Year 2017,
Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 681 - 691, 31.07.2017
Engin Özdemir
Didem Eren Sarıcı
Mühendislik tasarımlarının pek çoğunda kayaçların
fiziko-mekanik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi önem taşımaktadır. Bu özelliklerin
en önemlilerinden bir tanesi olan tek eksenli sıkışma dayanımının
belirlenmesinde uygun laboratuvar koşullarının gerekliliği ve standartlara
uygun örnek hazırlamanın zorlukları bu parametrenin diğer fiziko-mekanik
özelliklerden istatistiksel metodlar kullanılarak tahmin edilmesi çalışmalarını
yaygınlaştırmıştır. Bu amaçla yapılan çalışmalarda kullanılan numuneler
genellikle kuru halde veya kontrol edilemeyen su içeriğine sahip olmaktadır. Bu
çalışmada üç farklı sedimanter kökenli kayaç numunesinde kontrollü şekilde suya doygunluk oluşturularak; kuru ağırlıkça
%35, 70 ve 100 doygun koşullarda iken tek eksenli sıkışma dayanımı (TESD),
nokta yükleme dayanımı, dolaylı çekme dayanımı (Brazilian), Schmidt ve Shore
sertliği, ultrasonik hız tayini deneyleri yapılmıştır. Basit ve çok değişkenli
regresyon analizleri ile tek eksenli sıkışma dayanımını diğer fiziko-mekanik
özelliklerden tahmin etmek için modeller geliştirilmiştir. Modellerin
geçerliliği incelendiğinde %70 ve 100 suya doygunluk koşullarında tek eksenli
sıkışma dayanımı ile diğer mekanik özellikler arasında güçlü ilişkilerin olduğu
(R2>90) görülmüştür.
- [1] ASTM D 4543, “Standard Practice for Preparing Rock Core Specimens and Determining Dimensional and Shape Tolerances”, Philadelphia, 2001.
- [2] YILMAZ, I., ‘‘Influence of Water Content on the Strength and Deformability of Gypsum”, International Journal of Rock Mechanic and Mining Science, 47, 342-347, 2010.
- [3] HARRISON, H.P., HUDSON, J.A., Engineering Rock Mechanics Part2: Illustrative Worked Examples, Pergamon Press, London, UK, 2000.
- [4] GOEL, R., SINGH, B., Engineering Rock Mass Classification Tunneling Foundations and Lanslides, Butterworth-Heinemann, London, UK, 2011.
- [5] MISHRA, D., BASU, A., “Estimation of Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Rock Materials by Index Test Using Regression Analysis and Fuzzy Inference System”, Engineering Geology, 160, 54-68, 2013.
- [6] KAHRAMAN, S., “Evaluation of Simple Methods for Assessing the Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Rock”, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science, 38, 981-994, 2001.
- [7] BAREFIELD, E., SHAKOOR, A., “The Effect of Degree of Saturation on the Unconfined Compressive Strength of Selected Sandstones”, 10th IAEG International Congress, 606-612, Nottingham, UK, 2006.
- [8] AJALLOIAN, R.M., KARIMZADEH, L., “Geotechnical Rock Mass Evaluation of Givi Dam Site (Case Study, Ardabil Iran)”, 10th ISRM Congress, 7-10,Sandton, South Africa, 2003.
- [9] VASARHELYI, B., “Some Observations Regarding the Strength and Deformability of Sandstones in Case of Dry and Saturated Conditions”, Bulletin Engineering Geological Environment, 62, 245-249, 2003.
- [10] KILIÇ, A., TEYMEN, A., “Determination of Mechanical Properties Rocks Using Simple Methods”, Bulletin Engineering Geological Environment, 67, 237-244, 2003.
- [11] ERSOY, H., KANİK, D., “Multicriteria Decision-Making Analysis Based Methodogy for Predicting Carbonate Rocks Uniaxial Compressive Strength”, Earth Science Rescue Journal, 16(1), 65-74, 2012.
- [12] MISHRA, D.A., BASU, A., “Use of the Block Punch Test to Predict to Compressive and Tensile Strengths of Rocks”, International Journal of Rock Mechanic and Mining Science, 51, 119-127, 2012.
- [13] SÖNMEZ, H., GÖKÇEOĞLU, C., MEDLEY, E.W., TUNCAY, E., NEFESİLİOĞLU, H.A., “Estimating the Uniaxial Compressive Strength of a Volcanic Bedrock”, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 43(4), 554-561, 2006.
- [14] TSIAMBAOS, G., SABATAKAKIS, N., “Consideration on Strength of Intact Sedimentary Rocks”, Engineering Geology, 72, 261-273, 2004.
- [15] FENER, M., KAHRAMAN, S., BİLGİL, A., GÜNAYDIN, O.A., “Comparative Evaluation of Indirect Methods to Estimate the Compressive Strength of Rocks”, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 38, 329-343, 2005.
- [16] ANSARI, M.K., AHMAD, M., SINGH. R., SINGH. T.N., “Correlation between Schmidt Hardness and Coefficient Restitution of Rocks”, Journal of African Earth Science, 104, 1-5, 2015.
- [17] GOKCEOGLU, C., “A Fuzzy Triangular Chart to Predict the Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Ankara Agglomerates from Their Petrographic Composition”, Engineering Geology, 66, 39-51, 2002.
- [18] TSE., TS 699 Tabii Yapı Taşları-Muayene ve Deney Metodları, Ankara, 1987.
- [19] TSE., TS 6809 Mohs Sertlik Cetveline Göre Sertlik Tayini, Ankara, 1989.
- [20] ISRM., “Suggested Methods for Determination of the Shore Sclerescope Hardness”, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science and Geomechanical Abstract, 15(3), 102-103, 1978.
- [21] ISRM., ‘‘Suggested Methods for Determination of the Schmidt Rebound Hardness’’, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science and Geomechanical Abstract, 15:3, 101-102, 1978.
- [22] ISRM., “Suggested Methods For Determining Sound Velocity”, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science and Geomechanical Abstract, 15, 53-58, 1978.
- [23] ISRM., “Suggested Methods For Determining The Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Deformability of Rock Materials”, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science and Geomechanical Abstract, 16, 135-140, 1978.
- [24] ISRM., “Suggested Methods for Determining Point Load Strength”, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science and Geomechanical Abstract, 22, 51-60, 1985.
- [25] TSE., TS 7654, Kayaçların Çekme Mukavemetinin Dolaylı (İndirekt) Metotla Tayini, 1989.
- [26] KARAMAN, K., KESİMAL, A., “Kayaçların Tek Eksenli Basınç Dayanımı Tahmininde Nokta Yükü Deney Yöntemleri ve Porozitenin Değerlendirilmesi”, Madencilik, 51(4), 3-14, 2012.
- [27] AKRAM, M., BAKAR, M.Z.A., “Correlation Between Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Point Load Index for Salt-Range Rock”, Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 1, 1-8, 2007.
- [28] KARAKUŞ, M., TÜTMEZ, B., “Fuzzy and Multiple Regression Modelling for Evaluation of Intact Rock Strength Based on Point Load, Schmidt Hammer and Sonic Velocity”, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 39(1), 45-57, 2006.
- [29] TÜTMEZ, B., KAHRAMAN, S., GÜNAYDIN, O., “Multifactorial Fuzzy Approach to the Sawability Classification of Building Stones”, Construction and Building Materials, 21, 1672-1679, 2007.
- [30] KARAKUL, H., ULUSAY, R., “Kayaların Dayanım Özelliklerinin Farklı Doygunluk Koşullarında P-dalga Hızından Kestirimi ve P-Dalga Hızının Fiziksel Özelliklere Olan Duyarlılığı”, Yerbilimleri, 33 (3), 239-268, 2012.
- [31] ALTINDAĞ, R., “Effects of Specimen Volume and Temperature on Measurement of Shore Hardness”, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 35(2), 109-113, 2002.
Year 2017,
Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 681 - 691, 31.07.2017
Engin Özdemir
Didem Eren Sarıcı
- [1] ASTM D 4543, “Standard Practice for Preparing Rock Core Specimens and Determining Dimensional and Shape Tolerances”, Philadelphia, 2001.
- [2] YILMAZ, I., ‘‘Influence of Water Content on the Strength and Deformability of Gypsum”, International Journal of Rock Mechanic and Mining Science, 47, 342-347, 2010.
- [3] HARRISON, H.P., HUDSON, J.A., Engineering Rock Mechanics Part2: Illustrative Worked Examples, Pergamon Press, London, UK, 2000.
- [4] GOEL, R., SINGH, B., Engineering Rock Mass Classification Tunneling Foundations and Lanslides, Butterworth-Heinemann, London, UK, 2011.
- [5] MISHRA, D., BASU, A., “Estimation of Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Rock Materials by Index Test Using Regression Analysis and Fuzzy Inference System”, Engineering Geology, 160, 54-68, 2013.
- [6] KAHRAMAN, S., “Evaluation of Simple Methods for Assessing the Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Rock”, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science, 38, 981-994, 2001.
- [7] BAREFIELD, E., SHAKOOR, A., “The Effect of Degree of Saturation on the Unconfined Compressive Strength of Selected Sandstones”, 10th IAEG International Congress, 606-612, Nottingham, UK, 2006.
- [8] AJALLOIAN, R.M., KARIMZADEH, L., “Geotechnical Rock Mass Evaluation of Givi Dam Site (Case Study, Ardabil Iran)”, 10th ISRM Congress, 7-10,Sandton, South Africa, 2003.
- [9] VASARHELYI, B., “Some Observations Regarding the Strength and Deformability of Sandstones in Case of Dry and Saturated Conditions”, Bulletin Engineering Geological Environment, 62, 245-249, 2003.
- [10] KILIÇ, A., TEYMEN, A., “Determination of Mechanical Properties Rocks Using Simple Methods”, Bulletin Engineering Geological Environment, 67, 237-244, 2003.
- [11] ERSOY, H., KANİK, D., “Multicriteria Decision-Making Analysis Based Methodogy for Predicting Carbonate Rocks Uniaxial Compressive Strength”, Earth Science Rescue Journal, 16(1), 65-74, 2012.
- [12] MISHRA, D.A., BASU, A., “Use of the Block Punch Test to Predict to Compressive and Tensile Strengths of Rocks”, International Journal of Rock Mechanic and Mining Science, 51, 119-127, 2012.
- [13] SÖNMEZ, H., GÖKÇEOĞLU, C., MEDLEY, E.W., TUNCAY, E., NEFESİLİOĞLU, H.A., “Estimating the Uniaxial Compressive Strength of a Volcanic Bedrock”, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 43(4), 554-561, 2006.
- [14] TSIAMBAOS, G., SABATAKAKIS, N., “Consideration on Strength of Intact Sedimentary Rocks”, Engineering Geology, 72, 261-273, 2004.
- [15] FENER, M., KAHRAMAN, S., BİLGİL, A., GÜNAYDIN, O.A., “Comparative Evaluation of Indirect Methods to Estimate the Compressive Strength of Rocks”, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 38, 329-343, 2005.
- [16] ANSARI, M.K., AHMAD, M., SINGH. R., SINGH. T.N., “Correlation between Schmidt Hardness and Coefficient Restitution of Rocks”, Journal of African Earth Science, 104, 1-5, 2015.
- [17] GOKCEOGLU, C., “A Fuzzy Triangular Chart to Predict the Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Ankara Agglomerates from Their Petrographic Composition”, Engineering Geology, 66, 39-51, 2002.
- [18] TSE., TS 699 Tabii Yapı Taşları-Muayene ve Deney Metodları, Ankara, 1987.
- [19] TSE., TS 6809 Mohs Sertlik Cetveline Göre Sertlik Tayini, Ankara, 1989.
- [20] ISRM., “Suggested Methods for Determination of the Shore Sclerescope Hardness”, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science and Geomechanical Abstract, 15(3), 102-103, 1978.
- [21] ISRM., ‘‘Suggested Methods for Determination of the Schmidt Rebound Hardness’’, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science and Geomechanical Abstract, 15:3, 101-102, 1978.
- [22] ISRM., “Suggested Methods For Determining Sound Velocity”, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science and Geomechanical Abstract, 15, 53-58, 1978.
- [23] ISRM., “Suggested Methods For Determining The Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Deformability of Rock Materials”, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science and Geomechanical Abstract, 16, 135-140, 1978.
- [24] ISRM., “Suggested Methods for Determining Point Load Strength”, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science and Geomechanical Abstract, 22, 51-60, 1985.
- [25] TSE., TS 7654, Kayaçların Çekme Mukavemetinin Dolaylı (İndirekt) Metotla Tayini, 1989.
- [26] KARAMAN, K., KESİMAL, A., “Kayaçların Tek Eksenli Basınç Dayanımı Tahmininde Nokta Yükü Deney Yöntemleri ve Porozitenin Değerlendirilmesi”, Madencilik, 51(4), 3-14, 2012.
- [27] AKRAM, M., BAKAR, M.Z.A., “Correlation Between Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Point Load Index for Salt-Range Rock”, Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 1, 1-8, 2007.
- [28] KARAKUŞ, M., TÜTMEZ, B., “Fuzzy and Multiple Regression Modelling for Evaluation of Intact Rock Strength Based on Point Load, Schmidt Hammer and Sonic Velocity”, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 39(1), 45-57, 2006.
- [29] TÜTMEZ, B., KAHRAMAN, S., GÜNAYDIN, O., “Multifactorial Fuzzy Approach to the Sawability Classification of Building Stones”, Construction and Building Materials, 21, 1672-1679, 2007.
- [30] KARAKUL, H., ULUSAY, R., “Kayaların Dayanım Özelliklerinin Farklı Doygunluk Koşullarında P-dalga Hızından Kestirimi ve P-Dalga Hızının Fiziksel Özelliklere Olan Duyarlılığı”, Yerbilimleri, 33 (3), 239-268, 2012.
- [31] ALTINDAĞ, R., “Effects of Specimen Volume and Temperature on Measurement of Shore Hardness”, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 35(2), 109-113, 2002.