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The Nursing Insights journal is an international scientific journal that publishes high-quality research in all fields of nursing. It is the official journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing and is published three times a year in English. The journal is open access, follows a double-blind peer-review process, and ensures independent and unbiased evaluation of submissions.
Articles published in the journal are available to researchers and readers free of charge on The Nursing Insights journal started publishing in 1994 and transitioned to online publication in 2019. The journal continues its publication life with the names Journal of Hacettepe University School of Nursing (Print ISSN: 1300-9060) (1994-2008), Hacettepe University Faculty of Health Sciences Nursing Journal (Print ISSN: 1308-5328) (2008-2013), Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing (Print ISSN: 2148-3590, Online ISSN:2149-2956) (2014-2019), (Online ISSN:2149-2956) (2019-2025) and as of February 2025, the journal Nursing Insights (Online ISSN:2149-2956).
Each article published in the journal is assigned a DOI citation. It is indexed in the TUBITAK ULAKBIM Medical Database (since Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015), the Türkiye Citation Index (TR-Index) (since September 27, 2017, Volume 4, Issue 2, 2017), and the EBSCO database (since 2009). Article templates must be used as of January 2024 for articles to be sent to our journal for evaluation. 
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