Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University (NOHU) Journal of Engineering Sciences (NOHU J. Eng. Sci.) is a peer-reviewed journal that has published Original Research Articles and Review Articles written in Turkish or English since 2012 by NOHU Faculty of Engineering. The journal does not require any publication fee at any stage and is a free access journal from the DergiPark system.
Our journal publishes four issues each year, in January, April, July and October.
NOHU Journal of Engineering Sciences covers studies in the areas of Computer, Environmental, Electrical and Electronics, Industrial, Food, Geomatic, Civil, Geological, Chemical, Mining, Mechanical, Mechatronics, Metallurgy and Materials Engineerings and other related engineering areas.
After passing through the pre-check, similarity examination, scientific evaluation and proofreading processes in NOHU Journal of Engineering Sciences, the articles published provide high quality information to researchers, readers and practitioners interested in Engineering Science and Technology.
Our journal is already indexing by; ULAKBİM TR Dizin, EBSCO, DOAJ, Sobiad, Advanced Science Index, Cite Factor, World Cat, EuroPub, Scientific Indexing Services.
Research Article
Farklı tatlandırıcılar ile kaymak eklenerek üretilen Höşmerim tatlısının akrilamid içeriği ve bazı özellikleriResearch Article
Fırçasız doğru akım motorların adaptif filtre tabanlı MRAS ile hız algılayıcısız doğrudan moment kontrolüResearch Article
CatBoost Algoritmasının Taşınmaz Değerlemede Kullanımı: Bayesian Hiperparametre Optimizasyonu ile Karşılaştırmalı AnalizResearch Article
Kentsel Büyümenin Vektör Hücresel Otomat Yaklaşımı ile Yüksek Çözünürlüklü ModellenmesiResearch Article
Spatial modeling of chlorophyll-a parameter by Landsat-8 satellite data and deep learning techniques: The case of Lake MoganResearch Article
Seismic performance evaluation of space-frame structures using nonlinear static and time-history analysesResearch Article
Metalik malzemeler üzerine kendi kendini iyileştiren kaplamaların geliştirilmesi ve karakterizasyonuResearch Article
Competitive Hybrid Jaya and β-Hill Climbing Algorithm for High-Cost Optimization ProblemsThe works published in Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University Journal of Engineering Sciences are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Commerce 4.0 International License.