Page layout: Manuscripts should be written in Microsoft Word and the page structures should be arranged as follows:
Paper Size: A4 (21-29,7 cm)
Margins: All margins are 2,5 cm.
Font: Times New Roman
Font style: Normal
Size (normal text): 12
Size (footnote text): 10
Paragraph Spacing: First 0 nk, then 6 nk
Line Spacing: Single (1)
Section headings: All subheadings must be bold and the first letters are capitalized. If numbering is preferred, “Input” and “Result” should not be given.
Tables and figures: The numbers and names of the tables and figures should be just below the figure.
Volume: The manuscript should be a maximum of 10.000 words including annexes.
Other points: For articles that use a special font, the font used must be sent with the article. Manuscripts should not include details such as page numbers, headers and footers. In terms of spelling and punctuation, the Spelling Guide of the Turkish Language Association should be taken as the basis, except in the special cases required by the article or subject.
Arranging Resources
a. In-text citation
References should be made in in the following ways. Parenthesis is opened at the appropriate place in the text and the surname of the author (s), the date of publication and the cited page number are indicated.
For Example; (Köprülü, 1966: 71-76).
If citation has been made again to same references in the text, also the same method is applied; abbreviations such as op. cit., ibid etc. should not be used.
If the cited author name has been mentioned in the text, it is no need to repeat the author name within the parentheses.
For example: Boratav (1984: 11) states that the number of these stories is 34.
If the reference to which is cited is with two authors, both authors’ surnames should be used.
For example: (Aça and Yolcu, 2017: 72)
If authors are more than two, the phrase ‘‘et al.’’ (and others) should be used after the first author’s surname.
For example: (Lvova and others, 2013: 194)
If references to which are cited are more than two, citations should be separated by semi colon.
For example: (Kaya, 2000: 180; Artun, 2004: 86)
Footnotes should be used for the explanations that are not considered appropriate in the text and these notes should be listed as 1, 2, 3 in the text. If archival documents are used in the text, references to these documents should be specified in the form of (Document-1) or (Archive-1) and archive document information should be written against the related phrase in the bibliography.
If the information received from oral sources is included in the text, references should be indicated as (SP-1) meaning Source Person, In the references section of the study, the information of each source person should be indicated under the heading of Oral Resources in accordance with the reference code made in the text.
If the information received from internet sources is included in the text, references should be indicated as (URL-1, URL-2 ...). In the references section of the study (preferably under the "Electronic Resources" subtitle), each citation extension should be specified in a way that it corresponds with the reference code made in the text.
In the text, emphasis should be placed in quotation marks and titles of works should be in italics. Quotations that are more than five lines must be started from 1 cm inside, without quotation marks.
b. Arranging References
References to which are cited in the manuscript only should be given place in the References and alphabetical order by author surname should be followed:
If more than one study by an author is to take part in the references, an order by the publication date from old to new should be done. For studies which were carried out in the same year, the phrases “a, b, c…” should be used and these should be same with citations which are made within the text, as well.
Köprülü, Mehmet Fuat (1999). Edebiyat Araştırmaları. Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi.
Yolcu, Mehmet Ali & Dinç, Mustafa (2018). Çanakkale Yöresi Halk Kültürü. Paradigma Akademi.
Aça, Mehmet and others (2009). Başlangıçtan Günümüze Türk Edebiyatında Tür ve Şekil Bilgisi. Kriter Yayınları.
Translated Book:
Sartre, Jean-Paul (1967). Edebiyat Nedir. Trans. Bertan Onaran. De Yayınevi.
Book Chapter:
Skocpol, Theda (2014). “Sosyolojinin Tarihsel İmgelemi”. Çev. Ahmet Fethi. Tarihsel Sosyoloji: Bloch’tan Wallerstein’e Görüşler ve Yöntemler. Ed. Theda Skocpol. Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, 1-24.
Grochowski, Miroslaw (1997). “Poland under Transition and Its New Geography”. Canadian Slavonic Papers, 39(1): 1-26.
Yolcu, Mehmet Ali (2011). Balıkesir’den Derlenen Maniler Üzerinde Bir Araştırma. Doctoral Dissertation. Balıkesir University.
Yolcu, Mehmet Ali (2018). “Bacılar ve Kardeşler: Toplumsal Yapı ve Söylem Açısından Alevi Ataerkilliği”. International Social Sciences Symposium of Motif Foundation (Çanakkale, 8-10 November 2018). Motif Foundation Pub., 66-69.
Newspaper Articles with Known Authors:
Bortaçina, Azer (2000, 3 July). “Adalı Olmak Özveri İster”. Milliyet Yaşam, 4.
Newspaper Clippings or News by Unknown Author:
Cumhuriyet (1991, 21 October). “Halkın kararına saygı duyulur”, 1.
Cinema Movies:
Bender, L.awrence (Producer) & Tarantino, Quentin (Director) (1994). Pulp Fiction [Cinema Movie]. Miramax.
Türkiye Radyo ve Televizyon Kurumu (Producer) & Öztan, Zeki (Director) (1996). Kurtuluş [Cinema Movie]. TRT.
Internet Sources:
URL-1: “Social Groups”. (Accessed: 10.06.2014)
URL-2: Hufford, Mary (1991). “American Folklife: A Commonwealth of Cultures”. (Accessed: 17.06.2014)
Archive Sources:
Document-1/Archive-1: BOA-Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi (BOA, DH.EUM.EMN, no: 3, 19.Ş.1330); BCA: Başbakanlık Cumhuriyet Arşivi (BCA, 1927)
Oral Sources:
SP-1: Mustafa Dinç, İstanbul 1982, Primary School Graduate, Retiree. (Interview: 12.06.2014).