010). Vitamins in plants: Occurrence, biosynthesis and antioxidant function. Trends in Plant Science, 15(10), 582–592.
  • Ayoade, W. G., Gbadamosi, L., Ajayi, M. G., and Badmus, M. O. (2023). Assessment of minerals and vitamin constituents of some commonly consumed spices. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 10(1), 53–61.
  • Bakar, B., Çakmak, M., Ibrahim, M. S., Özer, D., Saydam, S., and Karatas, F. (2020). Investigation of amounts of vitamins. lycopene. and elements in the fruits of opuntia ficus-indica subjected to different pretreatments. Biological Trace Element Research, 198(1), 315-323.
  • Batiha, G. E. S., Ogunyemi, O. M., Shaheen, H.M., Kutu, F. R., Olaiya, C. O., Sabatier, J. M., and Waard, D. M. (2022). Rhus coriaria L. (sumac), a versatile and resourceful food spice with cornucopia of polyphenols. Molecules, 27, 1-21, 5179.
  • Çakmak, M., Bakar, B., Özer, D., Geckil, H., Karatas, F., and Saydam, S. (2021). Investigation of some biochemical parameters of wild and cultured Myrtus communis L. fruits subjected to different conservation methods. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 15, 983-993.
  • Çöteli, E., and Karataş, F. (2014). Maydanozdaki (Petroselinum sativum) askorbik asit oksidasyonunun zamana bağlı olarak araştırılması. Fırat Üniv. Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 26, 2, 133-137.
  • Engin, B., Erkan, E., Çelik, U., Kutlubay, Z., and Serdaroğlu, S. (2016). Dermatolojide gıda takviyesinin önemi. Dermatoz, 1-14, doi: 10.15624.dermatoz16072d1
  • Halczuk, K., Ka´zmierczak-Bara´nska, J., Karwowski, B. T., Karma´nska, A., and Cie´slak, M. (2023). Vitamin B12—multifaceted in vivo functions and in vitro applications. Nutrients, 15(12), 1-15, 2734.
  • He, J., Milad Hadidi, M., Yang, S., Khan, M. R., Zhang, W., and Cong, X. (2023). Natural food preservation with ginger essential oil: Biological properties and delivery systems. Food Research International, 173, 1-13, 113221.
  • Karatas, F., Baysar, A., and Alpaslan, M. (2017). A comparison of vitamin and folic acid levels of sun and microwave dried Capsicum annuum L. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 41(6), e13275.
  • Kennedy, D. O. (2016). B vitamins and the brain: Mechanisms, dose and efficacy—A review. Nutrients, 8(2), 68. doi: 10.3390/nu8020068.
  • Khalil, M., Hayek, S., Khalil, N., Serale, N., Vergani, L., Calasso, M., Angelis, M. D., and Portincasa, P. (2021). Role of sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) in the management of metabolic syndrome and related disorders: Focus on NAFLD-atherosclerosis interplay. Journal of Functional Foods, 87, 1-17, 104811.
  • Kossah R., Nsabimana, C., Zhao, J., Chen, H., Tian, F., Zhang, H., and Chen, W. (2009). Comparative study on the chemical composition of Syrian sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) and Chinese sumac (Rhus typhina L.) fruits. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 8(10), 1570–1574.
  • Manas, D. (2014). The determination of vitamin C, total phenol and antioxidant activity of some commonly cooking spices crops used in West Bengal. International Journal of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 6(6), 66–70.
  • Maqbool, M. A, Aslam, M., Akbar, W., and Iqbal, Z. (2017). Biological importance of vitamins for human health: A review. Journal of Agriculture and Basic Science, 02(03), 50-58.
  • Masaki H. (2010). Role of antioxidants in the skin: anti-aging effects. Journal of Dermatological Science, 58, 85-90.
  • Morshedloo, M. R., Maggi, F., Neko, H. T., and Aghdam, M. S. (2018). Sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) fruit: Essential oil variability in Iranian populations. Industrial Crops & Products, 111, 1-7.
  • Oh, D. Y., and Kim, H. S. (2019). Physicochemical properties of the turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) in Jindo Korea. Journal of Environmental Science International, 28(4), 403–412.
  • Parvathi, D., Bhavana, S., and Prashanthi, B. (2021). Assessment of biochemical parameters in Chilli under storage conditions. The Pharma Innovation Journal; 10(12), 1122-1126.
  • Parra, M., Stahl, S., and Hellmann, H. (2018). Vitamin B6 and its role in cell metabolism and physiology, Cells, 7(7), 84.
  • Rad, A. H., and Khaleghi, M. (2020). Sumac in food industry: A changing outlook for consumer and producer. Journal of Food Technology & Nutrition sciences, 2(1), 1–3.
  • Redfearn, H. N., Warren, M. K., and Goddard, J. M. (2023). Reactive extrusion of nonmigratory active and intelligent packaging. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15(24), 29511-29524.
  • Santhi, V. P., Poomaruthai, M., Sarasu, V. P., Gurusamy, K., Parthiban, S., Geetha, K., Indumathi, K., Laveena, K.S and Umayal, A. (2020). Fruits: A potential source of vitamin C as essential human nutrition and immunity development: A review. The Pharma Innovation Journal, 9(9), 132-144.
  • Schellack, N. (2015). B-complex vitamin deficiency and supplementation. South African Pharmaceutical Journal, 82(4), 28–33.
  • Schlueter, A. K., and Johnston, C. S. (2011). Vitamin C: Overview and update. Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine, 16(1), 49–57.
  • Seal, T., and Chaudhuri, K. (2017). High performance liquid chromatography method for the estimation of water soluble vitamin in five wild edible fruits consumed by the tribal people of north-eastern region in India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 6, 2900–2913.
  • Shabbir, A. (2012). Rhus coriaria Linn, a plant of medicinal, nutritional and industrial importance: A review. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 22(2), 505–512.
  • Shin, Y., and Choung, M. G. (2023). Determination of the pantothenic acid and pyridoxine contents in seasoning products. Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition, 52(7), 708–715.
  • Smith, A. G., Croft, M. T., Moulin, M., and Webb, M. E. (2007). Plants need their vitamins too. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 10(3), 266–275.
  • Yamada, K., Shimodaira, M., Chida, S., Yamada, N., Matsushima, N., Morimichi Fukuda, M., and Yamada, S. (2008). Degradation of vitamin B12 in dietary supplements. International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research, 78 (4-5), 195–203.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Fisheries Management
Journal Section Articles

Haval M. Alı 0000-0002-2500-9760

Fikret Karataş 0000-0002-0884-027X

Dursun Özer 0000-0002-7225-8903

Sinan Saydam 0000-0003-1531-5454

Project Number No
Publication Date December 15, 2024
Submission Date February 19, 2024
Acceptance Date July 3, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 14 Issue: 4


APA M. Alı, H., Karataş, F., Özer, D., Saydam, S. (2024). Farklı Bölgelerde Yetişen ve Farklı Muhafaza Yöntemlerine Tabi Tutulan Sumak (Rhus Coriaria L.)’ daki Suda Çözünen Vitaminlerin Araştırılması. Karadeniz Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 14(4), 1736-1747.