e-ISSN: 2667-727X
Founded: 2018
Cover Image

The Kastamonu Journal of Communication Studies, which is the publication of Kastamonu University Faculty of Communication, commenced its publication life in 2018. It is an academic electronic publication that publishes theoretical and practical studies on a wide range of topics where the social sciences and communication disciplines intersect.

The Kastamonu Journal of Communication Studies is a national peer-reviewed electronic journal published twice a year in the fall (December) and spring (June).

Before being submitted to the journal, articles must not have been published or accepted for publication elsewhere. Short introductions and reviews of communication products such as forums, books, films, television programs, art presentations, and national/international event evaluation papers are accepted in addition to the articles. Furthermore, the fact that the materials to be provided were presented as a paper at a congress, symposium, or meeting does not prevent them from being published.

If the articles are accepted for publication, all publishing rights belong to the Kastamonu Journal of Communication Studies. Since authors are deemed to have transferred their copyrights, no royalties are given.

The journal accepts articles in both Turkish and English. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must be formatted and ready for publication according to the journal's guidelines.

Closing Date for Article Submission: March 15, 2025

2024 - Issue: 13