Research Article
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Survey on Logistics Management Industry Overview 4.0 Impacts and Investment Opportunities in Turkey

Year 2018, Volume: 30 Issue: 2, 145 - 154, 30.06.2018


As a natural consequence of the
information systems and the digitizing movement, today's world is in the
process of social transformation. This transformation process is developing in
a way that will force industrial life to undergo radical changes. There are 4
basic components of the future vision of manufacturing. These develop as
"product", "intelligence", "communication",
"information network". Cyber physical systems, sensors, internet of
things, machine to machine communication (M2M), intelligent information
networks and secure cloud system environments are widely developed to mobilize
these four basic components. This trend naturally affects all processes such as
product design, process design, quality management and marketing, and process
transformation takes place through a comprehensive process innovation.

It affects all of the processes of
the business as well as the restructuring of the transformation and
transformation procurement processes. Particularly, the business models that
will lead to the widespread use of 4 Party, 5 Party and 6 Party Logistics
services are seen to develop.This article examines the impact of the fourth
industry revolution and the impact of innovations on logistics management. In
particular, innovative solutions on logistics management, attention to the
effects of IT solutions on the sector and attempts to limit the fourth
transition in the logistics sector have been tried. On the other hand, a study
has been conducted on how the sector actors perceive the effects of the 4th
Transformation and the logistics world. Information was gathered through the
questionnaire and necessary analyzes were made and the results were reported. Findings
that will guide this study to enable the logistics industry to actively pursue
the new social transformation process in our country are presented. In this
context, it is aimed to create a roadmap to implement operations with general
lines. The main philosophy of this roadmap will be to point out the elements
that are necessary for the application of priority technologies in the
logistics sector and the determination of investment strategies in this


  • [1] Ackermann R, 2013, M2M, Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 – An Industry Perspective,, (availble on 28.08.2017)
  • [2] Adeyeri S., Kanisuru M., Khumbulani M., Olukorede T. (2015), Integration of Agent Technology into Manufacturing Enterprise: A Review and Platform for Industry 4.0, Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), pages 1625-1635
  • [3] Alayaa M., Banouara D., Monteila S., Chassota Z., Drira T. (2014), OM2M: Extensible ETSI-compliant M2M service platform with self-configuration capability, Computer Science, vol. 32, pp. 1079-1086
  • [4] Baygin M., Yetis H., Karakose M. , Akin E. (2016), An Effect Analysis of industry 4.0 to Higher Education, 2016 15th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET), July 10-12, 2017, Ohrid, Macedonia
  • [5] Biral A., Centenaro M., Zanella A., Vangelista L., Zorzi M. (2015), The challenges of M2M massive access in wireless cellular networks, Digital Communications and Networks, Vol 1, No 1, pp. 1-19
  • [6] Bourke R., Mentis M. (2014), An assessment framework for inclusive education: integrating assessment approaches, Assesment in education, volume 21, No. 4, pages 384-397
  • [7] Büyüköztürk Ş., “Faktör Analizi”, Ankara Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi,2002
  • [8] Dener M., Bostancıoğlu C.,(2015) Smart Technologies with Wireless Sensor Networks, Social and Behavioral Sciences Vol 195, pp. 1915 – 1921
  • [9] Fallera C., Feldmüllera D. (2015), Industry 4.0 Learning Factory for regional SMEs, The 5th Conference on Learning Factories 2015, Volume 32, 2015, Pages 88-91
  • [10] Filippi S., Barattin D. (2012), Classification and Selection of Prototyping Activities for Interaction Design, Intelligent Information Management, volume 4, Pages 147-156
  • [11] Giasiranis S., Sofos L. (2016), Production and Evaluation of Educational Material Using Augmented Reality for Teaching the Module of “Representation of the Information on Computers” in Junior High School, Creative Education, volume 7, pages 1270-1291
  • [12] Hofmann E., Rüsch M. (2017), Industry 4.0 and the current status as well as future prospects on logistics, Computers in Industry, Vol. 89, Pages 23-24
  • [13] Ignaccolo M. (2010), A simulation model for airport capacity and delay analysis, Transportation Planning and Technology, April 2003 Vol. 26, No 2, Pages. 135–170
  • [14] Kagermann, H., W. Wahlster and J. Helbig, eds., (2013), Recommendations for implementing the strategic initiative Industry 4.0: Final report of the Industry 4.0 Working Group, Kba S. (2015), Cloud based health system, Computer Science, volume 18, pages 989-1000 (acccessed in 22.05.2017)
  • [15] Kim H., Lee S., Park H., Lee G.,(2005), A model for a simulation-based shipbuilding system in a shipyard manufacturing process, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 18, No 6, September 2005, Pages. 427 – 441
  • [16] Lee J. , Bagheri B. ,Kao H. (2015a), “A cyber systems architecture for Industry 4.0 based manufacturing Systems”, Manufacturing Letters, Volume 3, Pages 18–23
  • [17] Pan M., Kraft M. (2015) Applying Industry 4.0 to the Jurong Island Eco-Park, Energy Procedia, Volume 75, August 2015, Pages 1536-1541
  • [18] Peres R., Parreira-Rocha M., Rocha A., Barbosa J., Leit˜ao P., Barata J.(2016), Selection of a Data Exchange Format for Industry 4.0 manufacturing Systems, Industrial Electronics Society , IECON 2016 - 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE, 23-26 Oct. 2016, Florence, Italy
  • [19] Qin J., Liu Y., Grosvenora R. (2007) A Categorical Framework of Manufacturing for Industry 4.0 and Beyond, Virtual Production, Volume 52, 2016, Pages 173-178
  • [20] Rosendahl R., Schmidt N., Lüder A., Ryashentseva D. (2016), Industry 4.0 value networks in legacy systems, Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA), 2015 IEEE 20th Conference on, 8-11 Sept. 2015, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • [21] Ruivo P., Oliveira T., Neto M. (2014a), ERP post-adoption: value impact on firm performance, Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2012 7th Iberian Conference on, 20-23 June 2012, Madrid, Spain
  • [22] Schouh G., Gartzen T., Marks A. (2015), Promoting work-based learning through Industry 4.0, CIRP Conference on Learning Factorie, Volume 32, 2015, Pages 82-87
  • [23] Schumacher A., Erol S, Sihna W. (2016), A maturity model for assessing Industry 4.0 readiness and maturity of manufacturing enterprises, Reconfigurable & Virtual Production, volume 52, pages 161-166
  • [24] Shi Y, Lin L., Zhou C., Zhu M., Xie L. Chai G. (2017), A study of an assisting robot for mandible plastic surgery based on augmented reality, Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied Technologies, Vol. 26, No 1, pp.23–30
  • [25] Sogoti (2014), Industry 4.0 report, globalassets/ global/ downloads/ reports/vint-research-3-the-fourth-industrial-revolution, accessed in (23.05.2017)
  • [26] Stock T., Seliger G. (2016), Opportunities of Sustainable Manufacturing in Industry 4.0, School of economy, Volume 40, 2016, Pages 536-541
  • [27] Sun C. (2012), Application of RFID Technology for Logistics on Internet of Things, Procedia Computer Science, Volume 1, 2012, Pages 106-111
  • [28] Tekez E., Taşdeviren G. (2016), A model to assess leanness capability of enterprises, Procedia Computer Science,volume 100, pages 776-781
  • [29] TUBİTAK (2016), Endüstri 4.0 Yeni Sanayi Devrimi Yol Haritası, 3-4 Kasım 2016, Tubitak Ankara
  • [30] Tuncel C., Polat A. (2016) Sectoral system of innovation and sources of technological change in machinery industry: an investigation on Turkish machinery industry, Innovation and Business Management, Volume 229, Pages 214-225
  • [31] TUSIAD (2016), Tusiad industry 4.0 in turkey as an imperative for global competitiveness an ermerging market perspective, accessed in (23.05.2017)
  • [32] UK Government office, Education Report of IOT technology, (accessed in 18.06.2017)
  • [33] Wang X. ,Chen R. (2009), An experimental study on collaborative effectiveness of augmented reality potentials in urban design, CoDesign ,Vol. 5, No. 4, pp.229–244
  • [34] Weyer S., Schmitt M., Ohmer M., Gorecky D. (2015), Towards Industry 4.0 - Standardization as the crucial challenge for highly modular, multi-vendor production systems, Volume 48, Issue 3, Pages 579-584
  • [35] Witkowski K. (2017), Internet of Things, Big Data, Industry 4.0, Innovative Solutions in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 182, pages 763-769
  • [36] Xinga Y., Malcolm R., Hornera W., El-Harama M., Bebbingtonb J. (2009), A framework model for assessing sustainability impacts of urban development, Accounting Forum, Volume 33, Issue 3, September 2009, Pages 209-224
  • [37] Yusof M., Othman M, Omar Y. and Yusof M. (2013), The Study on the Application of Business Intelligence in Manufacturing: A Review, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 10, Issue 1, No 3,317-324
  • [38] Zarte M., Pechmann A. (2016), Building an Industry 4.0-compliant lab environment to demonstrate connectivity between shopfloor and IT levels of an enterprise, Industrial Electronics Society , IECON 2016 - 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE, 23-26 Oct. 2016, Florence, Italy

Türkiye’de Lojistik Yönetiminde Endüstri 4.0 Etkileri ve Yatırım İmkanlarına Bakış Üzerine Anket Uygulaması

Year 2018, Volume: 30 Issue: 2, 145 - 154, 30.06.2018


Bilişim sistemlerinin ve
dijitalleşme hareketinin doğal bir sonucu olarak günümüz dünyası 4. toplumsal
dönüşüm sürecini yaşamaktadır. Bu dönüşüm süreci özellikle endüstriyel yaşamı
köklü değişiklikleri uygulama zorunda bırakacak şekilde gelişmektedir. Geleceğin
imalat vizyonunun 4 temel bileşeni bulunmaktadır. Bunlar “ürün”, “zeka”,
“iletişim”, “bilgi ağı” olacak şekilde gelişmektedir. Bu 4 temel bileşeni
hareketlendirmek üzere Siber fiziksel sistemler, sensörler, nesnelerin
interneti, makineler arası iletişim (M2M), zeki bilgi ağları ve güvenli bulut
bilişim ortamları yaygın olarak gelişmektedir. Bu gidişat doğal olarak ürün
tasarımı, süreç tasarımı, kalite yönetimi, pazarlama gibi tüm süreçleri de
etkisi altına almakta ve kapsamlı bir süreç inovasyonu ile süreç dönüşümü
gerçekleşmektedir.     İşletmelerin tüm
süreçlerini etkilediği gibi bu değişim ve dönüşüm tedarik süreçlerinin de
yeniden yapılandırılmasını gerektirmektedir. Özellikle 4 Parti, 5 Parti ve 6
Parti Lojistik hizmetlerinin yaygın olarak kullanım alanı bulmasına yol açacak
iş modellerinin gelişeceği görülmektedir.   Bu
makale dördüncü endüstri devrimi ile oluşan fırsatların ve yeniliklerin
lojistik yönetimine etkisini irdelemektedir. Özellikle, lojistik yönetimi
üzerindeki yenilikçi çözümler, IT çözümlerinin sektör üzerindeki etkilerine
dikkatler çekilmiş ve Lojistik sektörde dördüncü dönüşümün sınırları çizilmeye
çalışılmıştır. Diğer taraftan sektör aktörlerinin 4. Dönüşümü ve lojistik
dünyasındaki etkilerini nasıl algıladıklarına yönelik bir çalışma
gerçekleştirilmiştir. Anket yolu ile bilgi toplanmış, gerekli analizler
yapılarak neticeleri raporlanmıştır.Bu çalışmanın ülkemizde lojistik sektörünün
yeni toplumsal dönüşüm sürecinde aktif olarak yol alabilmesi için rehberlik
edecek bulgular sunulmaktadır. Bu kapsamda genel hatları ile işlemelerin
uygulayabilecekleri bir yol haritasının oluşturulması hedeflenmiştir. Bu yol
haritasının temel felsefesini günümüzde lojistik sektöründe hangi
teknolojilerin daha öncelikli olarak uygulanması ve bu kapsamda yatırım
stratejilerinin belirlenmesi için gerekli olan unsurlara işaret edilmesi


  • [1] Ackermann R, 2013, M2M, Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 – An Industry Perspective,, (availble on 28.08.2017)
  • [2] Adeyeri S., Kanisuru M., Khumbulani M., Olukorede T. (2015), Integration of Agent Technology into Manufacturing Enterprise: A Review and Platform for Industry 4.0, Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), pages 1625-1635
  • [3] Alayaa M., Banouara D., Monteila S., Chassota Z., Drira T. (2014), OM2M: Extensible ETSI-compliant M2M service platform with self-configuration capability, Computer Science, vol. 32, pp. 1079-1086
  • [4] Baygin M., Yetis H., Karakose M. , Akin E. (2016), An Effect Analysis of industry 4.0 to Higher Education, 2016 15th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET), July 10-12, 2017, Ohrid, Macedonia
  • [5] Biral A., Centenaro M., Zanella A., Vangelista L., Zorzi M. (2015), The challenges of M2M massive access in wireless cellular networks, Digital Communications and Networks, Vol 1, No 1, pp. 1-19
  • [6] Bourke R., Mentis M. (2014), An assessment framework for inclusive education: integrating assessment approaches, Assesment in education, volume 21, No. 4, pages 384-397
  • [7] Büyüköztürk Ş., “Faktör Analizi”, Ankara Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi,2002
  • [8] Dener M., Bostancıoğlu C.,(2015) Smart Technologies with Wireless Sensor Networks, Social and Behavioral Sciences Vol 195, pp. 1915 – 1921
  • [9] Fallera C., Feldmüllera D. (2015), Industry 4.0 Learning Factory for regional SMEs, The 5th Conference on Learning Factories 2015, Volume 32, 2015, Pages 88-91
  • [10] Filippi S., Barattin D. (2012), Classification and Selection of Prototyping Activities for Interaction Design, Intelligent Information Management, volume 4, Pages 147-156
  • [11] Giasiranis S., Sofos L. (2016), Production and Evaluation of Educational Material Using Augmented Reality for Teaching the Module of “Representation of the Information on Computers” in Junior High School, Creative Education, volume 7, pages 1270-1291
  • [12] Hofmann E., Rüsch M. (2017), Industry 4.0 and the current status as well as future prospects on logistics, Computers in Industry, Vol. 89, Pages 23-24
  • [13] Ignaccolo M. (2010), A simulation model for airport capacity and delay analysis, Transportation Planning and Technology, April 2003 Vol. 26, No 2, Pages. 135–170
  • [14] Kagermann, H., W. Wahlster and J. Helbig, eds., (2013), Recommendations for implementing the strategic initiative Industry 4.0: Final report of the Industry 4.0 Working Group, Kba S. (2015), Cloud based health system, Computer Science, volume 18, pages 989-1000 (acccessed in 22.05.2017)
  • [15] Kim H., Lee S., Park H., Lee G.,(2005), A model for a simulation-based shipbuilding system in a shipyard manufacturing process, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 18, No 6, September 2005, Pages. 427 – 441
  • [16] Lee J. , Bagheri B. ,Kao H. (2015a), “A cyber systems architecture for Industry 4.0 based manufacturing Systems”, Manufacturing Letters, Volume 3, Pages 18–23
  • [17] Pan M., Kraft M. (2015) Applying Industry 4.0 to the Jurong Island Eco-Park, Energy Procedia, Volume 75, August 2015, Pages 1536-1541
  • [18] Peres R., Parreira-Rocha M., Rocha A., Barbosa J., Leit˜ao P., Barata J.(2016), Selection of a Data Exchange Format for Industry 4.0 manufacturing Systems, Industrial Electronics Society , IECON 2016 - 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE, 23-26 Oct. 2016, Florence, Italy
  • [19] Qin J., Liu Y., Grosvenora R. (2007) A Categorical Framework of Manufacturing for Industry 4.0 and Beyond, Virtual Production, Volume 52, 2016, Pages 173-178
  • [20] Rosendahl R., Schmidt N., Lüder A., Ryashentseva D. (2016), Industry 4.0 value networks in legacy systems, Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA), 2015 IEEE 20th Conference on, 8-11 Sept. 2015, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • [21] Ruivo P., Oliveira T., Neto M. (2014a), ERP post-adoption: value impact on firm performance, Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2012 7th Iberian Conference on, 20-23 June 2012, Madrid, Spain
  • [22] Schouh G., Gartzen T., Marks A. (2015), Promoting work-based learning through Industry 4.0, CIRP Conference on Learning Factorie, Volume 32, 2015, Pages 82-87
  • [23] Schumacher A., Erol S, Sihna W. (2016), A maturity model for assessing Industry 4.0 readiness and maturity of manufacturing enterprises, Reconfigurable & Virtual Production, volume 52, pages 161-166
  • [24] Shi Y, Lin L., Zhou C., Zhu M., Xie L. Chai G. (2017), A study of an assisting robot for mandible plastic surgery based on augmented reality, Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied Technologies, Vol. 26, No 1, pp.23–30
  • [25] Sogoti (2014), Industry 4.0 report, globalassets/ global/ downloads/ reports/vint-research-3-the-fourth-industrial-revolution, accessed in (23.05.2017)
  • [26] Stock T., Seliger G. (2016), Opportunities of Sustainable Manufacturing in Industry 4.0, School of economy, Volume 40, 2016, Pages 536-541
  • [27] Sun C. (2012), Application of RFID Technology for Logistics on Internet of Things, Procedia Computer Science, Volume 1, 2012, Pages 106-111
  • [28] Tekez E., Taşdeviren G. (2016), A model to assess leanness capability of enterprises, Procedia Computer Science,volume 100, pages 776-781
  • [29] TUBİTAK (2016), Endüstri 4.0 Yeni Sanayi Devrimi Yol Haritası, 3-4 Kasım 2016, Tubitak Ankara
  • [30] Tuncel C., Polat A. (2016) Sectoral system of innovation and sources of technological change in machinery industry: an investigation on Turkish machinery industry, Innovation and Business Management, Volume 229, Pages 214-225
  • [31] TUSIAD (2016), Tusiad industry 4.0 in turkey as an imperative for global competitiveness an ermerging market perspective, accessed in (23.05.2017)
  • [32] UK Government office, Education Report of IOT technology, (accessed in 18.06.2017)
  • [33] Wang X. ,Chen R. (2009), An experimental study on collaborative effectiveness of augmented reality potentials in urban design, CoDesign ,Vol. 5, No. 4, pp.229–244
  • [34] Weyer S., Schmitt M., Ohmer M., Gorecky D. (2015), Towards Industry 4.0 - Standardization as the crucial challenge for highly modular, multi-vendor production systems, Volume 48, Issue 3, Pages 579-584
  • [35] Witkowski K. (2017), Internet of Things, Big Data, Industry 4.0, Innovative Solutions in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 182, pages 763-769
  • [36] Xinga Y., Malcolm R., Hornera W., El-Harama M., Bebbingtonb J. (2009), A framework model for assessing sustainability impacts of urban development, Accounting Forum, Volume 33, Issue 3, September 2009, Pages 209-224
  • [37] Yusof M., Othman M, Omar Y. and Yusof M. (2013), The Study on the Application of Business Intelligence in Manufacturing: A Review, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 10, Issue 1, No 3,317-324
  • [38] Zarte M., Pechmann A. (2016), Building an Industry 4.0-compliant lab environment to demonstrate connectivity between shopfloor and IT levels of an enterprise, Industrial Electronics Society , IECON 2016 - 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE, 23-26 Oct. 2016, Florence, Italy
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Ercan Öztemel 0000-0001-8488-9991

Samet Gürsev 0000-0003-2609-4095

Publication Date June 30, 2018
Acceptance Date May 25, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 30 Issue: 2


APA Öztemel, E., & Gürsev, S. (2018). Türkiye’de Lojistik Yönetiminde Endüstri 4.0 Etkileri ve Yatırım İmkanlarına Bakış Üzerine Anket Uygulaması. Marmara Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 30(2), 145-154.
AMA Öztemel E, Gürsev S. Türkiye’de Lojistik Yönetiminde Endüstri 4.0 Etkileri ve Yatırım İmkanlarına Bakış Üzerine Anket Uygulaması. MAJPAS. June 2018;30(2):145-154. doi:10.7240/marufbd.408560
Chicago Öztemel, Ercan, and Samet Gürsev. “Türkiye’de Lojistik Yönetiminde Endüstri 4.0 Etkileri Ve Yatırım İmkanlarına Bakış Üzerine Anket Uygulaması”. Marmara Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 30, no. 2 (June 2018): 145-54.
EndNote Öztemel E, Gürsev S (June 1, 2018) Türkiye’de Lojistik Yönetiminde Endüstri 4.0 Etkileri ve Yatırım İmkanlarına Bakış Üzerine Anket Uygulaması. Marmara Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 30 2 145–154.
IEEE E. Öztemel and S. Gürsev, “Türkiye’de Lojistik Yönetiminde Endüstri 4.0 Etkileri ve Yatırım İmkanlarına Bakış Üzerine Anket Uygulaması”, MAJPAS, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 145–154, 2018, doi: 10.7240/marufbd.408560.
ISNAD Öztemel, Ercan - Gürsev, Samet. “Türkiye’de Lojistik Yönetiminde Endüstri 4.0 Etkileri Ve Yatırım İmkanlarına Bakış Üzerine Anket Uygulaması”. Marmara Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 30/2 (June 2018), 145-154.
JAMA Öztemel E, Gürsev S. Türkiye’de Lojistik Yönetiminde Endüstri 4.0 Etkileri ve Yatırım İmkanlarına Bakış Üzerine Anket Uygulaması. MAJPAS. 2018;30:145–154.
MLA Öztemel, Ercan and Samet Gürsev. “Türkiye’de Lojistik Yönetiminde Endüstri 4.0 Etkileri Ve Yatırım İmkanlarına Bakış Üzerine Anket Uygulaması”. Marmara Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 30, no. 2, 2018, pp. 145-54, doi:10.7240/marufbd.408560.
Vancouver Öztemel E, Gürsev S. Türkiye’de Lojistik Yönetiminde Endüstri 4.0 Etkileri ve Yatırım İmkanlarına Bakış Üzerine Anket Uygulaması. MAJPAS. 2018;30(2):145-54.

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