ISSN: 1302-6658
e-ISSN: 2980-003X
Founded: 1997
Publisher: Kocaeli University
Cover Image

KOSBED, which published its first issue in 1997, is a peer-reviewed, scientific and periodic journal published twice a year, in December and June. Our journal publishes original articles in social science branches such as business administration, economics, public administration, international relations, finance, labor economics, econometrics, history, philosophy, fine arts, Turkish and English language.
KOSBED is indexed in Index Copernicus, Ulrichsweb, SOBIAD, Akademia Social Sciences Index (ASOS Index), TEI and IAD.
Manuscripts submitted for publication to our journal must not have been published elsewhere or sent for publication. The publication language of our journal is Turkish and English.
The reviewer evaluation process in our journal is 2 months, and the final evaluation process of the article is 4 months after the editorial review. Manuscripts that receive positive feedback from the peer-review process can be published in any number that the editorial board deems appropriate.

Prof. Dr. Ayşe GÜNSEL

2024 - Volume: 2 Issue: 48
