e-ISSN: 2587-1854
Founded: 1986
Cover Image

Ondokuz Mayıs University Review of the Faculty of Divinity (OMUIFD) founded in 1986, aims to publish scientific research articles on religious studies and to share these studies with public. OMUIFD provides articles written by qualified specialists in the area of Religious Studies (Scope: Arts and Humanities/Religion/Islamic Studies & Scope: Social and Behavioral Sciences/ Theology and Ethics). We publish an English title, an abstract (at least 150 words), keywords (at least 5 concepts), and a bibliography prepared in Isnad Citation Style for each article.

e-ISSN: 2587-1854: https://ojs.omu.edu.tr/index.php/ifd/index

OMUIFD is an peer-reviewed academic journal puslished twice a year, in June and December. Article acceptance dates: January 15 - April 1 for the June issue; July 15 - October 1 for the December issue.

OMUIFD uses a double-blind peer-review process and all articles are checked by means of software to confirm they are not published before and to avoid plagiarism.

Abstracted and indexed by

TR Dizin

Religion and Philosophy Collection (EBSCO) (start: 01/01/2011)

Atla Religion Database (ATLA RDB®) (start: 08/01/2019)


Index Islamicus

Academic Search Premier (06/01/2011)

2024 - Issue: 57

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