ISSN: 2667-8993
Founded: 2019
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Journal of Quantitative Sciences (JofQS) is under the supervision and responsibility of Eskişehir Osmangazi University Statistics Consultancy Application and Research Center (ECARC) and first started its publication in 2019. Journal of Quantitative Sciences (JofQS) is an international refereed journal published twice a year, in June and December. The language of the journal is Turkish and English.

Journal of Quantitative Sciences (JofQS) is scanned by Asos (Akademia Social Sciences Index), DRJI (Directory of Research Journals Indexing), ESJI (Eurasian Scientific Journal Index), SIS (Scientific Indexing Services) and Google Scholar.

The purpose of the Journal of Quantitative Sciences (JofQS) is to contribute to the development of the branches of profession for quantitative science at national and international level. Journal of Quantitative Sciences (JofQS) is an interdisciplinary journal covering studies in the fields of science, engineering, social and health sciences using statistical methods. Theoretical and applied studies in the fields of statistical theory, applied statistics, statistical information systems, operations research and risk analysis within the scope of statistics are in the publication area of ​​the journal. Studies that pass the preliminary assessment are examined by at least two referees. No publication fee is requested from the author or authors.


Journal of Quantitative Sciences

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  • Asos (Akademia Sosyal Bilimler Indeksi)
  • DRJI (Directory of Research Journals Indexing)
  • ESJI (Eurasian Scientific Journal Index)
  • SIS (Scientific Indexing Services)
  • Google Scholar