Writing Rules

Please use the following templates and files:

Click here to download the manuscript template

Click here to download the cover page template

Click here to download the checklist file

Click here to download the Copyright Agreement Form

  • Articles written in Turkish and English are accepted by the journal
  • Manuscripts to be submitted should not exceed 27 pages, including text, tables, figures, references, and appendices.

  • Since the double blind peer-review system is implemented through DergiPark, the article and the cover page must be submitted as two separate files.

  • Information about the authors should not appear in the main manuscript..

  • The cover page should include the title of the article, the names and surnames of all authors, their titles, their institutions, email addresses, ORCID numbers, and, if there is more than one author, the corresponding author’s contact details, including a telephone number. Additionally, any acknowledgments (e.g., to individuals or institutions) and other explanations or notes, if any, should be included.
  • Submitted articles undergo a similarity check. The similarity rate should be below 20%, excluding references.

The following guidelines must be considered in articles


  • The title should be concise and provide clear information about the subject of the article.


  • After the English title, abstract should follow. The abstract should concisely explain the purpose of the study, the methods applied, the findings, and the results. The abstract must not exceed 150 words.


  • At the end of the abstract, a maximum of four keywords that best describe the content of the article must be provided.

Jel Classification

  • Appropriate JEL classification codes should be provided for the study.

Türkish Title

  • Provide Turkish title

Turkish Abstract

  • The Turkish abstract should not exceed 150 words.

Turkish Keywords

  • Turkish keywords should be provided here.

Jel Classification

  • Appropriate Jel classification numbers should be given for the study.

Extended Summaryt

  • In articles written in English, an extended abstract in Turkish is preferred but not compulsory. The extended abstract should begin from the second page, be written without indentation, contain at least 500 words, and be formatted in Times New Roman, 11-point font, italicized.
  • An abstract is a critical section that concisely summarizes the content of a study, enabling readers to evaluate the work. A well-crafted abstract must be accurate (reflecting the research's objectives and findings), unbiased (free of interpretation or critique), coherent (written in clear language with logical flow), and concise (avoiding unnecessary details while incorporating relevant keywords). The structure may vary depending on the study type: empirical research should emphasize methods and results, whereas theoretical studies should highlight literature synthesis. The abstract must both inform readers and enhance the article’s discoverability.
  • Redundancy, such as reiterating the paper’s title, squanders valuable space and should be avoided. Instead, the abstract should emphasize four to five pivotal elements—such as research questions, methodologies, key findings, and implications—that collectively encapsulate the study’s contribution.

Introduction and Conclusion

  • The introduction should begin on the second page and be labeled as "1. Introduction."
  • The importance and purpose of the study must be clearly stated.
  • The "Conclusion" section of the study should also be numbered.

Headings and Subheadings

  • Only initial letters of the Headings and Subheadings should be capitalized.
  • Main headings should begin with “1. Introduction," and subheadings should be numbered hierarchically, such as 2.1.
  • All headings must be formatted in bold.
  • A single line of space must be left before main headings.

Figures and Tables

  • All figures and tables must be inserted into the text in their appropriate locations and numbered sequentially.
  • Figures and tables should be mentioned in the text.
  • Table captions must appear above the table, and figure captions must appear below the figure. The source of non-original tables and figures must be clearly cited.


  • Equations must be numbered sequentially.


  • All abbreviations must be written in full within parentheses upon first use.


  • Appendices, if included, must be placed after the References. For only one appendix, use the label “Appendix.”; for multiple appendices, use the label “Appendix A”, "Appendix B" accordingly.

Citations and References

  • Citations and references must adhere to the publication guidelines of the APA 7 (American Psychological Association) Manual.
  • All works cited in the text must be included in the References. The References must include all sources cited in the article and exclude any works not referenced in the text.
  • Citations must be provided within the text not in footnotes.
  • If the sentence does not include the title of the work, the citation should appear in parentheses at the end of the sentence, e.g., (Sharpe, 2005). For two authors, citations must be formatted as (Altınok & Eken, 2005), for more than two (Eken et al., 2015).
  • To specify page numbers, include them after the year, separated by a comma, e.g., (Ansari, 2007, p. 126).
  • When citing multiple works in the same sentence, sort alphabetically and separate them with semicolons within the parentheses, e.g., (Eken 2008; Kale 205; Sharpe, 2005; Taylor et al., 1970 ).
  • For narrative citation include the author’s surname and the publication year in parentheses, e.g., According to Sharpe (2005).
  • If the year and author is the part of the sentence do not cite. e.g. "In 1952, Markowitz introduced a new approach in portfolio management..."
  • For a work with one or two authors, works, use author(s) information in every citations. e.g. (Altınok & Eken, 2005.
  • For a work with three or more authors, use the information of only the first author plus "et al." in every citation. e.g. (Eken et al., 2008).
  • If an author has multiple works published in the same year, differentiate them using letters (e.g., İlseven, 2005a; İlseven, 2005b).
  • If two authors have the same surnames in citation, use initials in every usage. e.g. (S. Kale, 2015; H. Kale 2020) 
  • Abbreviations may be used for institutional studies, and, where applicable, the short name of the work may be included as descriptive information (e.g., CMB Communiqué No. xxx, 2004).
  • When citing laws, communiqués, or regulations, include the law number and article number clearly, e.g., (Law No. 3167, Article 16).
  • Cite primary sources when possible, and sparingly use secondary sources.
  • Referenced works must be listed in the "References" section.
  • When listing references, attention should be paid to the type of source being referenced.
  • For including online sources, the correct classification of the source must be determined. For example, a report obtained from a government institution’s website should be cited as a report, not as a website.
  • For online sources with a DOI, only the DOI should be provided. If an online source does not have a DOI and is accessible to the user, the URL should be included.
  • References should be listed in alphabetical order based on the author’s surname.
  • Online and printed sources should be listed together and not separated into different sections.

Reference Examples

  • Articles (with DOI):
    Avkiran, N. K. (2011). Association of DEA Super-Efficiency Estimates with Financial Ratios: Investigating The Case For Chinese Banks. Omega, 39(3), 323-334. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.omega.2010.08.001
  • Book (with DOI)
    Ray, S. C. (2004). Data Envelopment Analysis: Theory and Techniques for Economics and Operations Research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511606731
  • Book (without DOI)
    Krolzig, H.-M. (2013). Markov-Switching Vector Autoregressions: Modelling, Statistical Inference, and Application to Business Cycle Analysis. Berlin: Springer Science & Business Media.
    Bildirici, M. E., Alp, E. A., Ersin, Ö. Ö., & Bozoklu, Ü. (2010). İktisatta Kullanılan Doğrusal Olmayan Zaman Serisi Yöntemleri. İstanbul: Türkmen Kitabevi.
  • Chapter in Book:
    Paradi, J. C., Yang, Z., & Zhu, H. (2011). Assessing Bank and Bank Branch Performance. In W. W. Cooper, L. M. Seiford, & J. Zhu (Eds.), Handbook on Data Envelopment Analysis (pp. 315-361). Boston, MA: Springer US.
  • Report:
    IMF (2024). World Economic Outlook. https://www.imf.org/-/media/Files/Publications/WEO/2024/October/English/text.ashx
  • Dataset
    Worldbank (2025). World Development Indicators (Data Set). https://databank.worldbank.org/source/world-development-indicators

Last Update Time: 2/16/25, 3:23:32 PM

The journal specializes in all the fields of finance and banking.