Writing Rules

·    Articles submitted to the journal via the Article Tracking System which is accessed by authors’ personal accounts signed in with their e-mail addresses and passwords. After the submission, the peer review process can be followed using the same tracking system. Authors should wait for all peer-review reports to be completed before making any corrections, because there is only one chance to submit edited version to the system.


·     Title: The title should be in consistent with the content and describe the article well. It should be typed in APA (6th ed.) format.


·     Authors’ names and contact details: Authors’ details such as their name, title, institution and contact details should not be included in the     article. These details accessed through the system will be added by the editors.


·     Abstract and key words: The abstract should be clear and concise, and key words should consist of minimum 3, maximum 5 words. The   abstract and key words should be typed both in Turkish and English using APA (6th ed.) format.


·     Body text: The body text should be typed in APA (6th ed.) format and pages should not be numbered.


·     Information in the footnotes should be typed in APA (6th ed.) format with 10-pt at the bottom of the page.


·     Headings and subheadings: Throughout the article headings and subheadings can be used as necessary and they can be numbered.


·     Tables: All tables should be inserted as colored or black-white and details should be typed APA (6th ed.) format.


·     Figures: Figures should be inserted with the correct resolution. Information about figures should be typed in APA (6th ed.) format.


·     In-text citations and references: All citations and references should be typed in APA (6th ed.) format.

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