Year 2016,
Volume: 13 Issue: 36, 0 - 0, 26.12.2016
Nil Engizek
Ahmet Şekerkaya
Pek çok farklı ülkede denenmiş olan Tüketici
Karar Verme Tarzları Ölçeği bu çalışma kapsamında X ve Y
kuşağı kadınlarından oluşan bir örneklem üzerinde test edilmiştir. 185 adet X
kuşağı ve 203 adet Y kuşağı olmak üzere toplamda 388 kadından yüz yüze anket
yöntemi kullanılarak veri toplanmıştır. Öncelikle verilere keşfedici ve
doğrulayıcı faktör analizi yapılmış karar verme tarzları ölçeğinin yapısı ve
boyutları incelenmiştir. Analizler sonucu ortaya çıkan faktör yapıları temel
alınarak X ve Y kuşağı kadınlarının bu boyutlar itibari ile benzerlik ve
farklılıkları analiz edilmiştir. Mükemmeliyetçilik-yüksek
kalite odaklılık, yenilik/moda odaklılık, eğlence/haz odaklılık, düşünmeden
alışveriş etme / dikkatsizlik, alışkanlık-marka bağlılığı odaklılık ve
alışverişe zaman ayırma boyutlarına göre iki kuşaktaki kadınların birbirinden
anlamlı derecede farklılaştığı görülmektedir. Sonra yine söz konusu
faktörler temel alınarak kümeleme analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma
sonuçlarına göre X ve Y kuşağı kadınlarından oluşan pazarın, karar verme
tarzları itibari ile anlamlı beş pazar bölümünde toplandıkları saptanmıştır.
- Bakewell, C., & Mitchell, V. W. (2003). Generation Y female consumer decision-making styles. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 31 (2), 95-106.
- Bakewell, C., & Mitchell, V. W. (2004). Male consumer decision-making styles. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 14 (2), 223-240.
- Bauer, H.H., Sauer, N.E. & Becker, C. (2006). Investigating the Relationship Between Product Involvement and Consumer Decision-Making Styles. Journal of Consumer Behavior, 5/4, 342-354.
- Ceylan, H. H. (2013). Tüketici Tipleri Envanterinin Türk Kültürüne Uyarlanmasi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22 (2).
- Darden, W.R. & Ashton, D. (1974). Psychographic profiles of patronage preference groups. Journal of Retailing, 50 (Winter), 99-112.
- Darden, W. R. & Reynolds, F. D. (1971). Shopping orientations and product usage rates. Journal of Marketing Research, 8 (November), 505–508.
- Darian, J. C. (1987). In-home shopping: are there consumer segments?, Journal of Retailing, 63 (Summer), 163–186.
- Lysonski, S., Durvasula, S., & Zotos, Y. (1995). Consumer-decision making styles: a multi-country investigation. European Journal of Marketing, 30 (12), 10-21.
- Mitchell, V. W., & Bates, L. (1998). UK consumer-decision making styles. Journal of Marketing Management, 14 (2), 199-225.
- Morton, L. (2002). Targeting Generation Y. Public Relations Quarterly, 47 (2), 46-47.
- Moschis, G. P. (1976). Shopping orientations and consumer uses of information, Journal of Retailing, 52 (Summer), 61–70.
- Noble, S.M., & Schewe, C.D. (2003). Cohort segmentation: an exploration of its validity. Journal of Business Research, 56 (12), 979-987.
- Olsen, J.E., Thach, L. & Nowak, L., (2007). Wine for my generation: exploring how US wine consumers are socialized to wine. Journal of Wine Research, 18, 1–18.
- Roberts, J. A., & Manolis, C. (2000). Baby boomers and busters: an exploratory investigation of attitudes toward marketing, advertising and consumerism. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 17 (6), 481-497.
- Schermelleh-Engel, K., Moosbrugger, H., & Müller, H. (2003). Evaluating the fit of structural equation models: Tests of significance and descriptive goodness-of-fit measures. Methods of psychological research online, 8 (2), 23-74.
- Sproles, G. B. (1985). From perfectionism to Faddism: measuring consumers’ decision making styles, Proceedings American Council on Consumer Interest Conference, Columbia, 79–85.
- Sproles, G. B., & Kendall, E. L. (1986). A methodology for profiling consumers’ decision making styles. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 20 (2), 267-279
- Sproles, E.K. & Sproles, G.B. (1990). Consumer decision-making styles as a function of individual learning styles. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 24 (Summer), 134-47.
- Strauss, W. & Howe, N. (1991). Generations: The History of America’s Future, 1584–2089. Quill William Morrow, New York.
- Stone, G. P. (1954). City shoppers and urban identification: Observations on the social psychology of city life. American Journal of Sociology, 60, 36–45.
- Tai, S. H. (2005). Shopping Styles of Working Chinese Females. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, (12), 191– 203.
- TUIK, (2014). http://www.tuik.gov.tr/UstMenu.do?metod=temelist, (Erişim tarihi: 10.05.2014).
- Ünal, S., & Erciş, A. (2006). Tüketicilerin kişisel değerlerinin satın alma tarzları üzerindeki etkisi. Ticaret ve Turizm Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1, 23-45.
- Ünal, S., & Erciş, A. (2008). The Role of Gender Difference In Determining The Style Of Consumer Decision Making. Bogaziçi Journal, 22 (1-2), 89-106.
Year 2016,
Volume: 13 Issue: 36, 0 - 0, 26.12.2016
Nil Engizek
Ahmet Şekerkaya
- Bakewell, C., & Mitchell, V. W. (2003). Generation Y female consumer decision-making styles. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 31 (2), 95-106.
- Bakewell, C., & Mitchell, V. W. (2004). Male consumer decision-making styles. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 14 (2), 223-240.
- Bauer, H.H., Sauer, N.E. & Becker, C. (2006). Investigating the Relationship Between Product Involvement and Consumer Decision-Making Styles. Journal of Consumer Behavior, 5/4, 342-354.
- Ceylan, H. H. (2013). Tüketici Tipleri Envanterinin Türk Kültürüne Uyarlanmasi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22 (2).
- Darden, W.R. & Ashton, D. (1974). Psychographic profiles of patronage preference groups. Journal of Retailing, 50 (Winter), 99-112.
- Darden, W. R. & Reynolds, F. D. (1971). Shopping orientations and product usage rates. Journal of Marketing Research, 8 (November), 505–508.
- Darian, J. C. (1987). In-home shopping: are there consumer segments?, Journal of Retailing, 63 (Summer), 163–186.
- Lysonski, S., Durvasula, S., & Zotos, Y. (1995). Consumer-decision making styles: a multi-country investigation. European Journal of Marketing, 30 (12), 10-21.
- Mitchell, V. W., & Bates, L. (1998). UK consumer-decision making styles. Journal of Marketing Management, 14 (2), 199-225.
- Morton, L. (2002). Targeting Generation Y. Public Relations Quarterly, 47 (2), 46-47.
- Moschis, G. P. (1976). Shopping orientations and consumer uses of information, Journal of Retailing, 52 (Summer), 61–70.
- Noble, S.M., & Schewe, C.D. (2003). Cohort segmentation: an exploration of its validity. Journal of Business Research, 56 (12), 979-987.
- Olsen, J.E., Thach, L. & Nowak, L., (2007). Wine for my generation: exploring how US wine consumers are socialized to wine. Journal of Wine Research, 18, 1–18.
- Roberts, J. A., & Manolis, C. (2000). Baby boomers and busters: an exploratory investigation of attitudes toward marketing, advertising and consumerism. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 17 (6), 481-497.
- Schermelleh-Engel, K., Moosbrugger, H., & Müller, H. (2003). Evaluating the fit of structural equation models: Tests of significance and descriptive goodness-of-fit measures. Methods of psychological research online, 8 (2), 23-74.
- Sproles, G. B. (1985). From perfectionism to Faddism: measuring consumers’ decision making styles, Proceedings American Council on Consumer Interest Conference, Columbia, 79–85.
- Sproles, G. B., & Kendall, E. L. (1986). A methodology for profiling consumers’ decision making styles. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 20 (2), 267-279
- Sproles, E.K. & Sproles, G.B. (1990). Consumer decision-making styles as a function of individual learning styles. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 24 (Summer), 134-47.
- Strauss, W. & Howe, N. (1991). Generations: The History of America’s Future, 1584–2089. Quill William Morrow, New York.
- Stone, G. P. (1954). City shoppers and urban identification: Observations on the social psychology of city life. American Journal of Sociology, 60, 36–45.
- Tai, S. H. (2005). Shopping Styles of Working Chinese Females. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, (12), 191– 203.
- TUIK, (2014). http://www.tuik.gov.tr/UstMenu.do?metod=temelist, (Erişim tarihi: 10.05.2014).
- Ünal, S., & Erciş, A. (2006). Tüketicilerin kişisel değerlerinin satın alma tarzları üzerindeki etkisi. Ticaret ve Turizm Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1, 23-45.
- Ünal, S., & Erciş, A. (2008). The Role of Gender Difference In Determining The Style Of Consumer Decision Making. Bogaziçi Journal, 22 (1-2), 89-106.