Please follow these guidelines when you first submit your article for consideration by the reviewers.
1. Only original and previously unpublished articles will be accepted for publication.
2. The articles should be in Turkish or English.
3. The length of the submitted article should fall between 3,000 to 6,000 words.
4. All articles should include abstracts in Turkish and English (100-150 words).
5. Immediately after the body of the abstracts, there should be key words, minimum 3 and maximum 10 words. The key words should closely reflect the article topic and should be written in font size 10 and in italic. First letter of all key words should start with a capital letter.
6. All articles should be submitted online using the Ulakbim Journal Systems (UJS) at
7. The article title should be 14 pt bold and center aligned. It should be written in CAPITAL LETTERS.
8. The articles should be written in A4 size. The margins should be 5.5 cm on bottom and 5.5 cm on top side and 5.0 cm on left and 5.0 cm on right side. All fonts should be Times New Roman. The text should be 11 point, line spacing: at least, At: 0, before: 3 pt, after: 3 pt and full justified.
9. All pages must be numbered.
10. Articles should be divided into sections as
· Abstract
· Key words (3-10 words)
· Introduction
· Findings, discussion and results
· References
11. Main headings should be capitalized and sub-headings should be bold and left aligned and their first letters in capital letters.
12. Section headings (Introduction, Method, Findings, Discussion and Conclusion) should be numbered consecutively (1. INTRODUCTION; 2. …). Sub-sections should be numbered consecutively within each section (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, …; 2.1, 2.2, 2,3 etc).
13. All Tables should have a caption at the top and Figures should have a caption at the bottom and they should be numbered consecutively throughout the text.
14. All examples should be numbered consecutively throughout the text, using parenthesized Arabic numerals. Linguistic examples with interlinear glossing should be presented in a table, as shown below. Lexical forms should be glossed in lower case letters and grammatical categories in small caps, not in CAPITALS.
(1) |
Ali |
yazı-sı-nı |
biz-e |
gönder-iyor. |
Ali- nom |
writing-poss3sg-acc |
we-dat |
send-pr3sg |
‘Ali sends us his writing.’ |
15. Footnotes should be used only if they contain some essential explanation that does not fit in the main text and should be numbered consecutively throughout the text in superscripts. They should be 10 pt Times New Roman and full justified.
16. References should be written using APA 7thedition referencing both in text and for listing at the end of the paper. References should be listed in alphabetical order in the Reference section. The indentations of the following lines of a reference should be 0.5 cm.