MSKU Journal of Education
MSKU Journal of Education (MSKUJE) is an open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by the Mugla Sıtkı Kocman University, Faculty of Education. The Journal aims to promote excellence through dissemination of high-quality research findings and discussion of professional issues that reflect the diversity of this field. The journal publishes a broad range of papers from all branches of education.
This journal is published semi-annually in online versions, and the online version of Journals free to access and download.
Plagiarism Evaluation Process:
Similarity reports are required for studies to be sent to the journal.
• Similarity report is made by the author using similarity programs such as Turnitin, iThenticate. In these programs, in the settings section, only the Bibliography "Exclude Bibliogaphy" and Extract resources less than: 5 Words "Exclude sources that are less than: 5 words" settings can be used.
• As a result of the screening, studies with more than 20% similarity in the entire study and more than 5% similarity from a single source, are not taken into preliminary evaluation. In studies with a similarity rate below 20%, it should be checked whether the source is given at the end of each quoted sentence.
• All responsibility for ethical violations belongs to the authors.
Studies published in the MSKU Faculty of Education journal go through a strict plagiarism policy. For this purpose, the control of the studies with plagiarism programs is carried out by both the author and the journal management, and appropriate references are made to the citations. All submitted articles must pass a plagiarism screening and are checked with Advanced Plagiarism Detection Software (Cross Check by iThenticate).
Research Article
The Mediator Role of Subjective Vitality in the Relationship between Psychological Flexibility and Life Satisfaction in AdolescentsResearch Article
ÖZYETERLİK ÜZERİNE BİR BAKIŞ: Değer Yönelimleri Ve Akılcı Olmayan İnançların Rolü