Mustafa Hilmi BULUT, müzik eğitimi alanında doktora derecesine sahiptir. Lisans, yüksek lisans ve doktora öğrenciliği dönemlerinde Prof. Dr. Ali Uçan, Prof. Dr. Türev Berki, Prof. Ülkü Özgür, Prof. Dr. Şeyda Çilden, Prof. Feridun Büyükaksoy, Prof. Sadettin Ünal, Prof. Kadir Karkın, Prof. Erdal Tuğcular, Prof. Ali sevgi, Prof. Ertuğrul Bayraktar gibi duayen hocalardan dersler almıştır.
“Keman Eğitiminde Sivas Halayları”, “Şarkı Kutusu I”, “Şarkı Kutusu II”, “Zara Yöresi Müziğinin Etnografisi”, “Müzik Bilimsel Araştırma Yazıları”, “Müzikte Özel Öğretim Yöntemleri”, “Ayrıntılı Makam Tanımlarıyla Sekiz Makamda Dokuz Özgün Beste”, “Mustafa Sağyaşar Biyografisi”, “Piyano Eşlikli Mikrotonal Müzikler“, “Keman Özelinde Çalgı Öğretim Yöntem ve Teknikleri”, “Tülay Canik Biyografisi“, “Sevgi Şarkıları I“, “Cumhuriyetin 100. Yılında 100 Sevgi Şarkısı“ adlı kitaplarına ek olarak “Müziğin Büyüleyici Eğlenceli Gerçekleri” adlı bir çeviri kitap ve çok sayıda kitap bölümü yazarıdır.
İspanya, Estonya, Polonya, Amerika, Portekiz, Ukrayna, Endonezya ve Hong Kong'da bulunan üniversitelerde çeşitli bilimsel etkinliklere katılarak Klasik Türk Müziğinin çeşitli formlarında ud ve vokal bireysel konserler vermiştir. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin 100. Kuruluş Yıldönümü anısına “100. Yılında 100 Sevgi Şarkısı“ adlı projesinden ürettiği 107 sevgi şarkısının yanısıra çocuklar ve gençlere yönelik çok sayıda eğitim müziği bestelemiştir. Eserleri Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlı bünyesindeki “Türkiye Musiki Eseri Sahipleri Meslek Birliği“ tarafından telif koruması altındadır. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Marşı‘nın bestecisidir.
Bulut, ABD'de University of South Florida School of Music ve Portekiz'de Politecnico de Castelo Branco – Portugal Polytechnics’de “Kemanın Türk Müziğinde Kullanımı” konulu atölye çalışmalarına katılmış ve misafir öğretim üyesi olarak kısa süreli çalışmalarda bulunmuştur. Dekanlık, dekan yardımcılığı, anabilim dalı başkanlığı, bölüm başkanlığı, bölüm, fakülte ve üniversite yönetim kurulu üyelikleri gibi idari görevlerde bulunmuştur. Yüz yüze ve çevrim içi düzenlemiş olduğu dokuz uluslararası müzik sempozyumunun başkanlığını yapmıştır.
Müzik eğitimi ve müzikoloji alanında SCI başta olmak üzere ulusal ve uluslararası endekslerde taranan bilimsel dergilerde yayımlanmış çok sayıda makale ve sempozyum bildirileri mevcuttur. Çok sayıda araştırma projesini koordine etmiş ve yürütmüştür. İyi derecede İngilizce bilen Bulut, Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi'nde öğretim üyesi olarak çalışmalarına devam etmektedir.
Alper Şakalar is a researcher with extensive work in the fields of Western Classical Music and Turkish Music, incorporating these studies within the sub-disciplines of music. In addition to fundamental vocal training, the researcher has conducted various studies on singing styles in Turkish Music and Western Classical Music. He has participated as a practitioner and researcher in multiple projects where disciplines of singing, musicology, and music technology are collectively utilized. He has carried out advanced singing techniques and opera singing studies with Prof. Pekin Kırgız.
Şakalar, who has conducted studies on the relationship between modernization and locality in singing styles, identified educators who came from abroad to Istanbul to provide voice training during the Ottoman Empire period. With his research, he made various contributions to the post-Republic voice training literature in Turkey. He performed the vocal premiere of the Hamidiye March, used as the state anthem during the Ottoman period, at the Warsaw Royal Palace (2017) on the occasion of the 600th anniversary of Turkey-Poland relations. Şakalar, who participated in the overseas representation of the work named "Milli Ün" written for Atatürk in the last periods of the Ottoman Empire and included in the works of Prof. Dr. Evren Kutlay, has received many awards related to singing at national and international events.
After completing his doctorate study under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Turan Sağer at Yıldız Technical University, he started teaching at the Faculty of Fine Arts at Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University and continued his research. Between 2018-2022, he contributed to the development of the culture of singing together with the choirs he established within state institutions. He established the university radio and conducted research on the public's musical perception in communication tools within the radio. As an executive and researcher, he has participated in various projects, established sound recording and broadcasting studios, and contributed to the recording, archiving, and broadcasting of musical studies on TRT and various institutions.
In 2022, Şakalar, who participated as a soloist in the events organized by the Presidency, had his Turkish Folk Music studio and concert records published by state institutions in the same year. In 2023, he participated as a soloist in music programs conducted at the studios of the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation and in concert events organized by various institutions and organizations. He received his associate professorship specifically in the field of Turkish Folk Music Performance in Music and continues his studies on developing the national singing style.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Günsu Yılma Şakalar was born in 1986 in Edirne/Turkiye. She completed her undergraduate education at the Trakya University State Conservatory in String Instruments/Cello. She completed master’s degree at the İnönü University Music Sciences and Technologies Program. Her doctoral studies was completed at the Yıldız Technical University Art and Design Program. Currently, she serve as an Associate Professor at the Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Music. Engaged in national/international artistic activities with the cello and rebab, hosting radio programs related to the sub-disciplines of Musicology, and producing patents and scientific publications, Yılma Şakalar continues interdisciplinary music researches. E-mail:
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Günsu Yılma Şakalar was born in 1986 in Edirne/Turkiye. She completed her undergraduate education at the Trakya University State Conservatory in String Instruments/Cello. She completed master’s degree at the İnönü University Music Sciences and Technologies Program. Her doctoral studies was completed at the Yıldız Technical University Art and Design Program. Currently, she serve as an Associate Professor at the Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Music. Engaged in national/international artistic activities with the cello and rebab, hosting radio programs related to the sub-disciplines of Musicology, and producing patents and scientific publications, Yılma Şakalar continues interdisciplinary music researches. E-mail:
Alper Şakalar is a researcher with extensive work in the fields of Western Classical Music and Turkish Music, incorporating these studies within the sub-disciplines of music. In addition to fundamental vocal training, the researcher has conducted various studies on singing styles in Turkish Music and Western Classical Music. He has participated as a practitioner and researcher in multiple projects where disciplines of singing, musicology, and music technology are collectively utilized. He has carried out advanced singing techniques and opera singing studies with Prof. Pekin Kırgız.
Şakalar, who has conducted studies on the relationship between modernization and locality in singing styles, identified educators who came from abroad to Istanbul to provide voice training during the Ottoman Empire period. With his research, he made various contributions to the post-Republic voice training literature in Turkey. He performed the vocal premiere of the Hamidiye March, used as the state anthem during the Ottoman period, at the Warsaw Royal Palace (2017) on the occasion of the 600th anniversary of Turkey-Poland relations. Şakalar, who participated in the overseas representation of the work named "Milli Ün" written for Atatürk in the last periods of the Ottoman Empire and included in the works of Prof. Dr. Evren Kutlay, has received many awards related to singing at national and international events.
After completing his doctorate study under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Turan Sağer at Yıldız Technical University, he started teaching at the Faculty of Fine Arts at Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University and continued his research. Between 2018-2022, he contributed to the development of the culture of singing together with the choirs he established within state institutions. He established the university radio and conducted research on the public's musical perception in communication tools within the radio. As an executive and researcher, he has participated in various projects, established sound recording and broadcasting studios, and contributed to the recording, archiving, and broadcasting of musical studies on TRT and various institutions.
In 2022, Şakalar, who participated as a soloist in the events organized by the Presidency, had his Turkish Folk Music studio and concert records published by state institutions in the same year. In 2023, he participated as a soloist in music programs conducted at the studios of the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation and in concert events organized by various institutions and organizations. He received his associate professorship specifically in the field of Turkish Folk Music Performance in Music and continues his studies on developing the national singing style.