ISSN: 1300-3984
e-ISSN: 2146-8087
Founded: 1989
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Milli Folklor International Journal of Cultural Research was published in 1989. Milli Folklor Journal, which includes studies in the fields of Folklore, Ethnology, Anthropology, Literature and cultural research, has been scanned by some national/international indexes and databases since 1998. Registered by AHCI, EBSCO, SCOPUS, and TUBİTAK/ULAKBİM/TR DİZİN, Milli Folklor Journal shares scientific texts containing research, compilation, review, translation, interviews and introductions with its readers both in printed and electronic media.

2025 - Volume: 19 Issue: 145

 Millî Folklor is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license