Dr. Danışoğlu has a BS in Business Administration from METU, and an MSc in Statistics and a PhD in Finance with a minor in Economics from Texas Tech University. She joined the Department of Business Administration as a research assistant in September 1990 and has been a full-time faculty member since 1996. Dr. Danışoğlu's main research interest is in asset pricing and banking. She has authored and co-authored several journal articles and supervised master's and PhD theses in these areas. More recently, she has developed a keen interest in the area of social impact investing. She has been producing and supervising scholarly work in this area and aims to contribute to the literature on blended-value investing in which economic agents seek social and financial goals simultaneously. She is the recepient of several best paper awards and several of her thesis students received METU's best thesis awards. Dr. Danışoğlu teaches in the undergraduate, graduate and executive programs of the Department as well as the graduate programs of METU’s Institute of Applied Mathematics. In addition to the courses in bank management and financial derivatives, Dr. Danışoğlu regularly contributes to the microeconomics course taught at the undergraduate and executive levels. She was a visiting scholar at Texas Tech University’s Area of Finance for over 10 years. She is the recipient of METU Excellence in Teaching award.
Dr Aliakbar Jafari is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the University of Strathclyde Business School in Scotland. Before joining academia, he held international marketing positions in the Iranian automotive industry. He sits on the Editorial Review Board of Consumption, Markets & Culture, Senior Editorial Advisory Board of Journal of Islamic Marketing, Editorial Advisory Board of Journal of Halal Service Research, and the Editorial Board of Marketing Theory, Interdisciplinary Journal of Management Studies, and Tourism Planning and Development. He studies markets primarily as socioculturally embedded contexts in which multiple formal and informal institutions and their actors interact, values and systems of meanings are (re)created, and diverse practices, processes, and offerings (i.e., products and services) are (re)shaped.
Haldun Yalçınkaya is an academic at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at TOBB Economics and Technology University in Ankara / Turkey. Professor Yalçınkaya has been conducting research on Foreign Terrorist Fighters of DAESH and Countering Violent Extremism since 2014 and serving as an academic advisor for the different activities of the NATO Center of Excellence Defence Against Terrorism since 2019. He graduated from Kuleli Military High School and later Turkish Military Academy. During his military service as an officer, he completed his post-graduate studies in International Relations at İstanbul University. Dr.Yalçınkaya studied “peacekeeping” at MA level and “transformation of war” at Ph.D. level. After earning his Ph.D. degree, he had post-doctoral Research and joined the Changing Character of War Project in Oxford University between 2009-2010. Furthermore, during his military service, he served in Afghanistan in 2005. He published four books on war and terrorism issues and several academic articles/edited books/book chapters on International Security issues focusing on new actors of the battlefields as well as terrorism. After serving more than ten years at Turkish Military Academy he has been Professor in International Relations at TOBB University of Economics and Technology since 2013 and founder of Bodrum Institute.
Willi Semmler is the Arnhold Professor of International Cooperation and Development at the New School for Social Research, New York, and was a professor at American University, Washington, D.C., and Bielefeld University, Germany, and was a Fulbright Professor at the University of Vienna. He is an honorary doctor of the American University Europe-Fon and was an evaluator of research projects for the EU Commission and a visiting scholar at the ECB and the IMF while working for the IEO at the IMF. He is also a member of the Center on Capitalism and Society, Columbia University, directed by Edmund Phelps (Nobel Laureate in Economics), a research associate at La Sapienza, Rome, and an associate editor of the journal Econometrics and Statistics. His research is on empirical macroeconomics, financial economics, and the economics of climate change. He has numerous journal and book publications, and his research has appeared in publications of the World Bank, the IMF, the ECB, and ILO.
Olga Kravets is a senior lecturer at Royal Holloway University of London and holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Sydney, Australia. Her research interests are in history and politics of consumer culture, markets, and marketing with the focus on studying inequalities from critical perspectives. She co-edited The SAGE Handbook of Consumer Culture and The Routledge Companion to Marketing and Feminism. Her research has been published in Business History Review, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Material Culture, Marketing Theory among others and in edited books.