Peer-review Process

Journal of Kocatepe Islamic Sciences is a peer-reviewed and academic journal that is published twice in a year (in June and December). Related to the Social and Human Sciences/ Theology area, studies including research articles are published.
The scope of the journal includes studies in the following fields:
- Basic Islamic Sciences: Tafsir, Hadith, Kalam, Islamic Law, History of Islamic Sects, Sufism, and Arabic Language and Literature;
- Philosophy and Religious Sciences: Islamic Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Psychology of Religion, Sociology of Religion, Religious Education, History of Religions, Logic;
- Islamic History and Arts: History of Islam, History of Islamic Arts, Turkish-Islamic Literature, Religious Music;
- Education of Religious Culture and Ethics.
The required qualifications for the articles that will be accepted for the journal are that the original article will fill a gap in the literature or that it should evaluate the studies previously published and express a new and notable opinion related to the issue.
All the processes including sending the article to the journal are free, and it is free of charge for the articles that have been accepted for the publication. It is deemed to have declared for the authors sending articles to Journal of Kocatepe Islamic Sciences - Kocatepe İslami İlimler Dergisi that they have not violated the ethical rules. The studies detected to have plagiarism are not published in our journal. Related report is sent to the author.
The texts that will be sent to the journal should be prepared according to the author guidelines of the journal. All article types that are sent for being published are gone through the processes of Pre-Control and Peer-Review Evaluation.

1. Editorial board review

The articles sent to our journal are evaluated by the Editorial Board in 30 days and Editorial Board Review: Internal Review is filled.  The studies that are considered as inadequate are returned to the author by the Editorial Board before the process of peer-review.
2. Pre-Control Process
The articles which are considered as adequate in the pre-control process enter into the process of peer-review for the evaluation or are sent to the author for meeting the requirements. The author highlights the changes with red on the article sent. The articles that have been investigated for one time but cannot complete the pre-control process are returned to the author and are not put into process again in the same publication period.
The articles which are considered as adequate, the content of the article is investigated with the metadata in the Dergipark system. Also, plagiarism detection is carried out through the software. The maximum similarity rate in journal is accepted as 20%. Findings of this investigation are recorded to the “Pre-Control Form” and an evaluation related to the article is done. This form is uploaded to the Dergipark system in a way that enables the author to see it. Pre-control process is completed in maximum 20 days.
Click here for the “Pre-Control Form”.

3. Referee Evaluation Process / Peer-Review Process
The articles considered as successful by the Editorial Board in the pre-control process are included to the process of peer-review. The “Field editor” appointed follows up the process according to the issue of the article.
The field editor presents the article primarily for evaluation of at least two reviewers who have a doctoral dissertation, book, or article related to the issue. The process of peer-review is carried out confidentially in the scope of double-blind peer review implementation. The reviewers/ referees are asked for filling in online article evaluation form according to their views and opinions about the article that they have investigated and writing their ideas about the article on the text box. Authors have the right of opposition and defence for their ideas on the condition that the authors disagree with the idea of reviewer. The field editor provides reciprocal communication between the author and the reviewer by maintaining the confidentiality. Reviewers promise that they will not use the articles that they have evaluated for their own benefits and they will not share any knowledge or documents related to the article with third parties. see Evaluation Form
It is required that an article has positive evaluation from at least two reviewers for being approved to the journal. An article can be sent to the third reviewer on the condition that it has one positive evaluation and one negative evaluation. An article cannot be published on the journal when it has two negative evaluations from the reviewers.
When the reviewers demand revision for the articles they have examined, related reports are sent to the authors and they are asked for revision on their articles. It is required that they complete revision in maximum 10 days. The author highlights the changes with red on the article and presents it to the field editor.
The field editor controls whether the author has completed the required changes in the article or not and does this in maximum 7 days. On the condition that the reviewer wants to see the article after author’s revision, the reviewer/ referee will check the article again and the reviewer will complete this in maximum 7 days. This process is ended following that the ideas of the reviewers are examined by the editors in maximum two weeks.

4. Publication Process
a. Language Control
The articles completing the process of peer-review are examined by the Language Editors (Turkish and Foreign Language), and if it is required, revision will be demanded. The control process is completed in maximum two weeks. Language editors may ask for revision from the author.
b. Editorial Board Decisions
The articles completing the process of peer-review and language editor checks are published in the volume and number determined the editorial board.
c. Typesetting and Layout
The articles for which the editorial board has decided as publishable are prepared in accordance with the journal template by the editor who is responsible for typesetting and layout.
d. Last Reading
The articles whose layout processes have been completed are published in the journal after the process of final reading.


Last Update Time: 12/29/24, 1:29:34 PM