Research studies submitted to the journal are first subjected to a preliminary evaluation process by the editors of the journal. This preliminary evaluation aims to assess the originality and contribution to the scientific field. Studies that are deemed sufficient in terms of scientific contribution and originality at the preliminary evaluation stage are referred to the relevant field editors for a more detailed review. The field editors select appropriate referees to ensure that the manuscript undergoes a comprehensive evaluation process and initiate the peer review process. In this process, the manuscripts are evaluated by at least two independent reviewers according to the blind reviewing principle. Based on the evaluation reports from the referees, a third referee may be consulted to obtain a more comprehensive opinion, depending on the status of the manuscript. This progressive review process reflects the journal's commitment to scientific standards and academic integrity and ensures that submitted manuscripts are reviewed according to the highest standards of quality and objectivity.
Research studies that reach the journal and successfully pass the preliminary evaluation by the editors are then subjected to a comprehensive evaluation process. This process includes a detailed review and evaluation process by referees who are experts in their fields. If the referee evaluations are positive, the necessary processes are initiated for the publication of the manuscript in the journal. The total duration of this process can vary between 2 to 3 months from the date of submission. This timeframe includes the detailed evaluation of the manuscript by the referees, the evaluation of revisions from the authors, and the meticulous completion of all the necessary steps to ensure that the manuscript meets the journal's publication quality standards. This process aims to ensure that submitted manuscripts are evaluated and published to the highest standards, adhering to the journal's principles of scientific excellence and academic integrity.