Year 2018,
Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 124 - 141, 30.06.2018
Evren İşen
Hüseyin Tarlak
Artan nüfus ve beraberinde getirdiği enerji ihtiyacındaki artış günümüzde
birincil enerji kaynağı olarak kullanılan fosil yakıtların hızla tükenmesine ve
küresel anlamda zararlı gaz salınımında artışa neden olmaktadır. Nüfus artışı
ve modern yaşam ile beraber ulaşım amaçlı kullanılan fosil yakıtlı araçlar sera
gazı artışında etkin bir rol almaktadır. Bu nedenle elektrikli araçların
geliştirilmesi çalışmalarına başlanmıştır. Akü maliyeti ve menzil problemi
elektrikli araçların üretimi önünde engel teşkil etmiştir. Ancak zaman
içerisindeki teknolojik gelişmeler ile özellikle konvansiyonel içten yanmalı
motor (İYM) ile birlikte elektrik motorunun (EM) beraber kullanıldığı hibrit
elektrikli araçların (HEA) üretiminde ve kullanımında artış meydana gelmiştir.
Bu çalışmada elektrikli araç tipleri, akü şarj sistemleri ve elektrikli
araçlarda kullanılan güç elektroniği dönüştürücüleri hakkında literatürdeki gelişmeler
- Choe, G. Y., Kim, J. S., Lee, B. K., Won, C. Y., Lee, T. W., A Bi-Directional Battery Charger For Electric Vehicles Using Photovoltaic Pcs Systems, Vehicle Power And Propulsion Conference (Vppc), Lille, France, 2010.
- Jalakas, T., Roasto, I., Vinnikov, D., Analysis Of Battery Charger Topologies For An Electric Vehicle, 13th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference (Bec2012), Tallinn, Estonia, 223-226, 2012.
- Hussein, A. A. H., Batarseh, I., A Review Of Charging Algorithms For Nickel And Lithium Battery Chargers, IEEE Transactions On Vehicular Technology, 60, 3, 830-838, 2011.
- Kanchan, D. S., Hadagali, N., Bidirectional DC/DC Converter System For Solar And Fuel Cell Powered Hybrid Electric Vehicle, International Conference On Magnetics, Machines & Drives, Kottayam, India, 2014.
- Erb, D. C., Onar, O. C., Khaligh, A., Bi-Directional Charging Topologies For Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Applied Power Electronics Conference And Exposition (Apec), 2010 Twenty-Fifth Annual IEEE, Palm Springs, Ca, Usa, 2066-2072, 2010.
- Monteiro V., Gonçalves, H., Ferreira, J. C., Afonso, J. L., Batteries Charging Systems For Electric And Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles, New Advances in Vehicular Technology and Automotive Engineering, Guimarães, 15-167, 2012.
- Sen, G., Boynuegri, A. R., Uzunoglu, M., Erdinc, O., Catalão, J. P. S., Design And Application of a Power Unit To Use Plug-In Electric Vehicles As An Uninterruptible Power Supply, Energies, 9, 171, 2016.
- Haines, G., Mcgordon, A., Jennings, P., Butcher, N., The Simulation Of Vehicle-To-Home Systems – Using Electric Vehicle Battery Storage To Smooth Domestic Electricity Demand, International Conference On Ecologic Vehicles And Renewable Energies, Monaco, 2009.
- Dent T., Developing Bi-Directional Charging Functions For Electric Vehicles, Cpp Mcnair Research Program, California, 2016.
- Pinto, J. G., Monteiro, V., Gonçalves, H., Afonso, J., L., Onboard Reconfigurable Battery Charger For Electric Vehicles With Traction-To-Auxiliary Mode, IEEE Transactions On Vehicular Technology, 63, 3, 1104-1116, 2014.
- Monteiro, V., Ferreira, J. C., Afonso, J. L., Operation Modes Of Battery Chargers For Electric Vehicles in The Future Smart Grids, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 401-402, 2014.
- Monteiro, V., Pinto, J. G., Afonso, J. L., Operation Modes For The Electric Vehicle in Smart Grids And Smart Homes: Present And Proposed Modes, IEEE Transactions On Vehicular Technology, 65, 3, 1007-1020, 2015.
- Tan, K. M., Ramachandaramurthy, V. K., Yong, J. Y., Bidirectional Battery Charger For Electric Vehicle, IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, 406-411, 2014.
- Sridhar, A. R. P. A., Bidirectional Ac-Dc Converter For Vehicle-To-Grid (V2G) Applications, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2015.
- Guo, D., Yi, P., Zhou, C., Optimal Electric Vehicle Scheduling In Smart Home With V2H/V2G Regulation, Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (Isgt Asıa), 2015 IEEE, Bangkok, Thailand, 2015.
- Xiuxiu, B., Pure Electric Vehicle Power System Parameters Matching and the Analysis of Vehicle Control, IEEE Workshop on Advanced Research and Technology in Industry Applications, Ottawa, Canada, 737-740, 2014.
- Kerem, A., Elektrikli Araç Teknolojisinin Gelişimi ve Gelecek Beklentileri, Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 5, 1, 1-13, 2014.
- Andwari, A. M., Pesiridis, A., Rajoo, S., Botas, R. M., Esfahanian, V., A review of Battery Electric Vehicle technology and readiness levels, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 78, 414-430, 2017.
- Rind, S. J., Ren, Y., Hu, Y., Wang, J. Jiang, L., Configurations and Control of Traction Motors for Electric Vehicles: A Review, Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering, 3, 3, 1-17, 2017.
- Denis, N., Dubois, M. R., Power Split Strategy Optimization of a Plug-in Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67, 1, 315-326, 2018.
- Sabri, M. F. M., Danapalasingam, K. A., Rahmat, M.F., A review on hybrid electric vehicles architecture and energy management strategies, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 53, 1433-1442, 2016.
- Malikopoulos, A. A., Supervisory Power Management Control Algorithms for Hybrid Electric Vehicles: A Survey, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 15, 5, 1869-1885, 2014.
- Khaligh, A., Dusmez, S., Comprehensive Topological Analysis of Conductive and Inductive Charging Solutions for Plug-In Electric Vehicle. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 61, 8, 3475-3489, 2012.
- Sbordone, D., Bertini, I., Pietra, B.D., Falvo, M. C., Genovese, A., Martirano, L., EV fast charging stations and energy storage technologies: A real implementation in the smart micro grid paradigm. Electric Power Systems Research, 120, 96-108, 2015.
- Ahmedi, M., Mithulananthan, N., Sharma, R., A Review on Topologies for Fast Charging Stations for electric Vehicles, IEEE International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON), Wollongong, 1-6, 2016.
- Melo, H. N., Trovao, J. P. F., Pereirinha, P. G., Jorge, H. M. Antunes, C. H., A Controllable Bidirectional Battery Charger for Electric Vehicles with Vehicle-to-Grid Capability. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67, 1, 114-123, 2018.
- Monteiro, V., Exposto, B., Ferreira J. C., Afonso, J. L., Improved Vehicle-to-Home (iV2H) Operation Mode: Experimental Analysis of the Electric Vehicle as Off-Line UPS. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 8, 6, 2702-2711, 2017.
- Pan, X., Rathore, A.K., Novel bidirectional snubberless naturally commutated soft-switching current-fed full-bridge isolated DC/DC converter for fuel cell vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 61, 2307–2315, 2014.
- Li, X., Bhat, A. K. S., Analysis and Design of High-Frequency Isolated Dual-Bridge Series Resonant DC/DC Converter, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 25, 4, 850-862, 2010.
- Gautam, S. D., Musavi, F., Edington, M., Eberle, W., Dunford, W. G., An Automotive Onboard 3.3-kW Battery Charger for PHEV Application, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 61, 8, 3466-3474, 2012.
- Chae, H. J., Moon, H. T., Lee, J. Y., On-board battery charger for PHEV without high-voltage electrolytic capacitor, Electronics Letters, 46, 25, 1691–1692, 2010.
- Vu, H. N., Tran, D. D., Choi, W., A Novel Hybrid Soft Switching Full-Bridge PWM and Full-Bridge LLC Converter for On-Board Battery Charger Applications, 8th Interbational Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Hefei, 2016.
Year 2018,
Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 124 - 141, 30.06.2018
Evren İşen
Hüseyin Tarlak
- Choe, G. Y., Kim, J. S., Lee, B. K., Won, C. Y., Lee, T. W., A Bi-Directional Battery Charger For Electric Vehicles Using Photovoltaic Pcs Systems, Vehicle Power And Propulsion Conference (Vppc), Lille, France, 2010.
- Jalakas, T., Roasto, I., Vinnikov, D., Analysis Of Battery Charger Topologies For An Electric Vehicle, 13th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference (Bec2012), Tallinn, Estonia, 223-226, 2012.
- Hussein, A. A. H., Batarseh, I., A Review Of Charging Algorithms For Nickel And Lithium Battery Chargers, IEEE Transactions On Vehicular Technology, 60, 3, 830-838, 2011.
- Kanchan, D. S., Hadagali, N., Bidirectional DC/DC Converter System For Solar And Fuel Cell Powered Hybrid Electric Vehicle, International Conference On Magnetics, Machines & Drives, Kottayam, India, 2014.
- Erb, D. C., Onar, O. C., Khaligh, A., Bi-Directional Charging Topologies For Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Applied Power Electronics Conference And Exposition (Apec), 2010 Twenty-Fifth Annual IEEE, Palm Springs, Ca, Usa, 2066-2072, 2010.
- Monteiro V., Gonçalves, H., Ferreira, J. C., Afonso, J. L., Batteries Charging Systems For Electric And Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles, New Advances in Vehicular Technology and Automotive Engineering, Guimarães, 15-167, 2012.
- Sen, G., Boynuegri, A. R., Uzunoglu, M., Erdinc, O., Catalão, J. P. S., Design And Application of a Power Unit To Use Plug-In Electric Vehicles As An Uninterruptible Power Supply, Energies, 9, 171, 2016.
- Haines, G., Mcgordon, A., Jennings, P., Butcher, N., The Simulation Of Vehicle-To-Home Systems – Using Electric Vehicle Battery Storage To Smooth Domestic Electricity Demand, International Conference On Ecologic Vehicles And Renewable Energies, Monaco, 2009.
- Dent T., Developing Bi-Directional Charging Functions For Electric Vehicles, Cpp Mcnair Research Program, California, 2016.
- Pinto, J. G., Monteiro, V., Gonçalves, H., Afonso, J., L., Onboard Reconfigurable Battery Charger For Electric Vehicles With Traction-To-Auxiliary Mode, IEEE Transactions On Vehicular Technology, 63, 3, 1104-1116, 2014.
- Monteiro, V., Ferreira, J. C., Afonso, J. L., Operation Modes Of Battery Chargers For Electric Vehicles in The Future Smart Grids, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 401-402, 2014.
- Monteiro, V., Pinto, J. G., Afonso, J. L., Operation Modes For The Electric Vehicle in Smart Grids And Smart Homes: Present And Proposed Modes, IEEE Transactions On Vehicular Technology, 65, 3, 1007-1020, 2015.
- Tan, K. M., Ramachandaramurthy, V. K., Yong, J. Y., Bidirectional Battery Charger For Electric Vehicle, IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, 406-411, 2014.
- Sridhar, A. R. P. A., Bidirectional Ac-Dc Converter For Vehicle-To-Grid (V2G) Applications, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2015.
- Guo, D., Yi, P., Zhou, C., Optimal Electric Vehicle Scheduling In Smart Home With V2H/V2G Regulation, Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (Isgt Asıa), 2015 IEEE, Bangkok, Thailand, 2015.
- Xiuxiu, B., Pure Electric Vehicle Power System Parameters Matching and the Analysis of Vehicle Control, IEEE Workshop on Advanced Research and Technology in Industry Applications, Ottawa, Canada, 737-740, 2014.
- Kerem, A., Elektrikli Araç Teknolojisinin Gelişimi ve Gelecek Beklentileri, Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 5, 1, 1-13, 2014.
- Andwari, A. M., Pesiridis, A., Rajoo, S., Botas, R. M., Esfahanian, V., A review of Battery Electric Vehicle technology and readiness levels, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 78, 414-430, 2017.
- Rind, S. J., Ren, Y., Hu, Y., Wang, J. Jiang, L., Configurations and Control of Traction Motors for Electric Vehicles: A Review, Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering, 3, 3, 1-17, 2017.
- Denis, N., Dubois, M. R., Power Split Strategy Optimization of a Plug-in Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67, 1, 315-326, 2018.
- Sabri, M. F. M., Danapalasingam, K. A., Rahmat, M.F., A review on hybrid electric vehicles architecture and energy management strategies, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 53, 1433-1442, 2016.
- Malikopoulos, A. A., Supervisory Power Management Control Algorithms for Hybrid Electric Vehicles: A Survey, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 15, 5, 1869-1885, 2014.
- Khaligh, A., Dusmez, S., Comprehensive Topological Analysis of Conductive and Inductive Charging Solutions for Plug-In Electric Vehicle. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 61, 8, 3475-3489, 2012.
- Sbordone, D., Bertini, I., Pietra, B.D., Falvo, M. C., Genovese, A., Martirano, L., EV fast charging stations and energy storage technologies: A real implementation in the smart micro grid paradigm. Electric Power Systems Research, 120, 96-108, 2015.
- Ahmedi, M., Mithulananthan, N., Sharma, R., A Review on Topologies for Fast Charging Stations for electric Vehicles, IEEE International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON), Wollongong, 1-6, 2016.
- Melo, H. N., Trovao, J. P. F., Pereirinha, P. G., Jorge, H. M. Antunes, C. H., A Controllable Bidirectional Battery Charger for Electric Vehicles with Vehicle-to-Grid Capability. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67, 1, 114-123, 2018.
- Monteiro, V., Exposto, B., Ferreira J. C., Afonso, J. L., Improved Vehicle-to-Home (iV2H) Operation Mode: Experimental Analysis of the Electric Vehicle as Off-Line UPS. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 8, 6, 2702-2711, 2017.
- Pan, X., Rathore, A.K., Novel bidirectional snubberless naturally commutated soft-switching current-fed full-bridge isolated DC/DC converter for fuel cell vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 61, 2307–2315, 2014.
- Li, X., Bhat, A. K. S., Analysis and Design of High-Frequency Isolated Dual-Bridge Series Resonant DC/DC Converter, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 25, 4, 850-862, 2010.
- Gautam, S. D., Musavi, F., Edington, M., Eberle, W., Dunford, W. G., An Automotive Onboard 3.3-kW Battery Charger for PHEV Application, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 61, 8, 3466-3474, 2012.
- Chae, H. J., Moon, H. T., Lee, J. Y., On-board battery charger for PHEV without high-voltage electrolytic capacitor, Electronics Letters, 46, 25, 1691–1692, 2010.
- Vu, H. N., Tran, D. D., Choi, W., A Novel Hybrid Soft Switching Full-Bridge PWM and Full-Bridge LLC Converter for On-Board Battery Charger Applications, 8th Interbational Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Hefei, 2016.