Writing Rules

·         The authors of OKUFED should follow the APA style in formatting their papers; in both in-text and referencing list.

·         If preferred, OKUFED Template could be used. Please click below.

o   (Template Link)

·         Please make sure your paper size is A4 (8.27 in × 11.69 in) as well as the top, bottom and right-side margins are 2,5 cm while the left-side margin is 2 cm.

·          The text should be justified.

·         Times New Roman should be used as the font style for the whole text.

·         Article title and English title: 14 font size with a capital letter, bold

·         Abstracts: 11 font size, bold and max. 250 words

·         Keywords: 11 font size, bold, at least 3 words

·         Subtitles: 12 font size, bold

·         Text: 12 font size

·         12-8 font sizes can be used for tables and figures as long as they are legible.

·         Line spacing should be single spaced (one line high):


·         Every paragraph should begin with an indentation by 0.5 cm

·         1. First Stage Subtitle

1.1.Second Stage Subtitle

1.1.1. Third Stage Subtitle  Forth Stage Subtitle

·         The tables, graphics, figures and photographs in the text should be named with successive numbers as well as be mentioned in the text.

·       -Table titles should be placed at the top of the tables while figures, graphics, maps etc. titles should be placed at the bottom.

-In the reference list, line spacing should be arranged according to the following screenshot.
Submission Preparation Checklist
Please be sure that
o Your manuscript has not been previously published or under evaluation elsewhere.
o Your manuscript file is in both Microsoft Word Document and PDF format with the name of “authorlastname_articletitle”.
o You upload Copyright Transfer Form with your signature along with your manuscript.
o While submitting, you write names of 3 arbitrators in the Notes to Editor section. Please do not forget to add arbitrators’ name-surname, affiliation info, and e-mail addresses!

Clickhere to download Author Guidelines