Writing Rules

Upon acceptance and publication of an article, a copyright transfer form will be requested from each author. Click here to access the form.

1. Articles submitted to the journal must be original work and must not have been published previously. If the articles have been presented at a national or international symposium or congress, or if they are based on a master's or doctoral thesis, this should be indicated separately in the footnotes and in accordance with the article format.

2. Articles may be written in Turkish or English. American or British English can be used in the articles in a way that ensures integrity.

3. No royalties will be paid for articles.

4. All legal responsibilities related to the articles are the responsibility of the author(s).

5. It is mandatory for each author submitting an article to provide an ORCID number.

6. It is mandatory to submit the ethics committee report for field research articles. After the article is uploaded to the system; from the files section in the system; "ethics committee report" should be sent by preparing the file name as author name_article name_date the article was uploaded to the system.

7. Authors submitting articles;

-must submit three referee suggestions from different universities, at least two professors, through the system.

8. - Similarity rates;

* For dissertation articles, articles with a similarity rate of more than 25%.
* For research articles, articles with more than 20% plagiarism will be rejected.
- Plagiarism assessment is carried out by the journal's editorial office and assessment reports submitted by the author are not taken into account. Only articles within the above similarity rates are included in the review process.

The title page should include the short and informative title of the article, the names of the authors, the institutions with which the authors are affiliated, the contact author (including contact information), the abstract of the article (100-200 words), at least one and a maximum of five keywords. The abstract should be written in 9-point Times New Roman font, left-aligned, with the Turkish title ABSTRACT and the English title ABSTRACT. The abstract should be written in both Turkish and English. Line spacing should be 1.15 pt.


Articles should be written in .doc or .docx format.

It is expected that the length of the article will not exceed approximately 30 pages (page format and spelling rules should follow the format of the journal).


Manuscripts should be written in 12 pt Times New Roman font with a line spacing of 1.15 pt. The abstract should be written in 10 pt Times New Roman font with a line spacing of 1.15 pt. All paragraph starts should be left with a 1 cm margin (the tab key can be used). Page size should be A4 with 2.5 cm margins on the right, left, bottom and top. Page size should be A4 with 2.5 cm margins on the right, left, bottom and top.

The first letters of the words used should be capitalised and the other letters should be lower case. The English title should be written below the Turkish title. The title should be in 13 point font and centred on the text.


Only the first letter of the first name of the author(s) should be capitalised and the surname should be capitalised and bold. The author's name should appear below the main title and be centred on the page.

(Example: Hasan YAYLI*). A footnote should be created by placing an asterisk (*) in the upper right-hand corner of the surname, followed by the author's title, institution, and e-mail address (without underlining and in black). The author's institution, email and ORCID information should be given as a footnote in Times New Roman 9 and italicised as shown in the example.

Example: Prof. Dr., Kırıkkale University, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, hyayli@hotmail.com, ORCID No: 123456789


Headings should be 12 point, bold and left-aligned. The first heading should be in CAPITAL LETTERS with the first letter of the following words capitalised.

Headings and subheadings used to identify sections and subsections should be numbered and separated by decimal numbers. The titles of ABSTRACT, INTRODUCTION, CONCLUSION and REFERENCES should not be numbered. All headings should be written without leaving a paragraph space.



2.1. Consumers

2.2. Producers

Additional information to the article should be collected in the appendix and placed after the references section.

Equations, tables and graphs should be numbered consecutively.

Tables and graphs should be given appropriate titles.


APA 7 style should be used in the preparation of articles for submission. This system should be followed throughout the text and in the bibliography.

References should be cited in the text. Example: (Gönültaş, 2017: 25)

For more information on the APA system, please visit http://www.apastyle.org/.

In the case of a single author, the surname of the author should be given; in the case of two authors, the surnames of both authors; in the case of more than two authors, the surname of the first author should be given, followed by the phrase 'et al.' and the date of publication of the source. If a cited author has more than one publication in the same year, these should be indicated by small letters such as 'a' and 'b' after the reference date. [Example: (Gönültaş (2010a)), (Gönültaş (2010b))].


Tables should be presented at the appropriate places in the text. Table number and title should be placed above the table. Tables should be centred in the text with their titles, the table number should be in bold, and the first letter of all words in the table title should be capitalised. Information in the first line of the table, such as definition, explanation or title, should be in italics and bold. Tables should be 11 pt, single-spaced, but should not exceed the page size of the journal. In this context, a font size of 10 may be used in tables if necessary. If tables are quoted from a source, the full citation of the source should be given below the table.

All types of references cited in the study should be included in the bibliography section. The references used should be listed together and in alphabetical order by the author's surname, without distinction of quality (thesis, book, article, report, etc.). Works by the same author should be listed in the bibliography starting with the "oldest dated". Laws and official journals should be grouped and listed separately at the end of the bibliography, according to the same rules.

Citing a journal article Altman, E. I., (1968), Financial Ratios, Dicriminates Analysis and the Prediction of Corporate Bankruptcy, The Journal of Finance, 23, pp. 589-609.

Book citation: Baltagi, B. H., (2008), Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, New York: Wiley Press

Cite a chapter in an edited book: Ashcraft, A. B. and Schuermann, T. (2009), Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Reports: Understanding the Securitisation of Subprime Mortgage Credit, in De Luca, J. and Russo, P., eds., Credit Rating Agency Reform, New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 129-206.

References cited in the text of the paper: Sare, M. and Tuubel.,V., (2003), "Peipsi Forum III: Regional Development and Cross Border Cooperation in the Estonian-Russian Border Area", Peipsi CTC, Tartu & Kallaste, 22-23 August, 2003.

Internet citation: "Interview With Syrian President Bashar al-Asad", Wall Street Journal, accessed January 31st, 2011, http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052748703833204576114712441122894

Web: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/kkujebpir

Contact Address: jebpir@kku.edu.tr

Last Update Time: 6/17/24, 11:58:25 PM
