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Kurşunsuz Süperiletken Alaşımların K Kabuğu Floresans Parametrelerinin Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2024, Volume: 14 Issue: 4, 1917 - 1928, 15.12.2024


Süperiletken lehim alaşımları SnIn (20:80, 35:65; 45:55, 65:30, 75:25) ağırlık%+Bi(%6 ağırlık)'nin K-kabuğu floresans parametreleri, X-ışını yoğunluk oranları (Ki/Kj), üretim tesir kesitleri (σKi) ve floresans verimleri (wK), Ultra-Düşük Ge dedektörü kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Numuneler, 241Am halka şeklinde radyoaktif bir kaynaktan gelen 59.5 keV γ-ışınları ile uyarılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar teorik değerlerle karşılaştırılmıştır. Gözlenen veriler, alaşım etkisinin ve element bileşimi arasındaki yük transferinin teorik değerlerden sapmalara neden olduğunu göstermiştir.


  • Aksoy, C., Çakır, B., Koparan, E. T., Şimşek, C., Tıraşoğlu, E., Speller, S., Grovenor, C. R. M., Küçükömeroğlu, T., & Yanmaz, E. (2023). Lead-free superconducting alloys for superconducting applications. Superconductor Science and Technology, 36(1), 015007.
  • Aksoy, C., Mousavi, T., Brittles, G., Grovenor, C. R. M., & Speller, S. C. (2016). Lead-free solders for superconducting applications. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 26(3),
  • Alım, B., Han, I., & Demir, L. (2018). Alloying effect on K shell X-ray fluorescence cross-sections and yields in Ti-Ni based shape memory alloys. Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences, 11(2), 150-156.
  • Aylikci, N. K., Tiraşoğlu, E., Karahan, I. H., Aylikci, V., Cengiz, E., & Apaydin, G. (2010). Alloying effect on K shell X-ray fluorescence parameters and radiative Auger ratios of Co and Zn in ZnxCo1− x alloys. Chemical Physics Letters, 484(4-6), 368-373.
  • Berger, M. J., & Hubbell, J. H. (1999). XCOM: Photon cross-sections on a personal computer (National Bureau of Standards Report NBSIR 87-3597). XCOM version 3.1.
  • Cengiz, E., Dogan, M., Biyiklioglu, Z., Cakir, D., Tirasoglu, E., & Apaydin, G. (2017). K X-ray fluorescence parameters of peripherally and non-peripherally tetra-substituted zinc (II) phthalocyanines. Canadian Journal of Physics, 95(2), 125-129.
  • Cengiz, E., Ozkendir, O. M., Kaya, M., Tirasoglu, E., Karahan, I. H., Kimura, S., & Hajiri, T. (2014). Alloying effect on K-shell fluorescence parameters of porous NiTi shape memory alloys. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 192, 55-60.
  • Directive 2002/95/EC on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment. (2003, January 27). Official Journal of the European Union, L 37, 19.
  • Directive 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment. (2003, January 27). Official Journal of the European Union, L 37, 24.
  • Dogan, M., Tirasoglu, E., Karahan, I. H., Aylikci, N. K., Aylikci, V., Kahoul, A., Cetinkara, H. A., & Serifoglu, O. (2013). Alloying effect on K X-ray intensity ratio and production cross section values of Zn and Cr in Zn Cr alloys. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 87, 130-134.
  • Güdümen, H. (2017). Sn ve In elementlerinin oluşturduğu alaşımların X-ışını flouresans parametreleri üzerine alaşım etkisi (Doctoral dissertation, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi/Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü/Fizik Anabilim Dalı).
  • Krause, M. O. (1979). Atomic radiative and radiotionless yields for K and L shells. Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 8, 307-327.
  • Mousavi, T., Aksoy, C., Grovenor, C., & Speller, S. (2016). Phase evolution of superconducting Sn–In–Bi solder alloys. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 26(3), 1-4.
  • Mousavi, T., Aksoy, C., Grovenor, C. R. M., & Speller, S. C. (2015). Microstructure and superconducting properties of Sn–In and Sn–In–Bi alloys as Pb-free superconducting solders. Superconductor Science and Technology, 29(1), 015012.
  • Scofield, J. H. (1973). Theoretical photoionization cross sections from 1 to 1500 kev. Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (UCRL), 51326.
  • Scofield, J. H. (1974). Hartree-Slater calculations of electron binding energies and x-ray energies in neutral atoms. Physical Review A, 9, 1041-1053.

Evaluation on K shell Fluorescence Parameters of Lead-Free Superconducting Alloys

Year 2024, Volume: 14 Issue: 4, 1917 - 1928, 15.12.2024


The fluorescence parameters of the K-shell such as X-ray intensity ratios (Ki/Kj,) the production cross-sections (σKi,) the fluorescence yields (wK) of the superconducting solder alloys SnIn (20:80,35:65;45:55,65:30,75:25) wt%+Bi(6)wt% were investigated by using Ultra-Low Ge detector. The samples were irradiated by 59.5 keV γ-rays from an 241Am annular radioactive source. The obtained results were compared to theoretical values. The observed data showed that alloying effect and charge transfer between the elemental composition induce the deviations with the theoretical values.


  • Aksoy, C., Çakır, B., Koparan, E. T., Şimşek, C., Tıraşoğlu, E., Speller, S., Grovenor, C. R. M., Küçükömeroğlu, T., & Yanmaz, E. (2023). Lead-free superconducting alloys for superconducting applications. Superconductor Science and Technology, 36(1), 015007.
  • Aksoy, C., Mousavi, T., Brittles, G., Grovenor, C. R. M., & Speller, S. C. (2016). Lead-free solders for superconducting applications. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 26(3),
  • Alım, B., Han, I., & Demir, L. (2018). Alloying effect on K shell X-ray fluorescence cross-sections and yields in Ti-Ni based shape memory alloys. Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences, 11(2), 150-156.
  • Aylikci, N. K., Tiraşoğlu, E., Karahan, I. H., Aylikci, V., Cengiz, E., & Apaydin, G. (2010). Alloying effect on K shell X-ray fluorescence parameters and radiative Auger ratios of Co and Zn in ZnxCo1− x alloys. Chemical Physics Letters, 484(4-6), 368-373.
  • Berger, M. J., & Hubbell, J. H. (1999). XCOM: Photon cross-sections on a personal computer (National Bureau of Standards Report NBSIR 87-3597). XCOM version 3.1.
  • Cengiz, E., Dogan, M., Biyiklioglu, Z., Cakir, D., Tirasoglu, E., & Apaydin, G. (2017). K X-ray fluorescence parameters of peripherally and non-peripherally tetra-substituted zinc (II) phthalocyanines. Canadian Journal of Physics, 95(2), 125-129.
  • Cengiz, E., Ozkendir, O. M., Kaya, M., Tirasoglu, E., Karahan, I. H., Kimura, S., & Hajiri, T. (2014). Alloying effect on K-shell fluorescence parameters of porous NiTi shape memory alloys. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 192, 55-60.
  • Directive 2002/95/EC on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment. (2003, January 27). Official Journal of the European Union, L 37, 19.
  • Directive 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment. (2003, January 27). Official Journal of the European Union, L 37, 24.
  • Dogan, M., Tirasoglu, E., Karahan, I. H., Aylikci, N. K., Aylikci, V., Kahoul, A., Cetinkara, H. A., & Serifoglu, O. (2013). Alloying effect on K X-ray intensity ratio and production cross section values of Zn and Cr in Zn Cr alloys. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 87, 130-134.
  • Güdümen, H. (2017). Sn ve In elementlerinin oluşturduğu alaşımların X-ışını flouresans parametreleri üzerine alaşım etkisi (Doctoral dissertation, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi/Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü/Fizik Anabilim Dalı).
  • Krause, M. O. (1979). Atomic radiative and radiotionless yields for K and L shells. Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 8, 307-327.
  • Mousavi, T., Aksoy, C., Grovenor, C., & Speller, S. (2016). Phase evolution of superconducting Sn–In–Bi solder alloys. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 26(3), 1-4.
  • Mousavi, T., Aksoy, C., Grovenor, C. R. M., & Speller, S. C. (2015). Microstructure and superconducting properties of Sn–In and Sn–In–Bi alloys as Pb-free superconducting solders. Superconductor Science and Technology, 29(1), 015012.
  • Scofield, J. H. (1973). Theoretical photoionization cross sections from 1 to 1500 kev. Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (UCRL), 51326.
  • Scofield, J. H. (1974). Hartree-Slater calculations of electron binding energies and x-ray energies in neutral atoms. Physical Review A, 9, 1041-1053.
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Classical Physics (Other), Metals and Alloy Materials
Journal Section Articles

Hüseyin Güdümen 0000-0001-9438-7055

Canan Aksoy 0000-0003-3738-6886

Engin Tıraşoğlu 0000-0001-7953-5638

Publication Date December 15, 2024
Submission Date May 16, 2024
Acceptance Date November 18, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 14 Issue: 4


APA Güdümen, H., Aksoy, C., & Tıraşoğlu, E. (2024). Kurşunsuz Süperiletken Alaşımların K Kabuğu Floresans Parametrelerinin Değerlendirilmesi. Karadeniz Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 14(4), 1917-1928.