ISSN: 2458-7494
e-ISSN: 2458-7613
Founded: 2015
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Kırklareli University Journal of Engineering and Science is a peer-reviewed international scientific journal that publishes original research articles, reviews, short articles, technical notes, case reports, book reviews and scientific letters to the editor in the field of science and engineering. Kırklareli University Journal of Engineering and Science is indexed in Index Coperrnicus, Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI), Scientific Indexing Services (SIS), CiteFactor indexes.

Kırklareli University Journal of Engineering and Science is published twice a year, in June and December.

The publication language of the journal is Turkish and English. All responsibility for the works to be published in the journal belongs to the authors.

Manuscripts should be sent to

The articles submitted to the journal are subjected to a preliminary review by the Editorial Board of the Journal in terms of scientific content and form. The Editorial Board of the Journal has the right to reject articles that it does not find publishable or that are not prepared in accordance with the spelling rules without sending them to referees. The articles that can be evaluated are sent to two separate referees for review. The Editorial Board of the Journal decides whether the articles should be accepted for publication or not, taking into account the referee reports.  

2024 - Volume: 10 Issue: 2