Writing Rules

Writing Principles

Kilitbahir journal has a structure in which Turkish, English and Arabic articles, which are published every six months and make up its content, are evaluated by academicians who are experts in their fields.
In order for the articles sent for evaluation to be accepted, it is required that they have not been published anywhere before. Submitted articles are first reviewed by the editorial board. If an article meets the necessary conditions in terms of content and form, the reviewers then examine the article for its suitability for publication. All articles are evaluated by two referees and sent to a third referee if deemed necessary. The publication of an article is subject to the approval of the referees. The authors are responsible for making the necessary corrections requested by the referees. 

In general, the submitted works should be in the following format:
• Articles should consist of at least 5000 and at most 10000 words.
Articles should be written in MS Word processor with normal margins, 12 point Times New Roman font and 1.5 line spacing, left aligned.
• Tables, figures, pictures and charts should be sized to fit the page of the journal. If necessary, they can also be written in smaller fonts and single line spacing.

Tables and tables should be numbered sequentially according to their appearance in your article. Footnotes for the tables should be placed just below the body of the table and they should be indicated with lowercase descriptive letters. The use of vertical rulers should be avoided. Use as few tables as possible and care must be taken to ensure that the data presented in the tables do not match the results already stated elsewhere in the article.

At the beginning of the text, the title of the article, the name of the author(s), ORCID number, title, e-mail address and telephone number should be under the title. Telephone numbers will not be added to the text at the typesetting stage.
The work should include the following sections:
• A 200-300-word summary with a Turkish title and 5-8 keywords.
• A 200-300 word summary with an English title and 5-8 keywords.

The format that Kilitbahir journal uses for reference is ISNAD Citation System Version 2. Footnote citation should be used in accordance with the ISNAD Citation System.

For the first step of the publication phase, articles should be sent through Dergipark. Immediately after the submission, a confirmation message will be sent to the author stating that the manuscript has been received. If you do not receive this message or if you encounter a problem, please contact us via e-mail at ifd@comu.edu.tr. Kilitbahir journal does not demand any application or publication fee from the authors.

The works should be prepared and sent by the authors in accordance with the spelling guide of the Turkish Language Association and the publication and writing principles of Kilitbahir.

Author(s) whose works contain parts such as text, tables, graphics that have been previously published elsewhere and who have copyright are required to obtain permission from the copyright holders and add this to their applications. In applications for publication without such permissions, it is stated that the submitted work is the author's own work.

Last Update Time: 2/5/25, 2:35:33 PM

Our journal, which was published as Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Journal of Theology Faculty, changed its name to Kilitbahir as of August 1, 2019.

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