PSIKIYATRIDE GUNCEL YAKLASIMLAR - CURRENT APPROACHES IN PSYCHIATRY publishes review articles relevant to psychiatry and related sciences (i.e behavioral sciences, psychology, psychopharmacology, neuropsychiatry, neurosciences, psychiatric nursing) both in Turkish and in English. Journal also publishes one research only special issue every year. The journal accepts articles on not only current subjects but also on classical subjects to become an educational source for all psychiatric residents, specialists and related professionals.
The editorial and publication processes of the journal are shaped in accordance with the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), Council of Science Editors (CSE), Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), European Association of Science Editors (EASE) and National Information Standards Organization (NISO). Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar- Current Approaches in Psychiatry has adopted the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing (
The journal is currently published quarterly (four issues on March, June, September, December) comprising one volume per year. The submitted manuscripts will become freely available to all readers in pdf format in its web site ( as soon as they have been accepted after peer review. Accepted articles will immediately appear as a part of the journal issue belonging to that publication period. In addition to standard issues which are composed of only review articles, journal publishes a special issue which includes only research papers.
PSIKIYATRIDE GUNCEL YAKLASIMLAR - CURRENT APPROACHES IN PSYCHIATRY , the Publisher, and the Editors assume no responsibility for the statements in the articles; authors carry the scientific and legal responsibilties of their own articles. The manuscript which is submitted to the journal must not contain previously published material or material under consideration for publication elsewhere. Accepted manuscripts become the property of PSIKIYATRIDE GUNCEL YAKLASIMLAR - CURRENT APPROACHES IN PSYCHIATRY and may not be republished.
The journal does not charge any article processing or submission fees to authors.
Manuscript Evaluation
As a first step, manuscripts received are evaluated with regards to the instructions to authors. The approved articles are delivered to Editorial Board. The Editorial Board evaluates the context of articles and sends them to at least two reviewera in related fields. A final review and a subsequent decision relative to publication will then be made by the editor of PSIKIYATRIDE GUNCEL YAKLASIMLAR - CURRENT APPROACHES IN PSYCHIATRY . The articles which are accepted by the Editorial Board, come in the list of publication and the authors of these articles are informed.The final decision in the review process of all articles is at the discretion of Editor in Chief.
This journal uses double-blind peer review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. To facilitate this, authors need to ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in a way that does not give away their identity.
All manuscripts submitted are checked for plagiarism with Ithenticate software to ensure the originality, and to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts .
Online Submission Correspondence
Articles should be prepared in accordance with ICMJE-Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals. Randomized studies should comply with CONSORT, observational studies should comply with STROBE, studies with diagnostic value should comply with STARD, systematic reviews and meta-analyses should comply with PRISMA, animal experiments should comply with ARRIVE, and non-randomized behavioral and public health studies should comply with TREND guidelines.
Manuscripts should be submitted through Dergipark online submission system. For assistance, please contact us at editor.cap@gmail if necessary. Authors are required to upload the Transfer of Publication Rights Form, Author Contribution Form and ICMJE Potential Conflicts of Interest Form (this form must be completed by all authors) to the online manuscript submission system at the time of initial submission.
For further correspondence and inquiries, please contact us at
Manuscript Language
Manuscripts can be submitted in Turkish or English. Turkish articles should be written in proper Turkish. Turkish articles should be based on the Turkish dictionary of the Turkish Language Association. English articles and English abstracts should be evaluated by a language expert before submission to the journal. If the person who evaluated the article in English is not one of the authors, the name of this person should be mentioned in the Acknowledgement section at the end of the article. Spelling and grammatical errors in the submitted manuscripts have the right to be corrected by our editorial board without compromising the essence of the article.
All manuscripts written either in Turkish or English are welcomed for evaluation. However, if the manuscript is accepted, authors of Turkish manuscripts are requested to send English (or Turkish) version of final accepted manuscripts. For manuscripts from authors of other nations, all Turkish translation services will be provided by journal at no additional cost.
The journal will publish accepted articles both in Turkish and in English in its official websites (, The articles will be available only in English in Dergipark mirror site.
Declaration that the article has not been published elsewhere
Each author must declare that the submitted manuscript, in whole or in part, in print or digital form, has not been previously published elsewhere or is not currently under consideration for publication. This includes symposia, information exchanges, books, invited articles, submissions in electronic format and preliminary papers of any kind, except for abstracts of up to 400 words. If the article contains quotations from previously published articles, the author of the article must obtain written consent from the copyright holder and authors and indicate this in the article. The consent document must be sent to the editorial office together with the article. Studies that have been previously presented orally or as a poster in congresses should be indicated on the title page of the article with the date, name and place of the congress.
Acceptance for Publication
Accepted submissions are queued for publication with the approval of the Editorial Board and published online as soon as possible.
Manuscript Submission
Manuscripts should be submitted through Dergipark online submission system.
These instructions are based in part on recommendations in the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journal [Ann. Intern. Med. 1997; 126:36-47]. Variations from guidelines in this publication reflect the individual style of PSIKIYATRIDE GUNCEL YAKLASIMLAR - CURRENT APPROACHES IN PSYCHIATRY.
The authors should: Submit an electronic version of text (as a MS WORD document),unlabeled and labeled images (as JPEG files). Prepare a copyright transfer form signed by all authors.
Unless otherwise specified, written communication will be carried on with the first author, at all. The intention of having the disposed paper to be published in our Journal as well as the preferred section (research, review, case reports or letter to the editor) should clearly be indicated in the paper.
Each section of the paper should start from a new page with the below given order of sections:
1. Title page, 2. Abstract, 3.Body text, 4.References and 5. Tables and Figures
While the article is submitted online, name and academic title of the authors; postal address, e-mail address, ORCID numbers, phone & fax numbers of the correspondent author and personal acknowledgements should be registered in Dergipark online article system.
However, the cover page that consists author name and affiliations should not be included in the word document of submitted article.
Organize the manuscript as follows:
Title page,
Abstract (for review articles)
No structuring needed
Abstract (for original articles in special issue)
Body text ( for review articles)
Main review text block,
Body text (for original articles in special issue)
Material and Methods
Figure legends, and Tables.
Keep acronyms and abbreviations to a minimum.When an abbreviation is used, define it at first mention and follow with the abbreviation in parentheses.
Categories of Submission
Review Articles
The author(s) is free to design the paper. There is no limitation in the page number in this category. References, figures, and legends follow the guidelines described below.
The Abstract section is needed.
Title Page.
On the title page, include full names of authors, academic or professional affiliations, ORCIDs and complete address with phone, GSM and e-mail address of the corresponding author and disclosure of any commercial or financial involvement. .
The abstract should be provide both in English and in Turkish and should include maximum 300 words. It should describe the essential aspects of the paper. No references should be cited. No abbreviations should be included. Unstructured format should be applied in abstract of reviews.
Three to five keywords should be given underneath the “abstract” and they must be in accordance with National Library of Medicine’s Medical Subjects Subheadings (MeSH). Turkish keywords should be given in accordance with the Turkish Science Terms (TBT) (
Include brief background information on the subject. The gain and aim of this review article to the literature may be described as a last sentence.
Main Review Text Block.
This section should be divided into subsections ito facilitate reading the paper. If tables and graphic material will ease the understanding of the review, include them. In appropriate place, cite figures and graphs.
In a separate section, summarize the major points of the review.
Acknowledgments should appear on a separate page.
References in the text
1. There is no limit on the number of references.
2. Each Section must begin on a separate page.
3. References should be clarified in the text with the name of the author and publication year. There should not be a comma between the name and date.
a. If there are more than two authors, they will be expressed as "(the name of the first author) et al.", but if there are two authors, both of them will be written.
In a study on this subject (Crow 1983)........,
Crow and Syder (1981) reported that ..........,
........ related studies (Synder et al. 1982)........,
....... in one study (Crow and Synder 1981)...........
Williams (2003) also confirmed...
b. If one author published multiple manuscripts in the same year, they should be clarified as (Freud 1915a), (Freud 1915b).
c. If there are more than one references in a certain point, they will be expressed in the same paranthesis seperated from each other with commas in a chronological timeline.
(Crow 1981, Synder 1987) (Williams 1983, Synder et al. 1990)
4. References should be seperately presented at the end of the text in an alphabetical list.
5. Surname(s) and initial(s) of name(s) of the author(s) will be written without commas or dots.
Style and punctuation of references
1. The spelling and punctuation of the references should be in accordance with the specified examples.
2. At the end of the text, the references should be given as a separate list in alphabetical order according to the initials of the first author's surname.
3. The full surname(s) and initial letter(s) of the author(s) should be indicated without a period or comma.
4. If there are more than six authors in a reference, the phrase "et al." should appear after the sixth author. After these, the publication date of the source should be given in parentheses.
5. Journal names should be abbreviated as they appear in the NLM Catalog according to Pub Med. The full name of journals that are not abbreviated in this catalog should be written without abbreviation.
6. If the source is an article, the date should be followed by the full name of the article, the name of the journal in which it was published (abbreviations in the NLM catalog should be used), volume number (if the volume number is not specified, the issue number in parentheses) and page numbers. If the pages of the journal are numbered regularly throughout a volume, the issue number should not be written. If the numbering starts from the beginning of each issue, then the issue number should be written in parentheses after the volume number.
Journal article.
Tunc O, Yucel B, Macit E, Gunal A, Gozubuyuk A, Gul H et al. (2008) Protective efficiacy of taurine against pulmonary edema progression: experimental study. J Cardiothorac Surg, 28:57-59.
Journal article in supplement
Yucel MB (1999) The cost of schizophrenia. Br J Psychiatry, 49(Suppl 2):S85-S89.
Presentations in congress
Ekici G, Altuntas B, Goz H, Caylak H, Sapmaz E, Isik H et al. (2009) Bronkoselin eslik ettigi bronkosel olgusu. V. Turk Gogus Cerrahisi Kongresi, 14-17 Mayis 2009 Kusadasi,Turkiye. Congress Presentation Book pp.93-98.
Presentation in a congress book
Lone FS, Bengtsson M (1982) Enforcement of data protection and security in medical informatics. In MEDINFO92. Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Medical Informatics (Eds KC Lun, PM Degoulet):1561-1565. Sep 16-20 1982, Geneva, Switzerland. North-Holland.
Noback CR, Demarest RJ (1975) The Human Nervous System, 2nd Ed. New York, McGraw-Hill.
For the Translated Book:
Moreno JJ (2001) Acting the Music Within Us: Music Therapy and Psychodrama (Translation Ed. İ Doğaner). Izmir, Atadost Matbaacılık.
Chapter in an Edited book.
Phillips MK, Gain P (1985) Hypertension and stroke. In Hypertension: Pathophysiology and Management, 2nd ed (Eds JH Laragh, BM Brenner):495-498. London, Ran Press.
Dissertations, Thesis
Savas MN (2005) Preoperatif kemoterapi ve Beta Glukan brons anastomozuna etkisi (Masters thesis). Konya, Selcuk University.
URL (Web Page).
Stern M (2000) Radial nerve entrapment. (Accessed 11.12.2005).
Format: Author, if available. Title of page as listed on the site. Address of page (date accessed).
IAn article in electronic format with an article number;
Mary KS (1985) Factors in the emergence of infectious disease. Emerg Infect Dis, 1:e23456.
1. Each table should be given on a separate page. Tables, one for every page, should be included in the file to which the manuscript is submitted.
2. Each table has a short, descriptive title.
3. Tables are numbered in the order cited in the text.
4. Abbreviations are defined as footnotes at the bottom of each table.
5. Tables should not duplicate data given in the text or figures.
Figures and Legends.
1. The complete sets of original figures must be submitted.
2. Legends should be in the present tense (e.g., Illustration shows ...).
3. Subjects' names must not appear on the figures.
4. Labels should contrast well with the background.
5. Images should be uniform in size and magnification.
6. Illustrations should be free of all identifying information relative to the subject and institution.
7. Line drawings should be professional in quality.
8. Written permission for use of all previously published illustrations must be included with submission, and the source should be referenced in the legends.
9. Written permission from any person recognizable in a photo is required.
10. Legends must be double spaced, and figures are numbered in the order cited in the text.
11. Submit color prints only if color is essential in understanding the material presented. Label all pertinent findings.
Research articles (For special issues)
Research articles report substantial and original scientific results within the journal scope. Research articles comprised of abstract, keywords, introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, references and table/figures. The abstract and body text must be structured as explained above. Ethics committee approval and informed consent must be obtained and indicated in research articles.
Title Page
On the title page, include full names of authors, academic or professional affiliations, ORCIDs and complete address with phone, GSM and e-mail address of the corresponding author and disclosure of any commercial or financial involvement.
Abstract and Keywords
Abstract must consist of 300 words and must be structured. Iit should include information about objective, method, results and conclusion of manuscript. “Objective” must explain the main/primary aim of the paper. “Method” must provide data sources, framework of the study, patients/subjects, visits/assessments and primary measures. “Results” must be structured so as to present direct clinical practices and interpret the results. “Conclusion” must provide the conclusions derived from the study.
Three to five keywords should be given underneath the “abstract” and they must be in accordance with National Library of Medicine’s Medical Subjects Subheadings (MeSH).
For abstracts are most distinct parts of an article and take place on the electronic databases, author should be sure that abstract represents the content of the article accurately.
Sections in Body Text
The importance and history of the subject as well as the published studies, hypotheses and the objective of the study should be mentioned in the “Introduction”.
Data sources, hypothesis of the study, patients/subjects, scales, visits/assessments and primary measures, process steps and statistical methods should take place in the “Method” section.
The complete statistics of primary observations should visually be given in appropriately designed tables, graphics and figures, in the “Results” section.
In the “Discussion” section, findings of the study as well as supporting and non-supporting (established hypothesis) observations and results should thoroughly be investigated; compared to the observations and results given in the literature and differences should be explained, if any. Interpretations should be summarized in the last paragraph.
A separate Conclusion section which provides suggestions for future studies along with a brief summary of text should be created.
Individuals who do not meet all the criteria of authorship or who make contributions in some other aspects must be listed in the “Acknowledgements” section.
This section is the same as the one described in Review type manuscripts
Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor may be used to describe in an extremely brief manner either an observation of interest to our readers, an opinion relative to the PSIKIYATRIDE GUNCEL YAKLASIMLAR - CURRENT APPROACHES IN PSYCHIATRY, or constructive observations or criticisms of published material. Letters should be no more than two pages and should be submitted with a brief title. A maximum of four references may be included. Letters are published at the discretion of the journal and are subject to editing.
Case Reports
The journal does not publish case reports.
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