
MSUFBD is a national and international peer-reviewed journal that publishes authentic and qualified works with a scientific approach in the fields of science, basic and engineering sciences. It is published to contribute to raising the quality of the social sciences studies, development of methods and practices, to strengthen the communication between theoretical and practical studies, and to enrich the science literature.

MSUFBD supports all the authentic and qualified scientific studies in the science fields including maths, physic, chemistry, biology, health, pharmacy, engineering sciences etc. It publishes new and authentic works to offer the knowledge produced by scientific circles for the benefit of academics and public.

The works that are sent to MSUFBD must be both an authentic work to eliminate a lack in the literature or a review assessing the previously-published works and suggesting relevant, new, and noteworthy opinions.

The texts that are sent to MSUFBD include articles, translations, and book promotions. For the translated texts, publication permission of the owner of the article and the source text are required.

Publication languages of MSUFBD are Turkish and English.

The works that are sent to MSUFBD must not be published previously anywhere. They have to be ready for publication. The papers that have previously been presented in a scientific meeting can be sent to the journal if it is clearly indicated.

MSUFBD is regularly published in Winter/December and Summer/June per year. 

No copyright payment is made for the papers that are sent to MSUFBD. The copyrights of the works that are published in MSUFBD are transferred to Mus Alparslan University Journal of Science.

Scientific and legal liabilities of the articles published in MSUFBD belong to the authors.

All the opinions and ideas indicated in the articles that are published in MSUFBD are authors’ personal opinions and do not reflect the opinions of the Journal or the affiliated institutions by any means.

The works that are sent to MSUFBD are sent to TUBITAK ULAKBIM’s DergiPark System (UDS) in electronical environment. This system can be accessed via under the link “User Page/New Submission”. After registering in the system and submitting the paper, the developments regarding the reviewing process and reviewer reports can be followed by the authors.

Last Update Time: 6/24/21, 11:03:07 AM