Kurdiyat, a publication of the Institute of Living Languages of Van Yüzüncü Yıl University in Turkey, aims to publish academic studies in Turkish, Kurdish, and English in the fields of literature, language, history, sociology, anthropology, philosophy and pedagogy related to the Kurdish language and culture, which is one of the departments of our institute. Kurdiyat contains original scholarly publications. All published articles, with the exception of editorials, translated articles, and book reviews, are subject to a double-blind peer review process.
Kurdiyat is a double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access online journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, translated articles, and book reviews in the field of Kurdish Studies.
The main aim of the journal is to address scientific studies in the aforementioned genres in an academic and scientific style. The journal also aims to be a platform for graduate and doctoral students studying in the master's and doctoral programs of Kurdish Language and Culture and Kurdish Language and Literature departments in faculties and institutes within universities in Turkey and around the world to publish their scientific studies and to follow academic studies published by experts in the field.
• In this respect, the main goal of the journal is to publish academic and objective studies on Kurdish language, literature, and culture within the scope of Kurdish Language and Culture and Kurdish Language and Literature programs with an interactive approach. Kurdiyat, which believes in the importance of contributing to Kurdish studies at the international level, and in its editorial board works with academics from different universities around the world to achieve this goal.
• In addition, considering this feature of Kurdish, which is multi-dialectal and has two alphabets, it is within the purpose and scope of the journal to include all dialects of Kurdish in the journal and to use the Arabic alphabet as well as the Latin alphabet. In addition, all articles should include an abstract in Kurdish and English in addition to the original language of the article.
• Manuscripts submitted to Kurdiyat should not have been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
Manuscripts that are deemed suitable for Kurdiyat journal submission rules and the scope of the journal are sent to at least two referees who are experts in their fields for scientific evaluation. The Editorial Board members of Kurdiyat then consider the referees' comments on each submission. The final decision for all submitted manuscripts rests with the Editor-in-Chief. The Editorial Board of Kurdiyat is committed to abiding by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) criteria.
Subject Category:
World Languages and Literatures
Social Sciences
Field of Science
Kurdish Language Literature
Kurdish Culture
Kurdish Dialects
Kurdish Linguistics
Kurdish History
History of Kurdish Language
Kurdish Education
Classical Kurdish Literature
Modern Kurdish Literature
Kurdish Folk Literature
Kurdish Folklore
Kurdish Sociology
Kurdish Anthropology
Kurdish Beliefs
Publication Language(s)
Full-Text Publication Language:
• Primary Language: Kurdish
• Secondary Language: Turkish
• Tertiary Language: English
• Fourth Language: Arabic
Content Written in English and Latin Alphabet:
• Article Title: The language of the article itself, Kurdish and English
• Author Name: Kurdish or Turkish or English (in Latin Alphabet)
• Author Address: English (in Latin Alphabet)
• Keywords: The language of the article itself, Kurdish and English
• Bibliography: For articles in Kurdish or English or Turkish (in the Latin alphabet), Arabic (also in the Arabic alphabet)
Full Text: Kurdish (in Latin or Arabic alphabet) or Turkish or English or Arabic
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